
Chapter 1910 3 Big Guys

Chapter 1910 Three Bosses
In the void, Huangfu Tianxia frowned.

He was silent for a moment.

"Tantai Qingdi, are you going to bet all your hopes on him alone?"

Huangfu Tianxia lowered his voice, and there seemed to be a lot of disapproval in his tone.

"So... you walked towards recovery from extinction without authorization?"

Tantai Qingdi's tone also became very unfriendly, "The gods in the heavens have spirits, and they can spy on the mortal world at any time. Even if there is a human race that can block the Sky Continent, can it really block it completely... Once the outsiders know about us According to the plan, the tidal catastrophe will come immediately!"

"You don't need to say these high-sounding words, the world is vast, and the ages are long... How many people can reach the peak alone?"

Huangfu Tianxia snorted coldly, "Even those who have stepped onto the peak are still submerged in the rolling years. Don't you?"

"I've never seen it before. After several tidal ages, the rise of the human race depends on one person!"


Tantai Qingdi snorted heavily, "I have never seen the rise of the human race, and it was all thanks to one person. But I have seen that every time the era of tides comes, it can support a piece of heaven and earth in the torrent of catastrophe." , there are only a few people. I was like that back then!"

"What's the matter, didn't you die in battle?"

Huangfu Tianxia sneered.

"It don't recognize many things anymore, your way has changed!"

Tantai Qingdi's tone was very bad.

"It's not that I've changed, it's that I didn't agree with it back then, and bet all my bets on one person!"

Huangfu Tianxia looked domineering, not at all like Huangfu Tianxia before.

"Then tell me, who should be bet on. Emperor Jintian or Qin Zheng... Do you really think that the two of them can bear the karma of the entire Tidal Ancestral Land?"

"Or do you think you can afford it? If you really could, you wouldn't be the ghost you are today!"

Emperor Tantai Qing looked down on Huangfu Tianxia very much.

"What's wrong with me... I've gone from illusion to reality! What about you, don't you still have to hide in my Heavenly Dao Palace?"

Huangfu all over the world looked down on Tantai Qingdi even more.

"That's why I don't want to..."

"If I am willing, I can draw my sword today and kill all the people in the sky. But what can I do... Can you and I change the plight of the human race?"

"You are planning to settle down, even if you mix into the Chitian God Clan, you will be able to solve the plight of our human race? Or do you think that with your six reincarnations, you will be able to conquer the heavens forever?!"

Tantai Qingdi's words became more and more fierce, it seemed that Huangfu was not pleasing to the world.

"Well, I think..."

In the palace of hell in Huangfu's world, a voice resounded.


"you shut up!"

Huangfu Tianxia and Tantai Qingdi spoke at the same time.

"Didn't you find out... Changkong Wuming is in the Xieyue God Clan, why don't you... ask him?"

The voice in the palace of hell sounded.

"Ask him why... His brain is broken, so he ran to the backcountry of the Xie Yue God Clan! Now he is hiding in the Xie Clan royal court, like a grandson!"

Tantai Qingdi became emotional.

"Ask, why don't you ask. Take him out and beat him up first, I'm worried that I have no place to get angry!"

Huangfu Tianxia also lost his temper.

"There are gods sitting in the king's court of the evil clan, so you have to go by yourself and leave the six realms behind!"

"What are you afraid of... Lin Huang dares to use tricks to hunt and kill gods. You and I have spanned three tidal ages and still dare not face the gods. If you say this, the ancestors will be ashamed to death!"

Huangfu Tianxia and Tantai Qingdi are in a fight.

"Then let me say one more thing..."

The hell palace sounded again.

"Luo Tianshen, if you have something to say, hurry up and act like a bitch!"

Tantai Qingdi opened his mouth.

"Huangfu Tianxia, ​​who is hiding in your reincarnation palace?"

Luo Tianshen followed up.

Suddenly, Tantai Qingdi frowned.

Huangfu Tianxia also fell silent.

"Huangfu Tianxia... What exactly do you want to do?"

Tantai Qingdi lowered his voice, as if he was really angry, "You won't plant a demon in your Dao heart in this endless years of silence?"

"You know shit!"

Huangfu Tianxia snorted twice, "I have opened the Heavenly Dao Palace and the Hell Palace, and the two worlds of Lin Huang already exist. If you don't believe me, you can go to Lin Huang. You can also let him do what you want. Set foot on the road of confluence of ten thousand paths as soon as possible!"


Tantai Qingdi opened his eyes wide with anger, but he didn't know what to say.

"Wanchuan's return to the sea is not so easy!"

Suddenly, Huangfu Tianxia let out a long sigh, "We were so high-spirited in our lifetime, but it was difficult to hold back the sky. Don't you really understand how difficult it is to reach the summit and suppress the heavens?"

"In the mighty long river of time, how many people have really achieved it? On the list of eternal gods in the Ancestral Chaos Land, which one is not a person who is astonishing in the past, and they...don't they still die in battle?"

"After years of planning, we envisioned an incomparably beautiful future, and created a world-shattering situation... But, that's what we came up with!"

"From ideal to realization, don't you understand the difficulties and dangers involved?"

"Why don't I know that he needs to grow up quickly. Because there is not much time left for the race..."

"Qin Zhenghe is going all over the place, messing up the heavens, allowing the people to breathe temporarily, but how far can he do it?"

"But the more it is at this time, the more you can't be impatient... Otherwise, the tidal catastrophe will come here, can you and I have the ability to protect the human race?"

Huangfu rolled his sleeves all over the world, "If there are more people, we can stand in front of him...and guide him step by step, so that the people can walk more steadily!"

"That idea was proposed by him. It is naturally best for him to take on the task of returning Wanchuan to the sea. But...he is not immortal!"

Huangfu's voice was melancholy, and he looked at Tantai Qingdi and Luo Tianshen, "Do you understand?"


Luo Tianshen answered very simply.

Tantai Qingdi frowned fiercely, "Do you want to use your own blood to fight for him the time to grow?"

"No, it's our blood! Would you like it?"

Huangfu Tianxia laughed.

"I don't want to!"

"Then get out!"

"You think beautiful!"

"If he grows faster, whether it's Shen Cangqiong or us, maybe we don't have to suffer so much!"

Huangfu Tianxia laughed.

"Who is Shen Cangqiong?"

Tantai Qingdi did not remember this name.

"The Lord of Will in the Sky Continent is still alive. I always think that I can become a blockbuster, and I have been dominating the dying world. If I don't give back to Lin Huang, I will just block Lin Huang's sword in the future!"

"You want to use the Six Paths of Reincarnation to imitate life from all realms and block Lin Huang?"

Luo Tianshen didn't understand until this time.

"Before he realized the life of the world, Shen Cangqiong had his inheritance on him, so who would block the sword? Now that Lin Huang has realized it himself, Shen Cangqiong has become the one who blocks the sword!"

"As for me...hehe, even you guys don't know what I want to do, so that means my path can continue!"

(End of this chapter)

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