
Chapter 1912 Burning blood

Chapter 1912 Burning blood

Lin Huang was stunned, and said so much with himself, but this guy didn't understand.

Lin Huang took a deep breath, "I said, do whatever you like, don't worry about my business!"


Huangfu Tianxia let out an oh, "Understood!"

"But I don't care about you, what does it have to do with you, you are more lenient!"

Huangfu Tianxia didn't accept it at all.

Lin Huang's eyes widened, this man was too shameless.

"What he said makes sense, Huangfu Tianxia, ​​you are too lenient!"

Luo Tianshen spoke suddenly.

"you shut up!"

Huangfu Tianxia didn't give Lin Huang Luo Tianshen any face.

"Has he ever seen the collapse of the world, he may have seen the death of the genocide, he may have faced the moment when the gods of the heavens and all races attack and kill together?"

"What he sees is only what he sees!"

Huangfu Tianxia snorted coldly.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, he didn't want to say it a second time, what is the love of Huangfu in the world?

"I've finished talking, I'm leaving!"

Lin Huang's sleeves were rolled up, very free and easy.

"You remember..."

Huangfu Tianxia suddenly raised his voice, "You say face to face, it's not some evil race, nor is it the Blazing God Clan, and it's not all the heavens and ten thousand races! It's the fate of my human race..."

"The battlefield of the human race is within the heavens and the worlds, and it is also outside the heavens and the worlds!"

Lin Huang waved his hand, "It's none of my business to deal with these mysterious things every day without explaining why!"

"Look with your dog eyes wide open, I, Lin Huang, don't need anyone's mercy anymore!"

When the voice fell, Lin Huang had disappeared.


Huangfu Tianxia also shook his head, "Forget it... I'm too lazy to think about it. Tantai Qingdi Luo Tianshen, please be quiet!"

"Stop messing around!"

Emperor Tantai Qing reminded Huangfu to the world.

"none of your business!"

Huangfu Tianxia snorted coldly, and his figure disappeared into the void.


Human Race Lin Huang appeared.

The two Heavenly Venerates died in battle.

The blood shadow gods drink hatred.

Duomai was slaughtered.

The terrifying storm had already swept through the entire Xie Yue God Clan.

Countless strong men of the evil race are in danger.

I'm afraid that the demon who slaughtered the Quartet will appear...

After all, it was a human race with a blood feud.Even though it is only in the Great Emperor Realm, it can kill gods, and its strength is too terrifying.

Now, even if the whole world is temporarily quiet.

But that devil is still among the Xie Yue God Clan.

There are also quite a few hot-blooded strongmen of the evil race who started to walk out of the big city and unite automatically, wanting to defend the dignity of the evil race with their lives.

The entire evil race is completely boiling.

On the top of a mountain of blood, Lin Huang didn't know that the Xieyue God Clan began to violently turmoil... But these are not important.

For him, hunting the blood shadow god is just the beginning.

He hasn't found his divine opportunity yet.

So... the killing will continue.

And in order to kill the blood shadow god, he has already exposed a lot.Coupled with the departure of Tian Shura and the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body, he lost two major reliances.

Even if he could be recalled at any time, Lin Huang didn't want to be so ashamed.

Now that the two are released, it is hoped that they will grow wildly without their own restraint.

And if he wants to resist the gods, he still needs to make preparations.

Looking at the immortal world in his body, Lin Huang patted his head, feeling very headache!


The vast sea of ​​blood.

The depths are pitch black, icy cold, dead silent, and the gates of hell, exuding the breath of endless death.


In the darkness, a pair of blood-colored eyes appeared.

The moment the pupils opened, the creatures in the depths of the sea of ​​blood suddenly turned into dust.


There is more than one such situation.

The mountain collapsed suddenly.

The earth split open into an abyss.

A blood-colored coffin engraved with thousands of moons suddenly flew out of the abyss.

Kuci Kuci's voice resounded in the wild world.

The coffin was gradually opened.

Then...a pale hand suddenly stretched out.Between the grasping of those five fingers, the void with a radius of ten thousand li disappeared in an instant.


"Wugulia, Basihumliduola!"

Suddenly, a majestic and mysterious voice resounded in the ancient land of mountains and rivers.

In the next moment, mountains and rivers dance.

A series of ancient mountains stood up.

It was the body of a mountain with a height of hundreds of thousands of feet.


On the top of the blood mountain, Lin Huang, who was practicing, suddenly woke up.

He looked up at the moon, only to find that the moon in the void seemed much scarlet than before.

Become more and more coquettish.

Lin Huang touched the void with his fingertips, closed his eyes slightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!
...A god is born!

Perhaps, the extinction of the blood shadow god made the evil race see their threat.

And there are quite a few revived gods.

It seems... the evil race is stronger than I thought, there are no less than three people who have only been revived, and there are probably more who have not been revived.

Lin Huang rolled his long sleeves, his breath becoming more and more silent.

In the next moment, above the sky of Fusang God Realm, blood was surging, and a bloody face covering the entire sky appeared, commanding the world.

"Wuligu, Walithi!"

Lin Huang understood the meaning, "Use the power of the whole clan to suppress and kill the owls!"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows. Facing the threat, the evil clan took the threat very seriously, and directly ordered Jiumai and the powerful people in the world to let the lion beat the rabbit and kill Lin Huang.

You know, he is just a little emperor.

The gods have already been born, and they should despise all great emperors... But they are so cautious, so thorough.


The human race in Sky Continent does not have such courage.

Even if the evil race is about to take control of the Sky Continent, the four ancient races are still seeking their own interests, which is pathetic.

Immediately, Lin Huang closed his eyes, and his consciousness continued to extend outward...

He felt that under the order of the gods, the auras of countless strong men suddenly rose to the sky, and many sleeping strong men began to recover.

On the top of the bloody mountain, Lin Huang also got up.

He rolled up his sleeve robe, put on his battle armor, wrapped red satin around his forehead, held the Sha Na Dao in one hand, and the Sun Moon Splendid Dragon Banner in the other.

Before leaving the East Spirit Realm, Xiao Yishan once told him that a gentleman hides his treasures and waits for the time to move them!

But he's been hiding it for too long.

Almost rusty.

If you don't show your sharpness, it will be completely abolished.

His current mental path has come to an end... It is time to follow the will in his heart.

The strong wind is hunting, tearing Lin Huang's clothes.

He has never looked so solemn.

In the eyes, it has never been so blatant and passionate.

In an instant, the blood-colored mountains at the foot of Lin Huang turned into ashes.

"Human Race Forest Desolation!"

"Please fight the evil moon god!"

"Never die!"

In the next moment, Lin Huang turned into light and shadow and swept out.

In a flash... the forest is barren for thousands of miles, and in a flash the edge of the blade is cold out of its sheath.

When the cold blade traversed the void, it was already stained with the blood of the Great Master.

Slash the Evil Venerable with a single strike!

"Huh... a little excited!"

Lin Huang breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head around like a wolf and looked around at the powerful evil clan who was rushing over, feeling the boiling blood in his body, a smile of enjoyment appeared on his face.

"The dog's day is the emperor's world, when did I ask you to block the knife and pave the way! Get out of your mother!"

"My way, I will kill it myself! Even if one person is against the whole family, it doesn't matter, I will still kill them and make them cry!"

(End of this chapter)

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