
Chapter 1913 God reappears, king and hegemony walk together

Chapter 1913 God reappears, king and hegemony walk together

Wind hunting.

The blood cloud was surging.

Lin Huang was wearing a battle flag and holding a moment knife, like a fighting god, killing all directions.

The blood-stained light of the sword was like a spine that traversed the world, and endless mighty power swept across it, overwhelming the great venerables who had been killed from all directions.



In just a few breaths, dozens of Great Seniors rushed to the battlefield and forced Lin Huang to attack back.

In an instant, Lin Huang was besieged from all directions.

However... at this moment, Lin Huang, who had lost the Heavenly Shura and the Heavenly Emperor Dharma Body, did not panic at all.

His expression was serious, his eyebrows were slightly frowned, his brows and eyes were as sharp as sword lights, he slowly raised his palm, and his voice was low:

In the next moment, the aura in Lin Huang's body was like the awakening of a blue dragon, and his whole body glowed with a bloody light.


Lin Huangshuang was stained with blood, and roared out.



The next moment, the void trembled.

A great senior was hit by Lin Huang, his body fell apart, and his head was smashed by Lin Huang's punch.

Lin Huang's body is like a streamer, like a dancer of light between the sky and the earth, his figure spans thousands of miles when he draws his knife.When the blade was swung out for a moment, it traveled across thousands of miles again, beheading the head of a great venerable.


The vast sky and earth are intertwined with blood and storms, as if the entire sky is about to collapse.

And Lin Huang, at this moment, is like an elf passing through blood and fire, criss-crossing the world, fighting and killing great masters.

Rivers of blood fell from the sky, flooding the mountains and valleys.

In the vast sea of ​​thunder and lightning, the whole body of Lin Huang was scarlet, as strange and dazzling as a blood moon above his head.

He stood above the void, his eyes were deep and calm, and he looked at the less than five other great venerables, with a dangerous arc at the corner of his mouth.

"Great he really strong?"

In an instant, Lin Huang burst out again.


Heaven and earth roared.

Kill the God and hold the sword!

The Changping Tianyuan who was still hidden in Lin Huang's body showed his sharpness under Lin Huang's secret tempering.

The sun and moon embroidered dragon flags are flying, and at the end of the spread, there are avenues flowing with blood and shocking murderous aura.

Kill Shinto!

Under the gloomy sky, Lin Huang lives high in the sky, overlooking the world.The killing gods behind him gradually condensed into a majestic killing god phantom.

Like a god.

However... Lin Huang overwhelmed the Great Senior, but more and more Great Senior came to support him.

They formed a four-dimensional trend, staring at the forest waste, and the wind and thunder rolled in between their breaths, forming the momentum of mountains and tsunami, just like eternal black clouds pressing down on the city.

"Changping Tianyuan..."

Lin Huang said in a low voice, "Are you the killing god who slaughtered all living beings, or are you the slaughtered beings!"

"No matter which one it is, it's time to show your fangs. This low sky can't bury your heart that swallows thousands of miles like a tiger!"

Lin Huang was whispering, not like a warrior, but like an actor singing softly.


As soon as his words fell, the killing god phantom behind him suddenly roared.As soon as he raised his hand, thousands of killing souls came out like a tsunami, attacking and killing Sifang Dazun.

In an instant, the sky of millions of miles was lit up again with the smoke of the World-Slaying Beacon.

The sound of slashing.



thunder and lightning.


Thousands of sounds are intertwined, and thousands of images are fused together, making the entire sky as if washed with blood, which is shocking.

And Lin Huang's blood was stained with blue hair, killing back and forth among the great lords.

He is not a god, and he will get hurt.But he didn't care about it, and rushed back and forth, just like the generals when the two armies faced each other when they were young.

It doesn't matter if you die!

There are thousands of troops and horses, how can they stop me from conquering clothes!

Just as the great battle was in full swing, the divine light descended from the sky, the ancient breath descended from the sky, and the coercion that overwhelmed the mortal world came down like a mountain.


In the sky, there was an angry voice.

It was the roar of the gods.

Immediately afterwards, a five-finger mountain descended from the sky, suppressing and killing the gods.

All of a sudden, thousands of killing souls collapsed, and the main body of the killing god blood shadow was damaged, and was hit by two great venerables.

Lin Huang was also restricted in speed.




Five Fingers Divine Mountain descended from the sky, and the mere appearance caused the void to shatter, and there was a sound of sonic boom.

The first god has appeared!
The speed of the five-finger mountain was getting faster and faster, and the aura locked on Lin Huang, making it difficult for him to escape.

Thousands of miles away, in just an instant, he fell into the battlefield, trying to suppress the forest shortage in one fell swoop.


Just when the Five Fingers Mountain was about to fall completely, a pitch-black fist suddenly appeared and bombarded the Five Fingers Mountain.


How can it be unusual for a god to attack.

Wuzhi Shenshan resisted the pitch-black fist and continued to suppress Linhuang.


Immediately afterwards, the second fist appeared, attacking on the mountain.

In the next instant, a crack appeared on Five Fingers Mountain, and it exploded directly.

And in the void, two more figures appeared at the same time.

One is a god of the evil race with a height of hundreds of thousands of feet. His whole body is like a mountain, sitting under the sky, looking down on the mortal world.

A fist is comparable to an ancient city.

Another figure was the owner of the two fists.

He is so tall that he is like an ant in front of the gods of the evil race.He looked up at the sky, he was dressed in a black robe, and his brows were in a look of contempt.

Between flicking sleeves and dusting clothes, there is a tendency to push across the ages.

Even if he looked up at the gods, he still had the arrogance to rule the world and look down on the eternity.

Martial Soul - the way to dominate the world.


Suddenly, behind Lin Huang were two giants, one red and one black.Killing Shinto and Domineering stand vertically, looking down upon the gods.

Lin Huang was floating in the sky and earth, looking at the god who is tentatively called Jushan in front of him, and pointed at the knives in his hand, and the power of the spirit resonated with the sky and the earth:

"Today, if I, Lin Huang, can kill one god, I can kill the second!"

The giant mountain god was extremely straightforward, before Lin Huang could finish his sentence, his figure disintegrated, and 99 magic mountains burning with bloody evil flames appeared in the void, besieging Lin Huang.

The avatar of the god turns into a mountain of 99 great gods.

"Strengthen the mountain..."

The domineering voice resounded through the heavens and the earth, and he lifted up with one hand, shaking the 99 great venerable mountains.

In the next moment, Lin Huang and the Phantom of the God of Killing rushed out at the same time, heading towards the 99 Great Master Mountains.


boom boom boom...

The 99 Dazun Mountains are connected with the same Qi, and although they are separated, they are like one.

Shaking it is like shaking the gods, and even more like shaking a tree with a mayfly.

However, killing the gods without saying a word, just slashing wildly...

And below, the body of the overlord supports 99 mountains of great venerables, although the demeanor is as good as the world, it has an unparalleled posture.Still can't help vomiting blood, arms trembling.

"A dare to stand shoulder to shoulder with a god!"

The spiritual words of the giant mountain gods roared to the sky and the earth, scolding the forest waste.

No matter how rich the means are, they cannot cross the gap between gods!
"Don't you see... the Zhelong has fallen asleep, and its roar moves thousands of mountains!"

Lin Huang's voice resounded through the world, like a person looking back in the long river of time, full of a heavy feeling.

His voice did not fall.

A black dragon intertwined with gold flew out of the body, and in a blink of an eye, the black dragon took shape, wearing a crown, holding an ancient sword, and the black-and-gold-rimmed crown robe flew up.

Martial Soul, Eight Heavenly Dragon Transformation Dao... the kingly way!
The moment the kingly body appeared, the Overlord of the World roared angrily, and directly threw the 99 mountains above his head into the air.

In the next moment, Wang Ba went together and went out on a conquest...

(End of this chapter)

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