
Chapter 1930

Chapter 1930
Looking at the forest waste in the void, whether it is the gods of the human race or the gods of the heavens and all races, there are some strange expressions on their faces.

This is……

What a wonderful flower.

In the face of so many gods, he dared to speak such nonsense.

"Brother, when he was in Nirvana, there must be something wrong with his brain!"

The former female merchant bird god spoke, always feeling that there was something wrong with that guy in the void.However, a small emperor speaks in a tone that is even more arrogant than Lord Qin Zheng.


The middle-aged god who was the head of the human race said, "It's not that he has a problem with his brain, or we all have a problem with our brains!"

"However... if it is true that our brains are faulty, I will be very happy. Because... Emperor Jintian back then was also like him, unusually domineering!"

"If he is a foreign emperor, I will rush forward without hesitation and crush him completely. But he is a member of my human race, so it will be different!"

Then, the middle-aged man turned his head and glanced at the gods of the human race, "Remember, no matter who has a brain problem, he is more important than us. This is the order of Lord Qin Zheng. Even if we all die here, he will Can only die after us!"

The expressions of the other gods suddenly became serious.

On the other side, the gods of all races stared at Lin Huang, and gradually became angry with killing intent.They came here to kill Lin Huang.

Now this son is still so arrogant, it is simply too arrogant.

In the void, Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, seeing that the gods of all races hadn't moved too much, he kept adding firewood without stopping:

"Is this the courage of the gods of all races? Facing a human race ants in the Great Emperor Realm, they are still standing still, heh... so courageous, everyone should go back to drink milk!"

"In order to kill me, Lin Huang, you have traveled thousands of miles to Fusang God Realm, why... are you congratulating my human race?"

"If you don't do it again, I will really enter the fourth Nirvana!"

Lin Huang began to walk towards the fourth lotus of Nirvana.


At this moment, a beam of sword light pierced the sky, killing Lin Huang like light in an instant.


Another bang.

The sword light was intercepted by a spear light.

In front of Lin Huang, the figure of the merchant bird god appeared. She blocked the fatal sword and protected Lin Huang.

And in the next moment, the human gods had already surrounded Lin Huang, and thousands of soldiers pointed directly at the evil gods.

Now that the shot has been made, there is nothing to hide.

More than 30 gods of the ten thousand races suddenly erupted with a terrifying aura, attacking and killing the gods of the human race.

In the center of the gods of the human race, Lin Huang raised his eyebrows as he watched the two sides colliding.

He has seen many big scenes, but the scenes still shocked him incomparably. Between the shots of the gods on both sides, the entire void was silently extinguished.

Fuso God Realm began to tremble and cracks appeared.

The power of thousands of rules traverses the sky and traverses all directions.

More than 20 gods of the human race stopped more than 30 gods of all races.Among them, there are also many gods of all races who want to take the forest waste, but they are all stopped by the gods of the human race.

"Thank you seniors, I will fight side by side with all the gods and lords after the boy passes through the fourth Nirvana!"

Looking at the gods of the human race who were restrained because of him and could only defend passively, Lin Huang didn't feel too much guilt. Instead, he simply walked towards the fourth lotus of God's Sorrow.

Now, it is useless for him to play.

It is more laborious to kill a second-level god, and it is just a drag to join the battle.

Between the heaven and the earth, the lotus of divine sorrow slowly bloomed, and the graceful lotus leaves stretched across the entire sky, and then slowly wrapped the forest in it.

Under the sky, Thousands of thunderbolts shone all over the body of the lotus of God's Sorrow, and began to frantically wipe out the forest.

The fourth nirvana begins!

Outside the Fusang God Realm.

Terran border.

The mountains, rivers and lands that spanned millions of miles were covered by pitch-black banners.

Above the sky, tens of thousands of great emperors soared into the sky.

On top of that, there are hundreds of gods looking down on the world, their breath is connected, and they sit in the sky.

"Hey... I never thought that once I became a god, I would be able to fight like this! Glory will be on me!"

Ji Yaoguang looked at the void in front of him, his eyes turned green.

The black banner that spanned millions of miles was the Great Qin Army of the Human Race.

They walked out of the Wanshi Mountain to guard the border of the human race, resisting the gods of all races from entering the Fusang God Realm through the human race.

"How many years have passed, the human race... is about to ignite a war, and I would like to use my blood to sprinkle mountains and rivers and defend the world!"

A god of the four realms who was full of wind and frost spoke.

He was also young and witnessed the rise of Emperor Jintian and Qin Zheng.He also traveled across the heavens and worlds and suppressed all races.

However, he is not a genius after all.

He can't explore the way forward for the human race, and he can't support the human race like Qin Zheng, but...he is still the young emperor.

His heart has never changed.

Even at this moment, in front of the millions of Qin troops and the thousands of gods of the human race, there are dozens of enemies, but he is not afraid at all.

How dare the mob dare to provoke our human race.

This is his blind confidence in the human race, and it is also the confidence of the entire Great Qin Army in the human race.


At this moment, above the sky, a huge golden list appeared.

All the people raised their heads and looked at the golden list with the characters of Qin on it, their eyes suddenly became hot.

That is the order of Qin Zheng!

Although Lord Qin Zheng has not appeared, but the appearance of the gold list is Qin Zhengxian.

"Great emperors, gods of brilliance! Control our mountains and rivers, guard our common people! Blood will not be shed, death will not stop fighting! Give up your life to the sky, strengthen the soul of our clan!"

"Kill kill kill!"

"Kill kill kill!"

"Kill kill kill!"

For hundreds of millions of miles in the void, the crazy roar of the Great Qin Army resounded, and they turned into dragons with momentum, sweeping across the sky.

Many gods of the human race were shocked by this. They were not soldiers of the Great Qin Dynasty, but they all came here under the edict of the Qin government!Although powerful, he never had the might of the Great Qin Army.

When I saw it today, my heart was shocked, and the blood burst out from the sky, and the fighting spirit boiled.

In the next moment, the million-strong Qin army was like the black dragon of Wanchuan, killing the gods of all races beyond the border of the human race.

Facing an enemy tens of times stronger, they... did not choose to defend, but to attack!

Absolute attack!
The gods of the human race were stupefied, and they dared to... Then, their blood was aroused, and even a group of holy emperors dared to charge on the gods, so what were they afraid of?
"How dare you!"

Ji Yaoguang was also stunned for a moment. Even if the great emperor formed an army, even if he exploded with doubled combat power, he still used his life to fill the lives of the gods.

However, Ji Yaoguang's speed is not slow. His master is the god of Yaotian, and now he is following Qin Zheng's side, so he can't lose face.

When he turned his head, he found that Xia Yihou, the same generation of Seven Nirvana Gods, was silently but murderously transforming into a dragon and rushed to the front, and he even accelerated his speed.

(End of this chapter)

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