
Chapter 1931 There is wine in Qingming, sprinkle on my grave

Chapter 1931 There is wine in Qingming, sprinkle on my grave

In the Taixu world outside the Fusang God Realm, the battle continued like an eternity collapsing.

Hundreds of gods are fighting, which has never been seen for tens of thousands of years.

Even Emperor Jintian and Lin Huang had never caused such a scene.However, it is precisely because of the rise of these two people that the heavens and all races are afraid of the Human Race's Tianjiao.

The starting point of the human race is very low, but the improvement is extremely fast.

After a hundred years of Tianjiao, he can become a god.

And among the heavens and ten thousand races, although there are those who are born gods, their hundred years are only two or three years old than that of the human race.

The gap is huge.

This is one of the reasons why the Ten Thousand Races are so afraid of the Human Race.

Even the Ming clan who stirred up the situation behind them didn't expect that they just spread two pieces of news, which would cause such a big storm.

The gods of all races are heading towards Fusang God Realm one after another.

Above the sky, the gods wept blood, and countless rules intertwined and collided, causing the world to be shattered repeatedly.

This is the battle of the gods.

However, they don't seem to be that strong now, they are wounded and bleeding, and their limbs are broken.

Even below, millions of Qin troops rushed into the sky in formation, daring to hunt and kill the gods.

The scuffle that had not been seen in ten thousand years made many gods behind them tremble with fear.

The human race is not too strong.

But humans are not afraid of death.

Hundreds of holy emperors and the great emperor headed by them rushed directly towards the gods... they couldn't beat them, and immediately blew themselves up.

It's completely risking your life.

There is also the new generation of gods of the human race. They fight across the world without any rules, but they are fierce and reckless.

"The gods have been alive for 8000 years, so lonely and boring. Let's sing a long song today, laughing and giving up the gods!"

Under the sky, a second-level god laughed. He rolled up his sleeves and looked at the three gods who were coming from all around him. His voice was loud and high-spirited:
"I am the same robe of the gods of the human race, today... I will show everyone in Luohantian!"

As soon as the words fell, Luo Hantian let out a long howl, and transformed himself into thousands of rule god chains, temporarily trapping the three gods around him.


Between the sky and the earth, clouds and mists rose up.

A bursting storm swept across all directions.

In the world, there will be no falling cold days!

And he... is just a microcosm on the majestic battlefield.

Facing dozens of times of enemies, what can the human race do?

Only fight to the death.

Ji Yaoguang, who had been out of tune all the time, was also serious at this moment, suffering from three wounds, holding a long gun, and tightly guarding the space behind him.

Behind him was Xia Yihou, whom he had always disliked. The lower half of his body had been cut off, and he was recovering rapidly.

"Xia Yihou, hurry up. I don't want to die here yet, I just became a god! You fucking don't want to die here!"

Ji Yaoguang yelled bloody while resisting the killing god.

Behind him, Xia Yihou remained motionless.

After Ji Yaoguang was stabbed through the chest and abdomen with a knife, the latter suddenly opened his eyes, and then the murderous aura burst out, sweeping up the sky.


The foreign god who stabbed Ji Yaoguang was directly shot and killed by Xia Yihou, and his body exploded.

Xia Yihou looked at the head above the spear point with a cold expression, "Don't shout, the battle between the gods is your desperate situation and your opportunity! If you don't die today, I invite you to drink! There are not many people who can drink with me !"

"I'm so fucking rare?"

Ji Yaoguang was furious, but sat up cross-legged and began to recover, "Give me a few breaths!"


War outside the borders.

The same battle in the world.

In the Fusang God Realm, more than 30 gods from all races began to attack the human race frantically.After all, there is an advantage in numbers. After several times, the human gods can only passively form defensive formations.

They were upset, but they didn't dare to give it a go.

In the center of their large formation, there is still a forest waste.

From the swaying lotus of God's Sorrow, bursts of painful roars sounded, making the human gods feel ashamed while guarding him.

However, Qin Zheng's order is heaven!
"Gentlemen, there is wine in Qingming, sprinkle it on my grave!"

Suddenly, a god broke away from the formation and rushed towards the god of the evil race. His eyes turned red rapidly and his aura surged.


The spirits of the gods of all races resonated and shouted.

However, it's too late...


The three gods of all races were directly killed by the blast.

"Big brother..."

In the large formation of the human race, a god spoke, his expression did not fluctuate much, but his voice contained anger and sadness.


The gods are masters of Taoism, with countless life and death techniques in their hands, but in the end they can only explode themselves in exchange for the greatest damage.

However, the picture is tragic and sad, and the middle-aged god who is the leader of the human race frowned and lowered his voice:

"Next, who will die!"

The middle-aged god's voice was extremely calm, but anyone could feel the anger contained in that calmness.

It's a pity that they are not Qin Zheng, nor Emperor Jintian.

Not those peerless arrogance of the human race.

They can't push through the ages alone, and they can't cross the border to kill the enemy.They can only change their lives one by one, and they can only explode themselves to cause greater casualties.

In the void, no one answered the middle-aged god.


In an instant, two gods left the formation directly. They glanced at each other, but they didn't talk to each other. They just nodded slightly and headed towards their respective chosen directions.

The complexion of the gods of all races changed, and they began to retreat.

They have only heard of the power of the gods of the human race, and the unity of the human race, but they are rarely hostile to the human race.

When I saw it today, I felt a little apprehensive.

Under the heavens and all races, it is extremely difficult for living beings to cultivate and search up and down for hundreds of thousands of years.However...the lunatics of the human race were able to die so calmly.

Thousands of pursuits have become nothing in the mirror.

Too decisive, too ruthless.

"My human race still has God Sixteen, so who will die!"

The middle-aged god lowered his brows, hissing and anger in his voice.

The gods of all races are dumb, they never imagined that it would become such a situation, even though their number is twice that of the human race.

But none of them knew whether they would be the next to die.

For a while, the confrontation scene appeared again in the void.

Only the lotus of God's Sorrow bloomed with a splendid thunder... Gradually, after the thunder light bloomed, the vitality of the lotus of God's Sorrow began to disappear.

The lotus leaves bloom and fall, and then die.

In the lotus platform, the young man in white reappeared.

He has kind eyebrows and kind eyes, with a calm expression, and he rises up like a peerless fairy.

"Lin Huang remembered the kindness of the three seniors!"

Lin Huang scanned the sky with his gaze, and his voice was calm.


Above the void, the fifth lotus of divine sorrow was condensed and began to roar, heading towards Lin Huang.


Lin Huang raised his hand towards the sky, and he directly grabbed the lotus of God's Sorrow.

Afterwards, the lotus of divine sorrow was directly incorporated into Lin Huang's body... despite the unbridled power, it erupted crazily in his body.

Lin Huang clenched his hands into fists, walked out of the void slowly, and looked at the gods of the human race, "Your lords will give up their lives for me! Lin Huang only uses his strength to tell the seniors that the people you guard will not let you down!"

After saying that, Lin Huang's eyes suddenly became fierce, full of murderous aura, he was holding the moment knife in his white clothes, and the four nirvana halos behind him were fully opened, he was not a god but he was better than a god.

"Ghost car god, come to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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