
Chapter 1932 Battle Ghost Vehicle

The clear and clear voice resounded through the sky, like the sound of thunder, shaking in the hearts of every god.

The gods of all races froze slightly, suspecting that they had heard it wrong.

what did they hear?
A Four Nirvana Emperor, what are you talking about?
He wants to challenge a god?
And is it a god of the three realms?
He is crazy.

No matter how strong the Tianjiao of the human race is, he can really ignore the gap in realm.Even Emperor Jintian back then did not do this.

Could it be that he can surpass Emperor Jintian?

For a moment, the eyes of all the gods of the ten thousand races fell on the ghost car god.

Guiche Shenming frowned slightly. He didn't expect this group of guys really wanted to make a move.If he killed Lin Huang, he would have to bear the wrath of the human race alone.

And if you don't make a move...

I'm afraid that these gods of all races will also destroy the entire Xie Yue God Clan.

For a while, the ghost car god was in a dilemma.

In the void, Lin Huang ignored these things.After glancing at the many gods of the Wanzu, he went straight to the ghost car god.

Now, he doesn't have to be afraid of the gods of all races if he provokes troubles.

Because they want to die by themselves, but none of their races can bear the anger of the human race.

If I choose an early bird for them, they will naturally stand on the sidelines.

And the ghost car god, seeing that he had been put on the fire, had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk out.

He looked at Lin Huang, and then at the human gods behind Lin Huang, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

However, Lin Huang didn't give him a chance to suffer.


In an instant, Lin Huang turned into light and headed towards the Ghost Chariot God.His aura was astonishing, like a raging sea, he didn't look like a great emperor at all.

Guiche Shenming pointed and came out, but felt that something was wrong, turned his fingers into palms, and punched again.

One punch carried the profound meaning of the rules of the gods, and it burst into the void in all directions.


But in an instant, Shan Na Dao appeared in the void, and he shattered the storm of the god's punch, pointing directly at the head of the ghost car god.

Ghost Che Shenming's complexion changed slightly, and before Shan Mo Dao approached, a mirror appeared in front of him.


Lin Huang was shocked by Lin Huang who was killed in the mirror.

However, the momentary fight, which seemed to be calm and peaceful, actually made the surrounding gods frown at the same time.

They didn't expect that Lin Huang really had the strength to challenge the gods.

Although some feeling of falling into the wind.

But challenging the gods at the Great Emperor Realm is already an extremely terrifying thing.

"This guy, can't really challenge the ghost car god!"

Tantai Qingdi opened his mouth.

Huangfu Tianxia raised his eyebrows, but did not reply to Guiche Shenming.

In the next moment, Lin Huang raised his sword to the sky, and beams of unrivaled brilliance surrounded his body. The terrifying aura was like a dragon ascending to the sky, which was horrifying.

Gradually, two figures condensed in front of Lin Huang.

It's not the body of the Dao, but still at the point of the incarnation of martial arts.

However, the two figures looked down upon the heaven and the earth, only when their eyes were opened, they seemed to be alive, and killed the ghost car god.

Together, dominate the world!

Together, the heavens will last forever.

Two peerless figures crossed the border, causing the entire void to shatter, and the strong sense of oppression actually made the gods of the second realm here feel oppressed.

Behind, Ghost Car God also frowned tightly, his sleeves fluttered, and a blood moon suddenly appeared in the void.

In the next moment, the blood moon wheel turned and went towards the bodies of the two great martial arts.


In the void, Lin Huang's martial arts body has a spirit, dominating the world to block the blood moon, the heavens stretch across the sky, and continue to go towards the ghost car god.

In the rear, Lin Huang also recharged his energy and rushed towards the Ghost Chariot God.

"Thousand Blood Prison!"

The ghost car god was extremely calm, and as soon as he swung his palm, a blood-colored cage suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth, covering the martial arts figure of the heavens and the sky.

In the next instant, three figures reappeared in the void.

See heaven and earth.

See all beings.

see myself.

This is the true meaning that Lin Huang comprehended when he first broke through to the realm of the great emperor.

At this moment, Sanjian's body is like an ancient demon god, looking down at the world, moving forward with punches and palms, besieging and killing ghosts and chariots.

In the eyes of the ghost car god, there was a trace of anger.

It seems that the opponent is more difficult than he imagined.

However, as he raised his hand, ancient mountains suddenly appeared in all directions, blocking Lin Huang's three-sighted body.

Afterwards, the body of the ghost car god turned into an afterimage, but in an instant, the body of Sanjian was completely crushed and killed.

Although Lin Huang passed through the four nirvana.

But the ghost car god is still the three realms!
He might not crush Lin Huang with one punch like before.However, it won't be too much trouble.

Throughout the ages, there are only a handful of people who can cross borders and kill enemies to this extent.


However, the mountains exuding the rules of the gods, within a few breaths, cracks appeared.

In the next moment, the sword shocked the world and broke Dayue.

Lin Huang's real body reappeared and killed the ghost car god.


The ghost car god opened his mouth, but he didn't expect Lin Huang to break through his defense so quickly. This feeling of facing the enemy made him think that he was facing a second-level god.

Before the ghost car god could finish his sentence, his figure suddenly disappeared.

He jumped into the void and directly avoided the forest waste.

Then, he suddenly fell from the sky and landed on Lin Huang's head.

He was too fast for Lin Huang to react in time.

But under this kick, Lin Huang's head was shattered, and his seven orifices were bleeding.

The gap between the great emperor and the gods of the three realms is insurmountable after all.

In the distance, the expressions of the gods of the human race changed slightly. Sometimes the changes in the battle were only in an instant. Lin Huang was severely injured by the ghost car god at this moment.

However, there was a smile on the face of Huangfu Tianxia in the distance.

"The ghost car god has been tricked!"

Before he could finish his words, something happened suddenly in the void.

Before the ghost chariot god stepped down, Lin Huang's palm had already grabbed the top of his head.

When the kick came down, Lin Huang had caught the ghost chariot god's kick.


Lin Huang roared angrily, his eyes suddenly glowed with black light, and his aura became extremely ferocious and bloodthirsty.

He drew his sword quickly, and the sword dominated the world.

Thousands of miles of void suddenly collapsed.

The endless sword light swept across the entire sky.

In the void, all the gods frowned.

Even though smoke and dust were everywhere in the center of the battlefield, they couldn't stop their divine eyes.

They saw that Lin Huang seized an opportunity and cut the left leg of Ghost Chariot God into pieces with thousands of sword strikes.

Fortunately, the ghost car god has the power of the three realms, and Lin Huang tried his best to annihilate one of the latter's legs.

If the ghost car is only in the second realm, I'm afraid it will be dead.


After all, Lin Huang was blown away by the angry punch of the ghost car god.

In the void, the wound on the ghost car god's crotch was bleeding, like a bloody waterfall hanging in the sky.

He looked at the blood-stained white clothes and Lin Huang, whose seven orifices had been wiped out, and felt extremely angry in his heart.

He actually...


If he was not close to Lin Huang, it would be impossible for him to hurt himself.

But I wanted to make a quick decision, to completely suppress Lin Huang.

This gives the latter a chance.

And... how terrifying is the body of a god, to be injured by mortal power.

The ghost car god was furious, looked at the forest desert in the distance, and with a loud roar, he took the initiative to charge over.

Losing a leg is nothing.

But what he lost was the face of the gods.

He wants to tear Lin Huang's corpse into thousands of pieces!
In the void, Lin Huang's seven orifices were severely injured and hadn't recovered yet, so he could only feel the killing of the ghost car god.


A smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth!

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