
Chapter 1935 White Immortal 1 Sword

Chapter 1935 Sword of the Immortal in White

The sky and the earth are empty, and there are waves again.

Lin Huang's words didn't seem to have that much effect.

Even though, among the gods of all races, many strong ones already understood what Lin Huang meant.

They may indeed be cannon fodder.

The one behind everything who pushed everything hadn't made a move yet.

In other words, he just didn't want to make a move, and played with the powerful people of all races in his hands.


They also understood why Lin Huang said this.

It's nothing more than buying some time for myself and waiting for the strong human race to appear.

Perhaps, the strong human race will appear soon.

In this case, they must start as soon as possible.

Because the emperor suppressed and killed the gods of the three realms, it was very terrifying, no matter whether there were strong people behind them or not.

Can't let Lin Huang rise.

Otherwise, the future will be troublesome.

Emperor Jintian and Qin Zheng have already stirred up the heavens and all races once.

It's not easy to have another Human Race Tianjiao.

For a moment, the gods of all races showed their murderous intentions and began to approach the void battlefield.

And Liu Bayi's expression became more and more serious, and as his eyebrows twitched, the aura of the entire human race's guardian formation began to surge.

War, no matter how inevitable!
Just close your eyes in Lin Huang, and after starting to cross the sixth nirvana, within dozens of breaths, a storm suddenly rises.

The gods of all races charged again.

Liu Bayi looked indifferent, and raised his sword to meet the enemy.

Down below, Luo Tianshen was almost unbearably restless. He had been silent for too long, and he hadn't felt the joy of fighting for a long time.

Huangfu Tianxia glanced at Luo Tianshen, but did not move at all.

"what are you waiting for?"

Tantai Qingdi looked at the world of Huangfu.

"His energy is almost gone..."

Huangfu Tianxia spoke calmly, his eyes fell on Lin Huang, "He killed two Heavenly Venerates, three gods of the first realm, one of the second realm, and one of the third realm!"

"Plus the stolen part of the energy of the fallen gods in the Great War, it's quite a lot!"

"But it's still not enough, I can only support him through the fifth nirvana. Even if he can survive the sixth nirvana, there is not enough energy for him to return to the peak in an instant and meet the seventh lotus of sorrow!"

Tantai Qingdi raised his eyebrows, "Then what are you waiting for if you don't make a move?"

Huangfu Tianxia turned his head and glanced at Tantai Qingdi, "With my current state, if I want to step into the third realm, I also need terrifying energy!"

"Not enough gods have died, I can't do it now!"

Huangfu Tianxia spoke.


Emperor Tantai Qing understood, and there was a hint of sadness in his voice, "The road to Nirvana paved with the blood of the gods!"

"Natural selection, that's how it is!"

Huangfu Tianxia spoke sternly.

In the void, flames of war erupted everywhere.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, the guardian formation of the human race has been smashed by the gods of all races.

For a while, the human camp was in chaos.

Even though Liu Bayi took the lead and stood in front of the gods, the sixteen gods of the entire human race were still divided into four parts and were besieged and killed by the gods of all races.

Above the void, three gods took the opportunity to head towards the forest that was in nirvana.

Liu Bayi turned his head with angry eyes, bursting out with blood in an instant, and ran towards Lin Huang.

He was very decisive and directly started to burn his lifespan.

A loud bang.

Under the siege of the three gods, Lin Huang blazed a trail to approach Lin Huang.

However, before he could react, a hidden god reappeared in the vast void.He appeared suddenly, punched and killed him.


Liu Bayi carried the lotus of sorrow on his back, and was directly repelled for a hundred miles.

In the next moment, the mysterious god who appeared suddenly before caught up with Liu Bayi, and punched out again.

Liu Bayi vomited blood and frowned, looking at the punch, his eyes were full of determination.

five realms.

Unexpectedly, the gods of the five realms had quietly appeared.

With a shock, he threw Lin Huang out, and then took the initiative to punch him to meet the killing move of the strong god.


In the void, there was another loud noise.

Liu Bayi stood proudly in the void... Then that stalwart body fell down like a mountain.

The hidden god Ming Feng smiled coldly.

He crossed the void and grabbed towards Lin Huang.

However, he couldn't move forward even one step, and he couldn't move anymore, only to see the fallen Liu Bayi returning to the battlefield.

He was weeping blood all over his body, and his arms were exposed with white bones, but at this moment, the power of thousands of rules in his palm turned into an ancient god chain, locking the hidden god.

"Although I am only a god of the four realms,... don't underestimate Qin Zheng's personal guards!"

After saying that, Liu Bayi roared, he didn't wait for the hidden god to break free, and rushed towards the latter directly.

In an instant, Liu Bayi's energy and blood flowed backwards, and his murderous energy shocked the world like a dragon.

The originally arrogant expression of the hidden god suddenly became horrified.

It never occurred to him that this human god didn't want to fight with him at all, but would directly explode himself.

The gods of the four realms blew themselves up, at least seriously injuring the five realms.

The hidden god roared, and layers of regular defenses were built around his body to resist the impact of Liu Bayi's self-explosion.

"Ba Yi!"

At this moment, a calm voice suddenly sounded in the void.

Then a giant white jade hand descended from the sky, intercepted Liu Bayi, and at the same time slapped Liu Bayi on the top of his head.

Immediately, Liu Bayi's retrograde Qi and blood returned to normal.

"As an adult's personal guard, if you kill a fifth realm, and even explode yourself, aren't you afraid of losing your honor?"

Before the words fell, a middle-aged immortal in white floated down in the void.

He tapped the void with his toes, and appeared between the hidden god and Liu Bayi, "But you have the courage, it's okay!"

Immediately, the immortal in white turned his head to look at the hidden god, "God of the Seven Goats, I didn't even make a move, so you can't bear it anymore, you are more or less disrespectful of martial arts!"

"Hmph, the demon leader of the human race, you should be punished!"

The hidden god obviously turned into a real body, he looked very much like a fish head, but he had seven horns, which looked somewhat weird.

"who are you?"

The immortal in white raised his hand lightly, intending to catch the lotus of sorrow floating in the distance and bring it back.

However, before the white-clothed immortal could succeed, the seven sheep gods directly cut it off, wanting to save people in his hands, don't even think about it.

"Hey... You must force me to draw the sword!"

The immortal in white looked at the seven sheep gods who had been killed, and the four gods of all races who were already heading towards the lotus of sorrow, and shook his head slightly.

Then, he rolled up his sleeves.

In the sleeve... there is a sword!
The sword energy crosses the sky and the earth.

boom boom boom...

Then, the entire void battlefield was filled with terrifying crackling sounds.

The Seven Rams Battlefield rushed to the white-clothed fairy fiercely, and then his body turned into two petals, actively avoiding the white-clothed fairy.

In the distance, the several great gods heading towards the lotus of sorrow where Lin Huang was located also exploded directly in the void.

One sword, cut five realms!
"Cough cough..."

Liu Bayi vomited blood, looked at the white-clothed immortal in front of him, "What are you pretending to be, why don't you take him away!"

"He needs energy, so he can't run!"

The white-clothed immortal shook his head, and he glanced at Liu Bayi indifferently, "Killing a seven-goat god, the sixth nirvana shouldn't be a problem!"

"Kill all the alien gods here, it should be enough for him to hit Seven Nirvana!"

(End of this chapter)

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