
Chapter 1936: Twin Spiders Appear

Chapter 1936: Twin Spiders Appear

In the void, as soon as Pei Qingxuan's words fell, the gods retreated instead of advancing, looking at the latter cautiously.

Naturally, they had heard of the name Pei Sanjian more or less.

However, today he swung his fourth sword.

Now that there is a fourth sword, will there be a fifth sword, a sixth sword...

The gods dare not gamble.

After all, the Dazang god was now cut into a stick by the latter's sword.There is nothing terrible about death, what is terrible is the loss of a third leg.

"What are you afraid of? He has passed four swords, his body must be exhausted, and his meridians will be damaged. If he doesn't kill now, when will he wait?"

Dazang God roared and scolded a group of weak gods.

Pei Qingxuan smiled slightly, "It seems that you are still very strong, then take another blow from me!"

As he spoke, Pei Qingxuan stroked the long sword, his eyes suddenly became sharp.

There were four blood-colored waterfalls hanging on Da Zang's body, and he took a few steps back vigilantly.

"Sure enough, he is a vicious guy!"

Pei Qingxuan laughed and gave up drawing the sword.

Then, he turned his head and looked at Liu Bayi, "If you want to support me, support me seriously, I can hardly stand still! By the way, what should I say next, so I can delay time!"

"Say what you have cursed from beginning to end!"

Liu Bayi approached Pei Qingxuan and spoke seriously.

However, even if Pei Qingxuan said so, the gods still did not act rashly.

After all, among the heavens and all races, the human race is recognized as scheming.


Pei Qingxuan then spat out another mouthful of blood.

"A bunch of idiots, I'm vomiting blood, why don't you make a move? I really can't kill you anymore. Wouldn't it be beautiful to make a move now and take my five-level head?"

Pei Qingxuan vomited blood and laughed.

However, even though there was a commotion among the gods, they still didn't make a move.

"No fun!"

Pei Qingxuan shook his head, "Since you won't make a move, I'll just wait here. After this immortal recovers, you won't have a chance to make a move!"

With that said, Pei Qingxuan didn't procrastinate, just sat up cross-legged in the air, and began to recover with his eyes closed.

Liu Bayi at the side remained motionless, as if protecting Pei Qingxuan again.

But the gods far away in the void are still hesitating and thinking.

The golden giant Dazang started a new round of lobbying, "If you don't make a move now, what are you waiting for? Kill him, and the human race will have no strong man in charge at this moment. Do you really want to wait for that kid to break through the sixth Nirvana?"

The gods turned their heads and glanced at Dazang God with disdain.

You are so strong and determined, why don't you go up and kill Pei Qingxuan yourself.


Forget, this lump of gold is now a stick.


In an instant.

A second-level god was kicked out by other gods, and rushed towards Pei Qingxuan.

Liu Bayi punched out.


The gods of the second realm didn't test out the depth of Pei Qingxuan, but they were shattered by Liu Bayi.

"A mere second realm, worthy of a shot?"

Liu Bayi snorted coldly.

In the void, the gods of all races were not too surprised, but opened their distance.

After all, none of them wanted to be that second-level god and be used as cannon fodder by other powerful people.

"Human race... Pei Sanjian, not bad!"

However, at this moment, an extremely loud voice resounded in the void.

The voice penetrated from outside the domain, and it had a very ancient aura, which shook the spirits of all the gods in the void.

They haven't seen it, but they have already perceived it from the sound.

Those who speak are at least five-realm powerhouses.

Just between breaths, a vortex appeared above the sky.As the wind whistled and whirled, a figure slowly descended from the sky.


Not a figure.

But two!

One is black and the other is white, they look somewhat similar... just like humans looking at two tabby cats, except for the clothes, they can't tell the difference.

"That is……"

Looking at the two figures descending from the sky, some gods were puzzled.

"Meet Master Twin Spiders!"

Suddenly, a god spoke, recognized the origin of the two, and shouted respectfully.All of a sudden, the gods of all races began to salute.

"Ahem... I didn't expect two spiders to come. What about his mother... This kid is really going to kill me!"

Pei Qingxuan coughed, and with his slender and fair fingers, he stroked the long sword that had been with him for several years.

"Pei Qingxuan, you are very good. You are able to practice the fourth sword. I am afraid that you can defeat the gods of the sixth realm. It is a have already released the fourth sword, and the profound energy in your body is like a river. It is powerless to make a move!"

The white-clothed female spider spoke with a gentle voice, but she smiled like a snake and a scorpion. There were thousands of spider threads circling around her body as she spoke, like the rules of the avenue.

"God Baisha... You have caught this immortal!"

Pei Qingxuan said with a smile, and he stood up with force, "But you ugly woman, even if you call your own six-level dog man, you can't beat me as an immortal!"

As he said that, Pei Qingxuan pushed Liu Bayi away, "If I die in battle, I must carry on with this kid. My father said that one day, he will walk side by side with adults!"

Liu Bayi frowned.

Pei Qingxuan's father...

That is one of the four emperors of the Great Qin Dynasty, the pro-guard army of the Qin Zheng pro-guard army.

"It seems that you are ready to die!"

Liu Bayi didn't have time to be sad, he was very calm and rational, after you die... I will find inheritance for you.

Pei Qingxuan smiled, his expression was bright, his brows were raised, and he no longer suppressed his injuries. The Qi and blood all over his body were retrograde, and his body cracked in many places, and his white clothes were instantly stained red with blood.

His black hair fluttered, dragging his bloody clothes and holding a sword, stepping into the void step by step, standing side by side with the black and white spiders, "This immortal cultivated neither three swords nor four swords...but nine swords in this life. But three swords will be consumed It's just my vitality!"

Pei Qingxuan pulled out his long sword, and the smile on his face became brighter and brighter, showing the vigor of a young man, "However, without vitality, I still have blood, Dao Yun, and the pride of the human race!"

After all, in the eternal void, the vast sword energy suddenly rises, as vast as the sea, and as majestic as the sky.

Pei Qingxuan's bloody clothes rustled, pointed at the black and white spiders with his sword, and laughed heartily, "Come and fight!"

Before the words fell, Pei Qingxuan wore a surging sea of ​​swords, ran over the void, and ran towards the fifth-level white spider and the sixth-level black spider.





In an instant, the black and white spiders shot at the same time, condensing the spider webs in the void according to the rules of the Dao, wiping away Pei Qingxuan's sea of ​​swords.

"This immortal uses his sword today, and you will die!"

Pei Qingxuan vomited blood and roared loudly. He no longer had the spirit of a fairy, only heroism and arrogance remained.He burned his lifespan, retrograde his blood, swayed his Dao Yun, and unleashed the strongest sword in his life.

The sea of ​​swords crosses the border, and thousands of spider webs are vulnerable to a blow like a broken windshield.

The complexion of the black and white twin spiders changed, and thousands of spider silks intertwined into cocoons to protect themselves, and then the black and white spider webs overlapped, turning into cages according to the rules of heaven and earth, and suppressed towards Pei Qingxuan.

"My sword is out, invincible!"

Pei Qingxuan laughed.

In the void, the sword qi is unparalleled, cutting across the blue sky.

Crossing the sea of ​​swords, he crushed thousands of spider webs with a destructive attitude, pointed directly at the cocoon, and then completely submerged it.


The next moment, Pei Qingxuan fell from the sky in a coma.

(End of this chapter)

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