
Chapter 1938 Invincible Huangfu

Chapter 1938 Invincible Huangfu
Between heaven and earth, when Huangfu's words fell, his whole body suddenly glowed with brilliance.

A terrifying coercion, like an ancient prehistoric power, swept out from the body, and immediately turned into a majestic coercion, defying the world.

In Huangfu Tianxia's body, Tantai Qingdi and Luo Tianshen felt the aura coming out of the Heavenly Dao Palace, and their expressions changed immediately.

This is a breath that makes them familiar.

Even though they are the giant pillars of the Tidal War, at this moment, even they feel the strong oppression.

Until Huangfu Tianxia's body, the figure completely walked out of Tiandao Palace, Tantai Qingdi and Luo Tianshen also thoroughly confirmed it.

It never occurred to him that... his obsession could not be extinguished.


Immediately, Tantai Qingdi and Luo Tianshen saluted that person.

The man only glanced back, his voice was calm but full of strength, as if as long as he opened his mouth, it would be the most exciting words:

"Masters, fight to the death with me!"

Before the man could finish speaking, Wei An's figure collapsed and turned into a source of power for Huangfu.

How dare Tantai Qingdi and Luo Tianshen fall behind, they also quickly turned into sources of strength.

In an instant, Huangfu became one of the three gods in the world.

At this moment, Huangfu's body was covered with the sun's rays, which was too dazzling, and the majestic coercion that poured out had already attracted the attention of the gods of all races.

However, they immediately scoffed.

After all, it was only the gods of the three realms, but it was nothing more than thunder and rain.

Huangfu Tianxia smiled slightly, his sleeves were rolled up, and the six samsaras in his body were spinning...In an instant, the phantom of the black and white twin spiders that had been killed earlier emerged and turned into pure energy. Move the realm of Huangfu's world.

Just a few breaths...

Huangfu world, come to the peak of the three realms!
"It still doesn't make sense, but it's almost the same!"

Huangfu Tiantian looked calm, his eyes looked at his hands, but he showed a nostalgic expression, as if...

Get back the feeling of the year.

In an instant, Huangfu Tianxia waved his hand, and a spear appeared in his palm.

A phantom spear.


The phantom spear seems to have a spirit.

It is whining.

It is also rejoicing.

It's vibrating.

It seems lonely.

It seemed excited again.

"Daliang Longhuang... Several tidal ages are gone, do you still remember me?"

Huangfu Tianxia said sadly, "Don't worry, one day... I will let you return for real, and let you regain your former style!"

"Now, return to your fighting spirit, follow the god... to fight!"

Before the words were finished, Huangfu's world flashed in the sky.


In the void, a place burst and collapsed suddenly.

A human god was full of bewilderment. He looked at his complete body with astonishment.Just now, three gods from all races came to kill him.

I was ready to blew myself up, why was I still alive.

When he came back to his senses for a while, he only found a figure from behind in front of him.

The black hair rustled.

Wearing golden armor.

He holds an illusory dragon and phoenix spear, his back is lonely and determined.

He is no more than a god of the three realms.

However, it gave this human god a sense of stalwart.For a moment...he seemed to see Qin Zheng's attitude.

But at this moment, there is still blood dripping under the phantom spearhead.

The human god was shocked...

what's the situation.

The gods of the three realms killed one of the four realms and two of the three realms in an instant, saving him from danger.

This is my human god?
How come I have never seen it before?

The human god was full of surprise, but the figure in front of him had already moved...

He was extremely fast, jumping and flashing in the void, waving the spear in his hand endlessly, with the posture of pushing all directions.

Seeing the fighting posture of the figure, the god of the human race gradually widened his eyes, and finally his face was full of disbelief.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

He saw a god of the three realms holding a long spear, killing six gods instantly in less than three breaths in the vertical and horizontal void battlefield.

Among them are two gods of the four realms!
This... Damn?

Instantly kill the four realms?

Who the hell is so fierce?
Even if there are countless human arrogances, there are still those who can cross borders to kill enemies, but it is possible to do so simply, only Emperor Jin and his ilk.

This lord...

The human god was stunned.

However, the killings in Huangfu's world in the void are endless.

He doesn't have any fancy moves.

Just one shot at a time...

However, those ordinary shots seemed to contain the power of incomparably ancient rules, which actually made those gods of the three realms and four realms not have much resistance.

Huangfu's slaughter in the world was too fast.

In just a few dozen breaths, eleven of the gods of all races in the void have already fallen.

And as the gods fell one after another, the Wanzu side finally discovered the clues.They quickly left the battle and gathered together to see who the strong human race that suddenly came out was.

However, Huangfu's world has not stopped.

He shuttled through the void, and glanced back at the gods of the human race, "Follow me!"

His voice was not very loud.

But it clearly fell into the ears of every god in the human race.

The sound is also very calm.

But it made the gods of the race feel an inexplicable sense of excitement, which seemed worth following.Just like they saw Qin Zheng and Emperor Jintian.

A look, a word, or a movement can make people's blood boil.

On the void battlefield, there are still more than 20 gods of all races left.

They gathered in one place, exuding a terrifying atmosphere.

However, Huangfu Tianxia is not afraid at this moment. He is at the forefront of the human camp, charging towards more than 30 gods like a lone army.

In an instant, more than 30 gods from all races shot towards Qin Zheng.

Among them, there are even several gods of the Five Realms.

The power of their shots at the same time can tear the sky and the earth, and can fight the gods of the six realms.

However, Huangfu is still not afraid of the storm of rules that is killing all over the sky.Instead, his eyes were burning with the flames of battle:
"It's been a long time, and I don't have the blood-boiling feeling back then!"


Huangfu roared furiously, and in an instant, the spear in his hand turned into a dragon and phoenix, sweeping across the void and heading towards the regular storm.

Huangfu Tianxia's body shook, and the six paths of reincarnation opened up behind him, and the power of the six completely different worlds flew out, continuing to resist the power of rules.

"Blue Emperor Blossom!"

Huangfu Tianxia opened his mouth, he held a peach blossom, and slashed towards the regular storm.

That was Tantai Qingdi's method.


Huangfu made seals with his hands, and in an instant, the sky cracked open, and a figure in golden clothes descended from the sky, rushing directly into the regular storm with great impunity.


Huangfu Tianxia spoke again, but there was no power manifesting around him.

However, the regular storm that gathered more than 20 gods surged violently at this moment, as if it was bearing the impact of the tide.


But four breaths...

The storm of rules suddenly burst, and was broken by Huangfu's four birth and death techniques.

For a time, more than 20 gods from all races retreated.

The human gods who charged from behind were dumbfounded.

Damn... damn it!
what's the situation.

One person resisted the attacks of more than 20 gods.

And it is a god of the three realms.

When did our human race produce such a peerless arrogance, comparable to Emperor Jintian... No, such a method can simply overwhelm Emperor Jintian.

(End of this chapter)

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