
Chapter 1939 Chaos

Chapter 1939 Chaos
In the heaven and earth, the gods shook.

Looking at the figure in front of him, he had a thought that it was difficult to cross the mountain.

There are only two names in my mind.

Ember Emperor.

Qin Zheng.

All the heavens and all races, the names of these two people are too dazzling, and it is said that they are the pride of the world, and they can easily conquer the realm.


None of them have ever actually played against these two men.

Because, almost all the enemies who fought against Emperor Jintian and Qin Zheng died.

They can only estimate the demeanor of Emperor Jintian and Qin Zheng from the legends.

But now...

They seemed to see it.

One person against the joint attack of more than 20 gods, shattering the storm of rules... This is just a god at the peak of the three realms.

He is terrible!
Perhaps, it is even more terrifying than that Lin Huang hiding in the lotus of God's Sorrow.

That forest waste, but has potential.

But the god of the three realms in front of him is gradually becoming powerful.As long as he takes a step forward, he may be able to reverse the six realms.

If he stepped into the fifth or sixth realm, he might be the giant pillar of the human race.

His threat is greater than Lin Huang.

For a moment, the gods of all races were murderous, and they must not let the races have such a potential threat.He must die here.

However, behind Huangfu Tianxia, ​​the gods of the human race rushed past and rushed towards them.

Huangfu Tianxia's expression was still calm, so calm that it was a little heartless.

The beam dragon and phoenix in his hand let out a mournful sound...

In an instant.

Huangfu Tianxia burst out again.

No one could have imagined.

In the battle of a group of gods of the three realms, it turned out that a god of the three realms changed the situation of the battle, and the situation of unilateral massacre gradually appeared.

Even the gods of the human race didn't know when such a terrifying existence appeared.

Could it be that Lord Qin Zheng or Lord Hongtian Xuezang's peerless arrogance wants to recreate the myth?
Wars broke out everywhere, and the sky was full of blood.

Some gods howled and fell into the sky.

The blood waterfall hangs down in the sky.

Countless gods and dao aggregates collapsed, causing turmoil in space and time.


The instigator is still developing.

The lotus leaves of the sixth lotus of God's Sorrow did not disperse after all, and Lin Huang did not walk out of the lotus platform!
Because, he knows deeply.

The most important thing for him now is not to fight.

But a breakthrough.

Only on the road of the great emperor's Nirvana, the farther you go, can you be worthy of the fallen human gods here.

He looked up at the sky, his eyes filled with determination.

In the next moment, he stepped on the unbroken lotus platform and walked towards the seventh lotus of sorrow.

The first five lotuses of sorrow are not scary.

This is what he should get through.

The sixth lotus of sorrow is a huge threat, because he lacks energy recovery, even if he passes it, he will not be able to meet the seventh lotus of sorrow.

and so……

Pei Qingxuan made a move.

Therefore, Huangfu Tianxia also made a move.

They are not only protecting themselves, but also helping themselves and accumulating more energy.

And when it came to the seventh lotus of sorrow, he knew...

The road ahead will be different again.

Moreover, he has already felt the breath of the seventh lotus of sorrow.

The first six lotuses of divine sorrow will be accompanied by rebirth and return in the midst of catastrophe and destruction.

Therefore, when the lotus leaves withered, he returned from Nirvana, returned to the peak, and went one step further.

Now, he looked at the seventh lotus of sorrow, which made him feel the death of his soul.

He knew that starting from the seventh lotus of sorrow, there would be no more life, some... just destruction!
He's going to take this step after all.

So Lin Huang went to the seventh lotus of God's Sorrow very simply and resolutely.


The sky and the earth were suddenly filled with thunder.

The terrifying blood-black arc directly killed a second-level god.

The void battlefield suddenly came to a standstill.

Previously... God's sorrow and thunder seemed not to be a thing of this world. The thunder was powerful and would not take the initiative to attack indiscriminately.

The gods shot, but they couldn't do anything about it.

And now...

It began to really show its power. As soon as it made a move, a thunderbolt instantly killed the gods of the second realm.

In the void, Huangfu Tiantian turned his head, glanced around, snorted coldly, then turned his head and continued to slash.

This generation of humans can't do it.

Such a good opportunity, what show to watch.

Cutting melons and vegetables is the right way.

In the next moment, the gods of the human race and the ten thousand races reacted and continued to fight, but Huangfu Tianxia had already killed two more gods.

The sky is gloomy, and that lotus of sorrow, like the source of the destruction of the world, is full of strangeness and solitude.

Thousands of thunder and lightning dance wildly.

Lin Huang who entered it hissed and roared, his whole body was broken...

And below, the gods are fighting, bloodshed from all directions.

"The gods of the three realms are fighting against the five realms. You can stand shoulder to shoulder with Emperor Jintian Qin Zheng, but after all, it is too presumptuous!"

At this moment, the void began to shatter again.

There are powerful gods tearing apart the heavens and the earth, appearing in the void here.He flashed down, looking down at the world of Huangfu who was fighting in all directions.

Although Tianjiao is strong, he is not absolutely strong.

No matter how strong the three realms are, it is possible to fight against the six realms?

He happened to be the six-level god.

The mysterious comer spread his palms, as if the sky was in his palms.With a slight force, he has the power of thousands of rules, and he is heading towards the world of Huangfu.

On the battlefield below, Huangfu frowned.

The girder dragon and phoenix in his hand erupted into a brilliant splendor, leading Huangfu Tianxia, ​​toward the gods of the six realms without retreating but advancing.


outside the big world.

The battle is even more tragic.

In the vast void, there are hundreds of corpses of gods lying across, and the surging blood forms rivers in the void, converging into seas of blood.

The human race is bloodied.

Millions of Qin troops lost more than [-] troops!

Nearly one-tenth of the gods of the human race participated in the war fell.

Although, there are more enemies who die in front of them.But the human race is only one race, and there are ten thousand races in every race... There are too many gods, and they are still coming in a steady stream.

In the dark night, Ji Yaoguang's face was covered with blood, and dozens of wounds appeared on his body. He barely stood up with a gun in his hand, with Xia Yihou on his back!
The battle fell into a brief lull.

Because there are two gods of the seven realms participating in the battle.

The human race, the god of the Cangshan Mountain in the seven realms of the human race!
He arrived at the battlefield first, like a god descending to earth, tearing through Taixu with a single sword, condensing a terrifying abyss of heaven, dividing the human race and the ten thousand races.

Before he could make another move, a seven-level god from the Golden God Clan suddenly appeared to confront him.

The short silence was due to the appearance of the two powerful gods.

But after the silence, there was even crazier fighting and fighting.

The human race vowed to die.

The gods of all races poured in continuously.

The entire Taixu world has completely become an Asura battlefield.


dong dong.



In the less than half a quarter of an hour of the battle, in the vast void, the sound of void rupture suddenly resounded.

It was a very rhythmic weirdness.

It seems to carry some kind of magical power, ringing in the hearts of every god, making them feel a sense of horror involuntarily.

The God of Cangshan turned around suddenly with a sword, looked at the source of the strange sound, and was surprised...

(End of this chapter)

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