
Chapter 1940

Chapter 1940 Eighteen Horsemen of the Great Qin Dynasty


dong dong.


Between the Taixu heaven and the earth, there are endless strange voices.

Let many gods stand on end.

It seems that there is a terrible existence.

The human gods also turned their heads one after another, looking at the place the Cangshan God was looking at.

I saw that there was a darkness invading Taixu.

Submerged the mighty world.

"This is……"

Some gods were shocked, and there was a trace of fear in the voice, "Is this the invasion of darkness?"

The god spoke out the fear in his heart.

Breaking ground in darkness...been expelled from the Mountain of Ten Thousand Years for a long time.

Could it be that they are going to take this opportunity to restore and invade the human race?

The gods of the human race dare not imagine.

However, just when the gods were suspicious, pairs of blood-red eyes appeared in the invading darkness.

With majestic head horns, it emerges from the darkness.

The gods of all races were shocked.

They were still overjoyed at first, but at this time, there is an invasion of darkness, and the human race is bound to suffer catastrophe.

But turning around, they felt something was wrong.

The ferocious horns of the head seem to be...

It seems to be an ancient wild dragon!
...the ancient wild dragon.

That is an extremely ancient creature, and it is a rare existence among the heavens and all races.

This ancient wild dragon has been brilliant for several ages.

Later, it became the mount of the gods, and its glory fell.

And among all the heavens and ten thousand races, the only one that rides the Primordial Desolate Dragon is... that team.

The huge dragon head burst out from the darkness.

A pitch-black flag also appeared.

Black background with black stripes.

There are Qin characters on it!

"Yes Yes……"

Some human gods stuttered, as if they were shocked and speechless.

"It's the Great Qin Eighteen Cavalry!"

Qin Zheng of the human race has four personal guards, they are extremely mysterious, and have accompanied the latter into the dark ground many times.

Under the personal guards, there is a personal guard camp.

He followed Qin Zheng many times in the battle and charged into battle, beheading generals and capturing the flag.

And besides that...

There are eighteen rides.

Before that, Eighteen Riders was just a legend.

Because even the gods of the human race have never seen the Great Qin Eighteen Banners.

Although there are 18 of them, they are even more mysterious than the four personal guards.

According to legend, their realm is not weaker than that of Qin Zheng.It is the last line of defense of the Great Qin Army.

There are also legends that 3000 years ago, the Baiyue God Clan was destroyed overnight by the Eighteen Horsemen of the Great Qin Dynasty.

However, these are legends.

The human race themselves don't know whether there are really Eighteen Banners of the Great Qin Dynasty.

But now...

When they saw the Primordial Desolate Dragon and the Great Banner with the characters of Qin, they had already confirmed it infinitely in their hearts.

Great Qin Eighteen Riders!
This world! !

Suddenly, there was an ancient wild dragon roaring, roaring Taixu.

In an instant, eighteen wild dragons rushed into Taixu from the darkness, heading towards the gods of all races.

On the back of each wild dragon, there is a figure in black armor, black helmet and black cloak. They hold pitch-black spears and look proud.

They seem to have completely merged into the darkness.

From darkness to light again.

The Great Qin Eighteen Cavalry appeared, and without the slightest hesitation, they rushed directly to the battle of the Ten Thousand Races.

Below Taixu, Ji Yaoguang's eyes widened, and there was an inconceivable look in them.

be nice...

Among the Eighteen Horsemen of the Great Qin Dynasty, there were actually twelve six-level gods.

The remaining six are from the Seven Realms!
Every one of them, let alone among the heavens and all races, is a strong man who sits in one side.But they were willing to become one of the eighteen riders.

While Ji Yaoguang was still sighing, the human gods almost dropped their jaws in shock.

Lord Qin Zheng, you are really my human treasure.

It was so silent, it really formed such a terrifying existence.

In an instant, the Eighteen Horsemen of the Great Qin Dynasty were like eighteen steel torrents, crossing into the camp of ten thousand races.Directly use a strong posture to crush the crossing!

What gods of all races.

What a strong man.

The Eighteen Cavalry of the Great Qin Dynasty, with the Six Great and Seven Realms as the front and the Twelve Great and Six Realms as the spear, condensed into the Taixu killing formation of the adult clan, and directly started the massacre.

At this moment, the God of Cangshan felt himself dimmed.

He was no longer dazzling, and was robbed of the limelight by the Great Qin Shibaqi.He directly gave up on the strong man of the Golden Protoss, and followed behind Shibaqi, wanting to blend into the formation and kill the enemy together.

The black cavalry headed by the eighteen cavalry just glanced coldly at the God of Cangshan.

The God of Cangshan immediately and consciously withdrew from the Taixu killing formation.

He knew that he might not be able to keep up with the rhythm of these eighteen people.

What a fucking embarrassment, I was looked down upon by a group of six-level gods.

But think about it or forget it...

These are all my human babies.


Why did he feel that the eyes of the Eighteenth Cavalry were so strange, it reminded him of his little brat who died in battle.

When the eighteen knights appeared, the entire Void Battlefield turned out to be one-sided for a short time.

The gods of the seven realms are extremely powerful existences.

Coupled with the superimposed power of the six great and seven realms, and the formation of eighteen cavalry, facing the gods of all races, it is completely like a wolf joining a herd.

The gods of all races fled one after another, and they could only hope that some strong men from all races would come to kill them.

And as the Eighteen Horsemen of the Great Qin Dynasty opened the way, the gods of the human race also rushed to the camp of ten thousand races with enthusiasm.

With Xia Yihou on his back, Ji Yaoguang limped into the battlefield as if he had been spattered with chicken blood.

Boundless and empty, once again caught in a frenzied fight.

The Shura battlefield became more and more bloody.

However, when the eighteen cavalry charged seven times and completely cut the army of all races, they stopped.

The black cavalry headed by the eighteen cavalry turned around and said, "My lord Qin Zheng ordered that those who enter the gods within a hundred years should immediately go to the Fusang God Realm to watch the desolate emperor and enshrine the gods!"

"Gods above the five realms, immediately go to Fusang God Realm, and protect our human race's pride!"

"Great Qin Army, fight to the death! After a quarter of an hour, if the ten thousand races don't retreat, unseal the dark abyss, and let the dark invade this border!"


After saying that, the Eighteen Riders tore apart Taixu and headed towards the Fusang God Realm.

The human gods froze for a moment.

Then a group of gods withdrew directly from the battlefield and rushed to the Fusang God Realm.The Great Qin Army was left behind, defending the rivers and mountains to the death.

And the gods of all races were also embarrassed.

Why did you withdraw all of a sudden?

All of a sudden, the gods of all races made a decision, and some of them headed towards the Fusang God Realm.Because, they went for this, but they were stopped by the human race halfway.

There are also some gods who have spotted the fat of the 80 Great Qin Army and want to harvest it here.

For a while, the battle situation changed again.


The real battle is no longer here.

"Since this is the case, why stop the gods of all races at the border, and directly fight in Fusang God Realm?"

While rushing to Fusang God Realm, Ji Yaoguang asked in doubt, then he shook his shoulders, "Wake up, talk to me!"

"Because we need to delay!"

Xia Yihou reluctantly opened his mouth. At this moment, he had already fallen into the Great Emperor, and his expression was weak, "It must be the Qin Zheng masters who were stopped and needed to stop the powerful people of all races to delay them! Otherwise, the Eighteen Horsemen of the Great Qin Dynasty would not appear easily. The six great and seven realms are at least a part of the heritage of the human race, how can they appear so easily!"

"The withdrawal of troops now means that Mr. Qin Zheng is out of trouble or is about to get out of trouble! Do you have any brains?"

Xia Yihou forced himself to scold Ji Yaoguang a few words.

"This is too big... I hope everything is worth it. This battle... the human race has lost too many gods. And if all the races are counted, it will be flesh and blood injuries at most!"

Ji Yaoguang sighed.

"Even if all the gods of the human race fall because of this, you still have to believe in Lord Qin Zheng!"

Xia Yihou just said a simple sentence, and then passed out again!

(End of this chapter)

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