
Chapter 1958

In the snowy hut, Lin Huang sat upright.

Perhaps... Many people are unwilling to tell his secret, but Senior Sister Xiaoxiao will tell him.

"There is nothing to say about everything in the past!"

Senior Sister Xiaoxiao smiled, "It's nothing more than two shining stars rising from the human race. They are invincible across all worlds. They even broke into the darkness and brought out the heads of dark creatures from it!"

"In that era, Ah Zheng and Emperor Jintian were not considered absolute powerhouses, but they were definitely the most potential talents of the human race. Therefore, they are also called the twin jades of the human race!"

"The rise of the two of them has indeed aroused the panic of all races. Ah Zheng is a little low-key, so he didn't pay much attention to it. But Emperor Jintian created the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body himself, which is comparable to the divine body of the human race... This makes all races afraid!"

"So, it is extremely normal for them to be besieged and killed at any time outside of the human race!"

Xiaoxiao gnawed on the apple, recalling the past.

"And the turning point of everything was that one time, dozens of races besieged Emperor Jintian and Ah Zheng, wanting to wipe them out completely!"

"That should be the most dangerous time for them. When Ah Zheng escaped, there was only one head left. If it wasn't for the last trace of Dao Yun to be immortal, I'm afraid it would really die!"

"That is a century of sadness for the human race, and a century of celebration for all races!"

Xiaoxiao nodded, and looked at Lin Huang with a smile, "Young junior brother is very smart, and he grasped the key points!"

"Isn't it... the tidal ancestral land?"

Only in this way can he rapidly improve his realm and change his behavior after reappearing.

"At that time, most of the gods of the human race believed that Ah Zheng and Emperor Jintian could rule the roost and be the ancestors, allowing the human race to regain its ancient glory!"

Lin Huang continued to speak, and at the same time handed Xiaoxiao a glass of water to prevent her mouth from getting dry.

Xiaoxiao puffed up her mouth immediately, and stared at Lin Huang with displeasure, "Little brother, you are really not funny!"

Lin Huang said tentatively.

Lin Huang asked puzzledly.

"The gods of all races took advantage of the separation of Emperor Jintian and Azheng, and chased and intercepted Emperor Jintian with thousands of gods... In the end, Emperor Jintian couldn't escape with his wings, and he hated the world!"

When she said this, Xiaoxiao looked a little lonely, "After that, Emperor Jintian disappeared! This disappearance will last for a hundred years!"

Lin Huang analyzed.

Xiaoxiao opened her mouth.

"As he wished, Lord Qin Zheng should soon return to the human race and sit in Wanshi Mountain?"

Forest Road.

"Cough cough..."

"Over the past 100 years, Ah Zheng's realm has been improved...but he has also become much quieter, and he is no longer as flamboyant as before!"

"Why did Emperor Jintian want to call a curtain call?"

After Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she stared at Lin Huang with fluttering eyes, "Do you want to know what it is, Junior Brother?"

" the beginning, Lord Qin Zheng and Emperor Jintian deliberately made a big disturbance in the Ten Thousand Realms, and then...let the gods of the Ten Thousand Realms besiege and kill the Heavenly Emperor Jin?"

"Everyone in the human race has given up, but Ah Zheng still doesn't want to believe it!"

Xiaoxiao turned her head and glared at Lin Huang, "Under the circumstances at that time, no one noticed the deliberate intentions of Ah Zheng and Emperor Jin Tian! Because the ten thousand races were immersed in the fear and conquest of the two, while the common people of the human race were immersed in the love of the two jades. Among the peerless style!"

Xiaoxiao nodded.

"When among the ten thousand races, some strong man took advantage of the news of Emperor Jintian to trap Ah Zheng, Emperor Jintian descended from the sky!"

"At that time, Ah Zheng was frantically looking for Emperor Jintian. Even though the soul ranking of Emperor Jintian in the Human Race God Hall fell, he still did not give up!"

Lin Huang coughed suddenly and interrupted Xiaoxiao's speech, "The turning point mentioned by the world should be what happened in the hundred years when Emperor Jintian disappeared?"

"At this point... all the heavens and all races are shocked!"

Xiaoxiao shook her head slightly, "However, a hundred years later..."

"Oh... Then senior sister ask again?"

Xiaoxiao looked up at Lin Huang, with some surprise in her eyes, and then nodded, "Ah Zheng didn't mention this matter explicitly, but I know them both... He should have directed the curtain call of Emperor Jintian back then. But did Ah Zheng I knew it from the beginning, but I don’t know about it! Perhaps, while Emperor Jin Tian is hiding the truth from the world, he is also hiding it from Ah Zheng!”

"They never imagined that the Emperor Jintian, who should have died in battle, would come back in a powerful way. And... stepped into the category of high-level gods!"

"According to Ah Zheng, on that day Emperor Jintian was like a god descending from the earth, his whole body exuded a dazzling light. He rolled up his sleeves and pushed dozens of gods in the upper realm horizontally with one force, with an invincible posture!"

"Later, Ah Zheng discovered the existence of the Sky Continent. From that moment on, Ah Zheng also started his own layout!"

"That's because I said it very deliberately!"

Xiaoxiao played with the apple in her hand, there was no sadness on her face.

Lin Huang was very cooperative.

"Emperor Jintian has become powerful, and he is able to rebel against the upper realm. This makes all races fearful. Once Emperor Jintian returns to the human race, the human race will have an extra giant pillar!"

Xiaoxiao frowned, she could see a lot of things clearly, but many things could only be inferred, "But Emperor Jintian called the curtain call, at least because he has more important things to do. And...he didn't want Ah Zheng to look for him He roams the world! Once he leaves, the human race is the safest place for Ah Zheng!"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows. It seems that many things happened to Qin Zheng when he was in the Ancestral Land of Chaos.

Xiaoxiao pursed her lips, "Later...Emperor Jintian and Ah Zheng joined forces to cross the heavens and worlds, as if to avenge the enmity that happened a hundred years ago, they almost turned the entire world upside down!"

"Forget it, it's boring!"

"and after……"

"So, in the following years, the Ten Thousand Clans chased and killed Emperor Jintian and Ah Zheng even more frantically, and the battles became bigger every time!"

"So, what happened in those hundred years?"

"What happened to Emperor Jintian during those hundred years... In this world, perhaps only Ah Zheng knows! I also asked Ah Zheng, but he didn't say anything. But, I may have already guessed it now!"

Lin Huang asked.

When Xiaoxiao said this, she curled her lips, "It's a pity that soon... the day when the Emperor of Heaven will fall!"

Lin Huang asked.

"There are many reasons, but I can't deduce them completely!"

"And this is the result of Emperor Jintian luring most of the enemy troops!"

"Why does it sound so deliberate?"

"The fourteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, the day when the Emperor of Heaven fell...Even now, on this day every year, many human races worship Emperor Jin!"

"Wait a minute!"

Lin Huang interrupted Xiaoxiao, and asked the bottom line: "So, what happened to Emperor Jintian when he was in the Tidal Ancestral Land?"

"This one……"

Xiaoxiao was startled for a moment, then laughed, "I don't know either!"

"However, it should have something to do with you!"

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