
Chapter 1959 The Ins and Outs

Listening to Xiaoxiao's words, Lin Huang frowned slightly.

"I am not the reincarnation of Emperor Jintian!"

Forest Road.

"I know!"

Xiaoxiao turned her head and glared at Lin Huang, then continued to bite the apple, "However, no one would think so back then!"

"After all, that is the Cangqiong Continent... Shen Cangqiong, the disciple of Emperor Jintian. He did not enter reincarnation, nor was he annihilated, but became a world. This has to make Ah Zheng have too many guesses!"

"Perhaps it was not conjecture for Ah Zheng at the time. It was just that he was unwilling to face the reality, and preferred to believe that Emperor Jin Tian was not dead!"

"But...everyone in the human race knew at that time that Emperor Jintian died in battle. Facing the siege of thousands of gods from all heavens and thousands of races, how could Emperor Jintian survive! Moreover, not only Emperor Jintian died in battle, but also the high-level human race knew , Sister Feiyue from Scarlet Moon Divine Palace also disappeared, along with Emperor Jintian!"

"Perhaps, the human gods don't know where Sister Feiyue went, but they have also guessed that the latter either wandered in the heavens and worlds to avenge Emperor Jintian, or died in love and followed Emperor Jintian!"

Xiaoxiao lowered her voice, "So, at that time, all the gods of the human race knew something inside, and thought that there was something wrong with Ah Zheng's spirit. But... that's fine. After all, the existence of Sky Continent can also let Ah Zheng vent a bit!"

Xiaoxiao shook her head, "Anyway, I just don't know... There should be some connection with Emperor Jintian, otherwise Ah Zheng wouldn't do this for the reincarnation, but I have never seen Emperor Jintian use this technique!"

"That has something to do with the tidal ancestral land!"

"He thinks beautifully, the road to the gods is extremely difficult, even if he is Qin Zheng! It is difficult for the gods to live forever, and no one can solve the flaws in the endless years of the human race. , Ah Zheng can do it!"

"and after?"

The original root is here.

"Because Emperor Jintian appeared, the saying that you are the reincarnation of Emperor Jintian has been overturned...Then why did Shen Cangqiong become a big world? Go to reincarnation honestly, and then cultivate the body of a god for a lifetime, become Emperor Jintian Isn't revenge good?"

"Emperor Jintian appeared...Why is Senior Sister Xiaoxiao so sure? At least in today's heavens and myriad worlds, not all the gods believe that Emperor Jintian is not dead, after all, he has not really appeared in this world yet!"

"Senior Sister Xiaoxiao, your strength on the Sky Continent really...needs to be strengthened!"

Lin Huang asked.

Xiaoxiao took it for granted.

"So what happened next?"

"So, when senior brother ends his official career under the Heavenly Gate, is that the time for him to return to the origin of the human race?"

The doubts in Lin Huang's heart were immediately resolved.

Xiaoxiao suddenly laughed, less detached, but more gentle and happy, "Who would have thought that that day... Qin Zheng, the longevity god of the human race who sat in Wanshi Mountain, smiled like a child Just jumping around in the snow outside!"

Xiaoxiao nodded, "However, a lot of things happened in the middle, but Qin Zheng came less, and I couldn't spy on the outside world in real time, so I didn't know much about it! But I still know that in the Sky Continent There are too many ghosts!"

Lin Huang figured out the key in a moment, and watching the excitement was no big deal.

"Not long after that... Ah Zheng suddenly came to Xuelu again..."

Xiaoxiao smiled brightly, turned her head to stare at Lin Huang, "You should also know a lot about what happened later!"

"So... Lord Qin Zheng started my life?"

Xiaoxiao snorted twice angrily.

Lin Huang continued.

"It can be understood in this way, anyway, it is the time when part of his memory is awakened!"

"It's natural!"

Xiaoxiao said.

Xiaoxiao said.

Xiaoxiao found her bosom friend right away, as if she was complaining to Lin Huang, "I figured it out every once in a while! He must have become the current Qin Zheng in one of his lifetimes, and then the body returned to its source and began to rebuild!"

Xiaoxiao suddenly turned her head to warn Lin Huang, and then said, "He found the Myriad Realms and put them in the Sky Continent!"

Huangfu world.

Xiaoxiao smiled confidently, "When Emperor Jintian's remnant soul appeared for the first time, it was because of you! If Emperor Jintian really had a remnant soul before that... Ah Zheng would have already sensed it!"

Lin Huang laughed.

Forest Road.

"Later, he stole from Wanshi Mountain for ten thousand years... By the way, only I know about this, and I can't tell those bad old men!"

Lin Huang's flattering skills are really not that good, "So, Senior Sister Xiaoxiao in the Sky Continent..."

"However, Ah Zheng traveled the long river of time later, and finally discovered your existence in the long river of time!"

"Senior brother is so dishonest!"

Xiaoxiao shook her head, "Ah Zheng just said that the ordinaryness of thousands of years is the greatest extraordinary!"

"Ah Zheng told me that something went wrong in his cultivation, and his future is limited. He wants to rebuild the eternal body, so that the immortal body and his Dao aggregates will be flawless!"

"That's just a projection of mine! He thought he could escape my demon... the palm of his hand, that's a good idea!"

"That's it!"

Xiao Yishan.

"He turned around and told me that he found Emperor Jintian's reincarnation!"

"Later, Ah Zheng was reluctantly persuaded by me and still guarded Wanshi Mountain. However, the number of times he came to see me decreased, and every time he came, he left in a hurry!"

"My projection has gone through reincarnation in order to avoid the way of heaven... so it can only be counted according to the sky continent! Moreover, it is originally a projection, so once he is seriously injured, Ah Zheng in the sky continent... can't be saved for a lifetime. Live projection!"

Forest Road.

Lin Huang breathed a sigh of relief, he never imagined that behind the too ordinary Sky Continent, there are so many twists and turns.

"So, when senior brother was in the Sky Continent, he was only Qin Changsheng?"

Lin Huang asked out the doubts in his heart.

Lin Huang synthesized some information he knew and forcibly supplemented it.


Emperor Tianshu.

No wonder senior brother Qin Changsheng traveled all over the country, even though he collected a lot of materials, he couldn't revive Senior Sister Xiaoxiao.

Lin Huang looked at Xiaoxiao and listened attentively.

"Senior Sister Xiaoxiao, you should trust your brother!"

Shen Cangqiong.

"Senior Sister Xiaoxiao agrees?"

"That's because they're not me!"

Lin Huang frowned, turned to stare at Xiaoxiao, not daring to drop a word.

"Is there a shortage of gods in all ages?"

Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth, her voice became lonely, which made Lin Huang prick up her ears.

Qin Changsheng.

Xiaoxiao puffed her mouth and spoke in a low voice, no longer the happy look she had before.

Xiaoxiao puffed up.

"Even if Emperor Jintian has a reincarnation, he has already returned to the ordinary, no longer stunning and brilliant, but reincarnated in the long river of time!"

Forest Road.

Lin Huang said euphemistically.

"Senior Sister Xiaoxiao is so smart, she can discover all of this!"

"do not know!"

"That day, Ah Zheng's mood was a little low, and his lips were uncommonly pale. This is a very terrifying thing for the gods!"

Lin Huang asked.

"I see……"

Lin Huang frowned.

"Isn't that a remnant soul?"

Xiaoxiao said.

"What kind of statement is this?"

This is a monster continent.

"Wan Jie Sheng... This is not a simple martial soul, it used to belong to Emperor Jin Tian?"

"If my guess is right, it should also be a projection... I don't know exactly where the projection came from!"

Xiaoxiao said.

" could Ah Zheng go out of Wanshi Mountain in person and take Wanshi Mountain to meet Emperor Jintian! Once Wanshi Mountain leaves, he will face the risk of darkness and turmoil!"

Xiaoxiao shook her head and said.

"However, Azheng's calculations should still be a bit of a failure. One is that he brought Wanshi Mountain to meet the return of Emperor Jintian's projection; the second, maybe he wanted to use Wanshi Mountain to leave, and when the human race's defense was empty, he tried to test the darkness. And the powerhouses of all races who are secretly watching, but the result should not be ideal!"

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