
Chapter 196 3 Kill

Chapter 196 Thirteen Kills
Not long after, Lin Huang walked out from the side door of the auction house.

The current him naturally wouldn't confront Xue Shenji head-on, not to mention that the latter had two guards of Marquis Wu, and even Xue Shenji alone was not something Lin Huang could contend with.

After all, he is the son of the Dayu family, and his strength far surpasses that of Lin Huang.

Out of the auction house, Lin Huang chased in the direction where the disciples of Piaoxue Palace left. What he thought more about was the thirteen kills, a force that he had been deliberately ignoring.

A mysterious assassin organization formed by thirteen people!

In the snowstorm, Lin Huang took out the token from the ring.

When Xiao Yishan left, he gave Lin Huang three things.

One of the jade slips recorded Xiao Yishan's battles in his life, and it is a rare experience in martial arts.It's just that Lin Huang needs to reach the Martial King Realm to watch it.

The other painting is of senior brother Qin Changsheng. In the Forbidden Land of Piaoxue before, Lin Huang found Qin Changsheng's notes from the scroll and learned about the world of Xuepiao.

And the last thing is the token in Lin Huang's hand.

The token is only the size of a palm and is made of ancient bronze, but it looks slightly mottled.On the top of the token, there is a tiger with thick fangs. There is a character of "person" on the front and "thirteen" is engraved on the back.

Lin Huang had also seen this kind of token when he was in King Wu's tomb, and that token was hanging on the waist of the third kill.It's just that the third kill was wearing a mask at the time, and Lin Huang didn't recognize it.

At this moment, Lin Huang was grinding the token in his hand, his eyes were slightly confused.

He knew that he should be the No.13 kill!

Although Lin Huang didn't know what kind of organization the renzi thirteen kills were, nor did he understand the meaning of its existence.But there is no suspense about the fact that he was the No.13 kill.

Back then Xiao Yishan said that this could be regarded as a sect token.Lin Huang couldn't help but wonder, what is the relationship between Xiao Yishan and Renzi Thirteen Kills?
Does it also belong to the character thirteen kills?

Moreover, Xiao Yishan also said that there are more advanced tokens, so is it twelve kills or eleven kills?

Lin Huan also felt that with the birth of the Blood Spirit Hall, the Dark Night Organization, which had been dormant in the East Spirit Realm, seemed to have begun to act.

This point, since Ye Hongxiu beheaded Bai Wuchang in the beginning, and the appearance of the thirteen kills in the tomb of King Wu is enough proof.

Thinking of this, Lin Huang frowned deeply.From this point of view, there is an astonishing undercurrent surging under the calm water of the Eastern Spirit Realm.

Blood Palace.

Xuanyuan Mansion.

The character thirteen kills.

Four sects and ten dynasties.

Lin Huang looked at the wind and snow all over the sky, and clenched the ancient bronze token in his hand, with determination in his eyes.No matter what kind of storms the East Spirit Realm will face, he will ride the wind and waves and move forward bravely.

The heavy burden on his shoulders does not allow him to have the slightest timidity.


At this moment, there was a burning sensation in the palm of my hand.Lin Huang was slightly stunned, and then spread out his palm, only to see that the token of the Thirteen Kills in his hand was emitting a light at this moment.

Inside the token, there seems to be light circulating.

Lin Huang looked at the token in his hand, and then showed a look of surprise, "Here is... the communication spirit jade?"

The so-called messenger spirit jade is extremely precious on the mainland.It is made of a special material, engraved with a space formation on it, and uses the formation to connect points in the space to transmit messages.

Lin Huang never expected that this token of ancient bronze was inlaid with such spiritual jade.

Not to mention that space formations are extremely difficult to engrave, and non-space formation masters cannot do it.Even Lingyu carrying formations is extremely rare.

At least, in a place like the Eastern Spirit Realm, there shouldn't be such spiritual jade.

However, Lin Huang didn't bother about the preciousness and rarity of the token. When his consciousness fluttered, he merged into the communication spirit jade and sensed the news contained in it.

The moment his spiritual consciousness merged into Lingyu, Lin Huang had a strange expression on his face.

I was stunned by the massive amount of news.

Fifth kill: I saw the little brother who turned against Xue Yihou.

Seventh Kill: Forest Desolation?
Ninth Kill: Have you eaten yet?

The sixth kill: how to eat?

The third kill: get down to business!

Fifth kill: Calm and introverted, hiding the ultimate edge, can become an eleventh kill!

Ninth Kill: Really?Do not believe!I'll have to check it out again.

Fifth kill: Xiao Jiuer, say it again! !

Ninth kill: Well, it can be an eleventh kill.

Feeling the messages one by one in Lingyu, Lin Huang was a little dumbfounded.The token in his hand is not a simple Lingyu that communicates between two points, but can summarize the news that the character Thirteen killed everyone.

And I...became the prey of the thirteen kills?
Lin Huang was a little confused.

How can I become an eleven kill when I didn't do anything?Are the ways of character thirteen killing recruits so casual?Also, it seems that everyone here is very talkative.

This is not in line with the character of an assassin!
Then, countless messages danced in the Lingyu again.

Fifth kill: There is one more thing, the left and right judges appeared.

The third kill: left and right judge?
The seventh kill: Those two dog legs under Xue Linghou's seat?
Eighth Kill: So the Blood Spirit Marquis came out of the mountain?That's right, of the four blood marquises in the Blood Spirit Palace, except for Xue Yihou, only Xue Linghou is a little weaker.

The fifth kill: Xue Linghou did not appear, but a young man named Xue Shenji appeared.

The fourth kill: Xue Shenji, the young man who once took two bad old men to Xuanyuan Mansion.Did he get mixed up with the Blood Spirit Hall?

The fifth kill: He is looking for the dragon's veins!
Seventh Kill: Dragon Vein?

The news in Lingyu flashed like flowing water, attracting all of Lin Huang's attention, and absorbed countless information from it.

Left and right judge?

Lin Huang thought of the two black-clothed Marquis who were following Xue Shen's fuselage, carrying huge sickles, they turned out to be the two guardians under Xue Linghou's seat in the Blood Spirit Palace.

Originally, Lin Huang thought that they were just two strong Marquis Wu, but he didn't expect such a story.No one expected that Xue Shenji would be united with the Blood Spirit Hall.

Lin Huang felt countless messages flickering, and found that only the third to ninth kills were delivering the messages.

And the first kill, the second kill, the tenth kill, the eleventh kill, the twelfth kill, and the thirteenth kill have never sent any news.

The first kill and the second kill are not there, and everyone seems to be headed by the third kill!

Lin Huang looked at the spirit jade in his hand, thought for a moment, and tentatively sent a message, "Hi everyone!"

The third kill: what's the situation?
The fourth kill: Damn it!
Fifth kill: Thirteen appeared?


Ninth kill: Damn it!

When Lin Huang delivered the first message, the entire Lingyu seemed to explode, and eight messages appeared in an instant, as if shocked by the appearance of Thirteen Kills.


Lin Huang was a little dazed, not knowing why everyone reacted so strongly.

Then Lin Huang saw a series of news about the third kill, all of which were the same sentence, repeated no less than a hundred times in a few breaths.

The others fell silent.

Third Kill: Thirteen?Are you thirteen kills?

Third Kill: Thirteen?Are you thirteen kills?


Looking at the news that was falling like a waterfall, Lin Huang's eyes widened even more. For some reason, he felt a little guilty, coughed and delivered a message:
"Is there any problem? I should be No.13 to kill!"

As soon as Lin Huang sent the news, several more messages flashed on the Lingyu.

The fourth kill: My God, the No.13 kill has appeared!
The Seventh Kill: It's just unimaginable.

The fifth kill: unexpectedly...there really is a No.13 kill!

Ninth kill: In the East Spirit Realm, there has been no No. 13 kill for hundreds of years.

The eighth kill: This... really surprised the old man!
The sixth kill: old man?The tenth kill, you are only in your 40s, and you are an old man, so shameless.

The eighth kill: ...

Seventh kill: That's right, old eight, you are not as old as you are, and you still call yourself an old man, don't be afraid that I will go to the Beiyan Dynasty to cut you down!

Sixth kill: Seventh, you are a fart elder, at most you are the head of the Tianlei Sect's handyman.

Seventh kill: Let your dog stinky fart, this elder is from Qianyingu, Qianyingu!It has nothing to do with Tian Leizong!
Lin Huang noticed that when everyone was chatting, they seemed to be arguing. If it wasn't for passing the news through Lingyu, they might have rolled up their sleeves and fought for [-] rounds.

At this moment, the seventh kill suddenly asked: "Xiao Shisan, how old are you? Where are you from? If you are younger than this elder, you should call me Brother Seven!"

Sixth Kill: Exactly, Xiao Shisan, sign up!

The Ninth Kill: Is it a man or a woman, is there any marriage, any children?
Eighth Kill: Say it quickly...

Lin Huang frowned slightly, feeling the enthusiasm of everyone through Lingyu, he couldn't help a smile from the corner of his mouth, and then sent a message.

Thirteen Kills: Your deceitful techniques are really clumsy!
(End of this chapter)

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