
Chapter 197 Return to Xuanyuan City

Chapter 197 Return to Xuanyuan City

Third Kill: Ahem!
The fourth kill: ...

Seventh kill: What this elder said is the truth.

The eighth kill: ...

Ninth kill: ...

Everyone obviously didn't expect that Thirteen Kills would see through an exquisite operation, and say that our technique is poor?
You know, this trick has already exposed the identities of the four people.The long-lost thirteen kills can be seen through at a glance?
Ninth Kill: Thirteen Kills, you are not an old fox, are you?

Sensing the news from Lingyu, Lin Huang raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Although he had never been an assassin, he had a lot of contacts.He naturally understood that as an assassin, the most important thing was to hide his identity.

Because the assassin's enemies are everywhere!

Once the identity is leaked out, they will face endless pursuit.At that time, the so-called Night King will become a street rat.

Although Lin Huang is not good at planning, he has a lot of experience.Everyone wanted to cheat Linhuang, but the heat was not enough.

Seventh kill: Xiao Shisan, you are boring.

The eighth kill: that is... the word thirteen kills has lasted for thousands of years, and the position of the thirteen kills has been vacant for nearly 300 years. It is natural for us to be curious.

"Year 300?"

Looking at the news in Lingyu, Lin Huang murmured softly.

According to this statement, then this token was probably kept in Xiao Yishan's hands for more than 300 years.

Then, Lin Huang sent another message:
"I don't know why the character thirteen kills exist?"

The Lingyu was shocked and silent, and then danced with light again.

Seventh Kill: Kill!

The eighth kill: The thirteenth kill is an assassin organization, what do you do if you don't kill?
Sixth kill: Xiao Shisan, you must be a fake.

Lin Huang frowned, and then asked, "Just to kill someone?"

The fourth kill: Oh...not to kill, but to make money.

The fifth kill: Maybe it was to protect the East Spirit Realm.

Seventh Kill: Kill concubines exclusively to maintain justice in the world.

Ninth Kill: Kill pigs and hone your killing skills!
Looking at the news in Lingyu, Lin Huang put his hand on his forehead, and felt that the outlook on life of this group of thirteen kills was simply out of tune!

But it's right to think about it, these people can't say that they have the identity of the character thirteen kills, and they probably have been suffocated long ago.And in this Lingyu, one can freely pass on news, but can't vent his perverted psychology?
At this moment, the token in Lin Huang's hand felt hot again, which was a bit hotter than before.Lin Huang frowned, only to see the news of the second kill suddenly appeared in Lingyu.

The second kill: kill the thief!
The second kill: This is the creed of the thirteen kills!
For some reason, when the news of the second kill came out, everyone else fell silent, as if a mouse had met a cat and did not dare to disobey the words of the first kill.

"Kill the thief?"

Lin Huang murmured softly, the explanation of the second kill made him confused.

Then, the news of the second kill came again from Lingyu.

The second kill: There are five elements hidden in the token.Thirteen, since you have entered the character thirteen kills, you should sharpen this skill before you can become a real assassin.

In the snowstorm, Lin Huang's spiritual consciousness withdrew from the spirit jade, and immediately headed for the space in the token of the thirteen kills.

I saw a scroll floating in the space of the token, with five-colored brilliance flowing on it, and mixed sounds of water, fire, and the like could be faintly heard from within.

"Five Elements Hidden Technique?!"

Feeling the power of the scroll, Lin Huang was slightly taken aback, and then smiled, noticing the power contained in the so-called five elements hidden technique.

One of the so-called assassins is to ensure the secrecy of their identities.

The second is a one-hit kill.

The third is to be silent!
It is easy to kill, but difficult to be silent.

And the level of the assassin's strength is how to make this silent to the extreme.Once there is a slight flaw, it will not be able to kill with one blow, and may even expose its identity.

Therefore, it is very important to be silent.

To achieve this, the articles in it are infinitely rich, how to walk on snow without trace, how to sweep water without waves, how to cover up smell, how to hide breath.

And the Five Elements Concealment Technique in front of him is a volume of martial arts that can allow warriors to hide their bodies very well and do so quietly.



Water Hidden!

Hidden fire!

Soil hidden!

These are the five formulas of the Five Elements Hidden Technique, allowing warriors to hide in water, with fire, and with wood...

Looking at the Five Elements Hidden Technique in front of him and the mysterious assassin he had seen before, Lin Huang was faintly excited.

At this moment, Lin Huang felt that Xiao Yishan, the hands-off master, treated him very well.

Holding the thirteen killing token in his hand, Lin Huang's expression was shocked, and a bright smile appeared on his face.Then he threw the token into the ring and headed towards the disciples of Piaoxue Palace.

After half a day, Lin Huang finally caught up with the disciples of Piaoxue Palace again.

At this moment, Bai Xiaopang was hanging at the back of the crowd, riding two dogs under his crotch, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and his body was two times fatter than when he went down the mountain.

At this moment, Bai Xiaopang looked sullen, staring warily at the girl in red at the front.

"I told you before, be careful. If you don't listen, I buried you to save you!"

Lin Huang appeared next to Bai Xiaopang, and found a perfect excuse for his lover who valued sex more than friends.

When Bai Xiaopang saw Lin Huang appearing, his slit-like eyes lit up, he pointed at Jun Qingcheng's back and said, "Boss Lin, help me ask that little evildoer, does she know any young lady who is as powerful as her?" Yes. In this way, I can eat soft food like you in the future!"

When speaking, Bai Xiaopang showed deep envy for Lin Huang on his face.

Lin Huang's face turned dark, and he kicked Bai Xiaopang away.

Bai Xiaopang followed Lin Huang with a smile on his face, and then said: "Boss Lin, tell me. Anyway, I have called you Boss for so many years, and you can't ignore my younger brother's lifelong happiness in the future!"

Lin Huang's mouth twitched.

"If I can get to know a young lady like that, hey... my life will go straight up. Although eating soft rice is not nice, but I am Bai Xiaopang, and I am not the kind of person who wants to lose face!"

Bai Xiaopang has little stars in his eyes.

Lin Huang's eyes were full of murderous intent, he felt that Bai Xiaopang was scolding himself for being soft, and said that he was shameless.

In front of the team, Jun Qingcheng suddenly turned his head and looked at Lin Huang and Bai Xiaopang, the pretty faces under the veil were indescribably deserted.

Bai Xiaopang immediately looked excited, waved his hands, swayed his buttocks, and said in a respectful voice that sounded very mean, "Hi, sister-in-law!"

Everyone in the team looked sideways and turned to stare at Lin Huang and Bai Xiaopang.

At the front of the line, Jun Qingcheng's face turned red suddenly, and then a burst of anger surged up, and there was a murderous intent in his ice-like eyes, and when he waved his bare hands, Lin Huang and Bai Xiaopang flew away.


A few days later, everyone finally approached Xuanyuan City.

In the distance, the outline of Xuanyuan City vaguely emerged, like a black cloud, and even tens of miles away, one could feel the heavy and oppressive aura of the city.

Xuanyuan City!
At the front of the line, the disciples of Piaoxue Palace, including Yan Nangui and Nan Yunlie, all looked sad.

In that city lived a man named Xuanyuan Tibing.It is the leader of Dongling Martial Arts, the existence of an invincible opponent in the world.

And during this period of time, in Xuanyuan City, many influential figures flooded into it.

Disciples of the six great families of the four sects and ten dynasties.

There is also Dongling Wind and Wind Qi Aohan.

Eight directions thundered Han Qingtian.

Su Wuxiang, a thousand voices of Buddhism.


In the East Spirit Realm, the rulers of the major forces all gathered here because of a war between the Four Schools and Ten Dynasties.In a few months, what an astonishing battle between the major forces will be surging in this ancient male city.

Lin Huang was also staring in the direction of Xuanyuan City. Unlike Yan Nangui, he didn't have so many feelings.He only knew that there was one person in Xuanyuan City.

His name is Han Qingtian!
It was the suzerain of the Tianlei Sect who abolished Lin Cangxue's martial soul in the Great Xia Dynasty, and it was this person who hunted him down outside the Blood Triangle.

This is a powerful existence in the half-step Wuhou realm.

However, Lin Huang's desire for revenge would not be the slightest cowardice because of the strength of the enemy, but instead it could arouse his fighting spirit even more.

Han Qingtian, he swore to kill him!
After approaching Xuanyuan City, Yan Nangui said to Lin Huang: "After entering Xuanyuan City, the leaders of the major forces will have their own exchanges. It is inconvenient for us to intervene in the exchanges or discussions between juniors. At this time, we must Look at the methods of your chief disciple!"

Lin Huang nodded, "I also ask the palace master to show me!"

Yan Nan returned his hands and patted Lin Huang's shoulder, his gentle voice revealed a rare sharpness at this moment, "My disciples of Piaoxue Palace can go to death! But the banner of my Piaoxue Palace must not fall! You Do you understand?"

"Back then Cangxue did a good job! My Palace Master hopes that you will do better!"

Lin Huang grinned and said, "I will definitely live up to Palace Master's expectations!"

"After entering the city, your behavior determines the behavior of the disciples of Piaoxue Palace, and the behavior of Piaoxue Palace's disciples determines the dignity of Piaoxue Palace. You don't need to be tolerant or afraid when you encounter problems. You know, you have my Palace Master as your backing, With Piaoxue Palace as the backing, and Zangfeng ancestors as the backing!"

"In a word, don't embarrass Piaoxue Palace! If I can't suppress you with Piaoxue Palace, then don't embarrass your sister!"

Yan Nangui warned Lin Huang again, with cunning in his words.

Lin Huang nodded again and again, and after Yan Nangui and Nan Yunlie first entered the city, Lin Huang waved his sleeves to shake off the dust all over his body, and then rode a snow lion, leading the seventeen Piaoxue Palace disciples behind him. With a wave:
"Enter the city!"

In an instant, a group of 18 people from Piaoxue Palace, lined with rustling white clothes and fluttering in red robes outside, rode a mighty snow lion and passed through the gate of the thousand-year-old city with a majestic momentum...

(End of this chapter)

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