
Chapter 1966

Hearing Qin Changsheng's words, Lin Huang frowned even more.

"Brother, you don't... know something, do you?"

Lin Huang asked Qin Changsheng.

"What do you know..."

Qin Changsheng said, "Junior Brother, you are still young, and there are still many things that need to be realized! Do you think this world has its roots?"

"Do you think this world can be called the world?"

"You say we are gods, or just a speck of dust?"

"You say that the heavens and the worlds are one world, or is it a scholar's spring and autumn dream?"

"Everything in the world... is too mysterious!"

"Everyone in the world dislikes the frog in the well and likes to be high above. But if you are too high, you will not see many things... Look at the world with a humble heart, and you will find many different scenery!"

Qin Changsheng laughed.

"In this case, let's practice a hammer!"

Lin Huang snorted coldly, "I hate you guys now, what's the point of saying these mysterious and mysterious things, it just increases my troubles! I see mountains as mountains, and water as water? Don't make any fancy talk!"

Qin Changsheng raised his eyebrows, turned his head and looked at Lin Huang in astonishment.

"Junior brother's realm has become higher!"

Qin Changsheng laughed.

"It's not that my realm has become higher, but that my strength has become stronger... Dare to say something that I didn't dare to say before!"

"So, my junior brother still has a little heart!"

Qin Changsheng teased.

"Let's go back to God's Tomorrow Market!"

It doesn't make much sense that Lin Huang is unwilling to discuss with Qin Changsheng.

"Then let's talk about it... The Ming Dynasty Ruins should be a world that collapsed in ancient times, and it has the terrifying power of devouring and tearing!"

"His power seems to be everywhere, but it is imperceptible. When you find him, you are already in it!"

Qin Changsheng began to introduce.

"What is this God's Tomorrow Market... Is there a chance to inherit it?"

Lin Huang is very straightforward.

"Maybe, but I haven't seen it!"

Qin Changsheng said, "This place is very strange... Its power seems to be able to touch the heavens and all races. But the gods can't find it! And once they find the place where the gods are located, the gods can't escape his devouring!"

"Where is the God's Tomorrow Market?"

Lin Huang didn't care about anything else.

"At the end of... the Silent River!"

Lin Huang frowned suddenly, "The end of the Silent River? Does the Silent River have an end? What is the Silent River?"

"I don't know... maybe not!"

Qin Changsheng shook his head, "However, the end of the Silent River I mentioned is just what I saw, so it's not real. As for what the Silent River is, you can understand it as the more essential power space under the vitality!"

"The power of the original rules?"

"If you understand it like this, there is no problem!"

"Shen Mingxu is behind the Silent River? Why?"

Lin Huang continued.

"how could I know……"

Qin Changsheng began to find it difficult to answer Lin Huang's question, "When in the human race's inheritance file, there was a sentence mentioned...the Gods and Tomorrow Market is a chasm!"

"Gap? What kind of gap?"

"The gap that separates the two worlds...isolating the heavens and the world from the outside world?"

Forest Road.


Qin Changsheng is not very sure, after all, he is not the former Qin Zheng, and his memory has not yet fully awakened.

"Then what is behind the Shenming Market?"

Lin Huang continued: "The legendary silence of the heavens?"

"Young brother, do you know about this place?"

Qin Changsheng felt that he underestimated Lin Huang.

"I know, not necessarily less than you!"

Lin Huang hummed twice, then raised his head.

"It should be... But I'm not sure, after all, I have never seen the world after the Shenming Market? I have never seen the silence of the sky? I just heard that the silence of the sky is behind the Silent River, but This does not necessarily mean that after passing the Shenming Market, it will be the silence of the heavens!"

"And... Junior Brother, you and I haven't stepped into the realm of gods yet, so don't think about the silence of the sky, it's too far away!"

"Who let me know already!"

Lin Huang was a little helpless.

"Then, since Mingmingyuan is a collapsed world...why are the gods in it intertwined with different years!"

Lin Huang asked.

"The explanation is not clear!"

Qin Changsheng shook his head, "Shenming Market is like a huge mirror, which can reflect the long river of time of the heavens and peoples, but there is a fault, but... the long river of time of the fault is inside, and it can run in an orderly manner, There is no collision, as if there is some kind of rule or consciousness that maintains order in this world!"

"Brother, do you think it's rules or awareness?"

Lin Huang asked.


Qin Changsheng said, "Because I haven't found a rule that can be automatically repaired, but consciousness can... It's also possible, what you and I call consciousness is also a collection of rules!"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows slightly, Qin Changsheng's thoughts were very similar to his.

"How did senior brother get out of this place?"

Lin Huang asked.

"Pierce through the long river of time directly!"

Qin Changsheng said.

Lin Huang frowned again.

Qin Changsheng said, "I found out some laws of the appearance of the River of Time in the Tianming Market of the Gods, and then arranged them in order to find the River of Time closest to our era, and then directly penetrated the resistance of the River of Time, and broke through the river of time in the Ming Dynasty of the Gods. Detention!"

"Is that so?"

Lin Huang frowned, he knew that he would have done it right away when he first appeared, so it could be so simple.

"you are not?"

Qin Changsheng frowned.

"I disrupted the order of the Shenming Market, and then escaped before the order was restored. There is no way, I used a little brain!"

Lin Huang spoke very plainly, but it always sounded a bit ostentatious.

"Disrupt the operating order...disturb..."

Qin Changsheng frowned.

Something seems to be wrong.

"Could it be that the younger brother has controlled some kind of power that cannot be tolerated by heaven?"

Qin Changsheng said.

cough cough.

Lin Huang was shaken for a moment, can this be guessed?

"No, just use your hero to dominate the world!"

Lin Huang said perfunctorily.

"Can I trust you?"

Qin Changsheng said, "Forget it... Anyway, I will know in the future, but junior brother, please be careful, don't be hacked to death that day, and the most important thing is, don't implicate me!"

"Since the Shenming Market is an ancient world, can it really be split apart with the power of non-gods?"

Lin Huang suddenly realized and turned to stare at Qin Changsheng.

"This one……"

Qin Changsheng was at a loss for words, "Why don't we exchange secrets?"

"No need, I already guessed it!"

"Then I guessed it too!"

Qin Changsheng snorted coldly.

"Then when you are hacked to death, don't implicate me!"

Forest Road.

"You don't understand anything. My eternal body is a heaven-defying existence. Heaven doesn't know in which life I hid that power!"

"Understood... I know how to hide my power!"

Lin Huang was immediately inspired.


The two were silent for a while, and then spoke at the same time:
"Excellent people know how to exchange resources!"

"Why don't we switch?"

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