
Chapter 1967 Conversation

Chapter 1967 Conversation
Speaking of this, the two immediately smiled knowingly.

Worthy of being a senior brother.

Lin Huang has already guessed that the secret technique controlled by Qin Changsheng may be... space mysteries, the space mysteries of the heavens and myriad worlds.

And the profound meaning he controls... is the years.

This heaven-defying forbidden technique, even if one masters one, is already extremely terrifying.

If you can master the two forbidden techniques.


Perhaps, this is also the reason why the two of them were able to reach the eighth Nirvana with certainty.

"However... no matter what kind of power it is, there is no way to cultivate it. It can only be shown and then realized..."

Qin Changsheng spoke.

Lin Huang's eyes widened suddenly, and he stared at Qin Changsheng in disbelief.

"Forget it, let the younger brother come!"

"Why do you have to go out, can't I just live in the Shenming Market?"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect to be cheated again.

Lin Huang looked puzzled.

It is an extremely terrifying thing to get into trouble with the Thunder and Punishment of Heaven.

"It's okay... There is no rush, there is still a chance later... After all, it is not impossible to enter the Shenming Market forever!"


"What would that be?"

"How can it be so easy... Starting from memory, a real living being can be revived, hehe... In the eyes of the gods, it may be a miracle!"

"Who knows, I'm not a prophet!"

"I heard from Senior Sister Xiaoxiao that you recultivate for a lifetime for the sake of the integrity of your body?"

Now he doesn't dare to show it easily...he also has no chance to comprehend it.

However, she rarely formed a spirit body, instead of the reincarnation memory pictures in the Shenming Market.

Then how powerful Xiaoxiao must have been before she was alive?
Lin Huang suddenly thought of someone...

"It really came out?"

Could it be that Xiaoxiao...was really one of the memories of that god in the Tomorrow Ruins, as previously guessed.

Only Xiaoxiao...

God King Jiang Chen!

And the memories of how many gods and powerful people can only be presented in the form of pictures.

"I just went to the original world of the human race, and the power in my body has not been completely transformed... She is very embarrassed. She is standing in the heavy snow, her crimson skirt is flying like an elf in the snow!"

"Is that so..."

"So... Senior Sister Xiaoxiao can't get out of the Shenming Market? Because only the world of the Shenming Market can accommodate her, and it is impossible for the heavens and the world?"

Lin Huang looked at Qin Changsheng.

"Back then, when Xiaoxiao and I first met, we were also in the original world of the human race!"

"Besides, if you really think this way, tens of thousands of years ago, how could there be two jades of the human race? I'm afraid it was Emperor Jintian who took the limelight alone. Who knows about Qin Zheng!"


Can't see the way.

Qin Changsheng shook his head.

Qin Changsheng shook his head, and didn't know the answer, "Why... do you feel like you've walked on a path that was guided somewhere?"

For ordinary people, let alone the Shenming Market, even Silent River would have a hard time getting out.

Lin Huang asked.

Lin Huang replied.

Qin Changsheng looked at Lin Huang with a puzzled expression.

Qin Changsheng turned around and shook his head. I have traveled all over the world, and I never knew how to accomplish such a miracle.

Lin Huang nodded.


Qin Changsheng said helplessly.

"During the last nirvana, senior brother also had that kind of power? Isn't that the power of Emperor Jintian?"

Lin Huang looked at Qin Changsheng and said sincerely.

Qin Changsheng frowned, as if he didn't know where to start.


Qin Changsheng suddenly had a smile on his face, with a warmth that had never appeared before.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Lin Huang frowned, the place where he was staying was still covered in thick fog.

Lin Huang opened his mouth, he figured it out, how many memories of powerful gods were buried in the gods tomorrow.

"Useless little brother..."

In other words... the power Qin Changsheng controls is not the power of space.

"It was the winter of the year, the sky was full of snow!"

"Emperor Ember?"

Forest Road.

Qin Changsheng nodded, "I also have the same feeling, but back then... I only passed through the eighth Nirvana, and I didn't know anything about the Ninth Nirvana!"

Can't see far either.

"Brother, haven't you tried hard?"

"Wake up!"

Lin Huang asked.

Lin Huang snorted twice, "Do you believe this kind of thing? Although I don't know yet, I can guess that the real living beings live in the Gods and Tomorrow Market, and sooner or later they will be killed. assimilation!"

"How demonstrate first?"

" turns out that it is Senior Sister Xiaoxiao who is your thigh!"

Qin Changsheng spoke.

Qin Changsheng shook his head, "He knows a hammer, and I gave it to him bit by bit, so he just learned a little bit. His real terrifying!"

Forest Road.

"So, we need to find a place that can't be discovered by the Heavenly Dao of Myriad Realms... Is it okay for the Shenming Market?"

Qin Changsheng raised his eyebrows immediately, and looked up at Lin Huang.

Qin Changsheng spoke.

He does feel that way...

Lin Huang looked at Qin Changsheng, his eyes almost popped out.

Lin Huang changed the subject and talked about Xiaoxiao.

Lin Huang asked.

"To put it simply... the current she is a conscious spirit born from a ray of memory!"

Hearing Qin Changsheng's words, Lin Huang was startled immediately.

Lin Huang frowned, as if he was lost in his own thoughts.

Qin Changsheng spread his hands, he didn't expect Lin Huang to be quite smart.

Lin Huang couldn't take it anymore.

"Yes, yes...but haven't we already come out?"

My eccentric spirit looks like Senior Sister Xiaoxiao who hasn't grown up before she was alive...couldn't be...

"It's really a memory!"

Moreover, if he left the Shenming Market...he should return to the Fusang God Realm.

"However, I am very puzzled. The seventh Nirvana is the Silent River, and the eighth Nirvana is the Shenming Market. Then... the ninth Nirvana, will it be the existence behind the Shenming Market?"

Therefore, the Silent River is the end of their great emperor's Nirvana.

"Yes or no, I don't know!"

Can form a unique spirit body.

Lin Huang slapped Qin Changsheng on the shoulder, "So, Senior Sister there really no way to get out of the Shenming Market?"

"Then you don't know what is behind the Shenming market? Isn't it really the silence of the sky?"

But when Lin Huang straddled two mysterious places, it felt very different.Silent River and Shenming Market are places of death, but they also seem to have different guidance.

Qin Changsheng shook his head, "Because Xiaoxiao herself doesn't know!"

Qin Changsheng nodded, "She also tried to go out, but...every time she goes out, it is accompanied by a fall, and her memory is constantly shattered!"

"Senior Sister Xiaoxiao..."

"Only with a more solid foundation, can the future have infinite possibilities!"

Qin Changsheng smiled, "The Realm of the Gods... Oh, what a sacred name. But... maybe it's just the starting point of the realm of the heavens and the world!"

Qin Changsheng seemed to sigh a little.

However, Lin Huang was not drawn into this emotion, "Brother, is there no other reason for re-cultivating the first life, except for the integrity of the body, for example... because of Senior Sister Xiaoxiao?"

(End of this chapter)

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