
Chapter 1972 A grain of dust

Chapter 1972 A grain of dust

In the dim world, Lin Huang thought for a while, then looked at Qin Zheng and said, "Then shall I continue?"

"hurry up!"

When Qin Zheng opened his mouth, he turned his head while making a move. He was very tired from stopping the four black kings. After more than ten breaths, he might not be able to hold on anymore.

"Don't you really want to remind me, what if I fail?"

Lin Huang finally said.


Qin Zheng was furious.

Lin Huang immediately shut up.

In the next moment, he walked out of the nightmare of gradually falling and mourning, and the aura in his body swept across the world like a flood.

Lin Huang lowered his head and widened his eyes.

His mother.

Impossible, absolutely impossible!
why am i here

In the void, Lin Huang felt that his legs were a little weak, and he said loudly, "What kind of calamity is this!"


Among the ten thousand races, peerless talent appeared, surpassing even Laozi and Emperor Jintian?


Instead, he found it reasonable.

This is to send Lin Huang away directly.

It turned out to be the legendary doomsday!

The other gods couldn't even remember Lin Huang's name.


A terrifying explosion swept across the entire void.

"No...he must have appeared, otherwise I couldn't be here? Thousands of races may attack, and the darkness may be in turmoil again, but they shouldn't appear at the same time. And...if this is the case, the gods of Hongtian should not have appeared!"

This is a catastrophe that even the gods are quite afraid of...


Between heaven and earth, lotus blossoms.

It doesn't look that powerful... That's right, Qin Zheng has the power to kill the gods of the eight realms, and no matter how powerful the Heavenly Tribulation is, it is only aimed at the existence of a great emperor, how powerful it can be.

Lin Huang frowned.


"This... shouldn't have anything to do with me, it's the bloody lotus that has its own thoughts!"

They suddenly felt a sense of insignificance.

However, facing the doomsday of God's sorrow at this moment, he took the initiative to defend himself.

At this moment, he frowned slightly, seemingly suspicious.

Lin Huang immediately gave up the idea of ​​running away as soon as his life was important.

In the void, Lin Huang flew up and headed towards the bloody arc that had densely formed lotuses in the void.

Lin Huang's body stretched slightly, and with one step, he stepped into the doom of the gods.

He just felt a terrible feeling.


Not only for himself, but for the entire void?

The Lotus of God's Sorrow is okay.

Along with the gathering of the lotus leaves, Lin Huang's figure also disappeared inch by inch, as if being invisible and annihilated by an ancient power in an instant.

Qin Zheng was puzzled.

The gods of the human race roared, one by one gave up the barriers around them, and began to face the doomsday, and then one by one was directly chopped to pieces.

Who... triggered the doomsday?

Blood-red arcs of light flickered under the dark sky, full of the aura of annihilation.The terrifying coercion caused many gods who were fighting to raise their heads.


It should have been a little louder.

So swaying and shining, under the dark sky, there is a touch of elegance.

The nightmare of God's sorrow is already considered terrifying.

Qin Zheng also frowned slightly, looking up at the bloody arc under the dark sky, his heart was beating wildly...


"No, even the Eighteen Horsemen of the Great Qin Dynasty appeared, as well as the gods of all races and the creatures in the dark abyss. Is this... an attack from all races, or another turmoil in the darkness, or... am I planning?"

He didn't understand what the doomsday was.

That bloody lotus flower seemed very kind.

Do not……

"Qin Zheng... you're lying to me!"

In the silent universe, Lin Huang has consciousness.

It's still so gentle.

"Where's the girl..."

They were killed directly.

Then, the doomsday of divine sorrow bloomed in the void.

The gods immediately dared not speak out, "I believe Qin Zheng's evil!"

Lin Huang's sleeves rolled up, his anger rushed to Xiaohan, and he appeared in the bloody lotus in the center of the bloody thunder sea in an instant.

"It's just the doomsday, don't panic, hurry up and cross the catastrophe!"

Even gods can be killed.

It was dark all around him.

that oneself...

In the next instant, the entire turbulent darkness began to tremble.

This time, he clearly knew that his thoughts were still there, which was different from the eighth Nirvana.

The Doomsday of God's Sorrow in the void is not just one flower, but it is connected to the sky and the earth, and it is terrifying.


But think about it...

"I'm not dead!"

"Hold on!"

It wasn't that there was darkness around him, but that Lin Huang found that he couldn't open his eyes at all.

The next moment, the stretched lotus leaves began to wrap...

However, this kind of horror has also been felt in the nightmare of God's Sorrow. With his realm, he is still far from being able to perceive the gap between the two.

Qin Zheng reminded him aloud.

Is this Nirvana catastrophe so powerful?


This bloody arc...

This time... even Qin Zheng couldn't remember the name Lin Huang.The memory related to the forest shortage was completely and completely erased.

In the doomsday storm of God's sorrow in the dark world, Qin Zheng's body unexpectedly had a terrifying defensive aura.

Above the sky, Lin Huang looked at the scene below, and the expression on his face froze.

"Heh... Great Emperor Ninth Nirvana, Nine Nirvana Gods... Treat me to Lin Huang!"




Lin Huang frowned slightly, as if he felt something was wrong.

In the next moment, the lotus flowers that reflected the dark world into blood red began to fall one by one...

Blooming one after another, the doomsday storm that destroys the heavens and the earth sweeps the entire darkness, engulfing the human race and the gods of all races, and those wandering black kings and black souls cannot be avoided.


Since there is the theory of the Great Emperor's Nine Nirvana, there must be someone who has successfully passed the Nine Nirvana... If others can, so should I. Even if this lotus flower is extremely weird, it shouldn't be a big deal.

Do not……

In the stormy sky, Qin Zheng's extremely calm words sounded.

After all, it is the ninth Nirvana, and some horrors are justified.

Before Lin Huang finished speaking, his figure suddenly disappeared.

Qin Zheng was extremely confident, "The gods of the human race, bathe in the gods and mourn the doomsday. This is our catastrophe...and our opportunity!"

The gods are wailing, the end is coming!

Several gods with a radius of hundreds of feet were swept by the storm before they fully sensed the danger of the bloody lotus.

It seems that both Qin Zheng and Chi Tianzun were enveloped by the blood lotus storm...

This one is very calm, seeing Lin Huang appearing, the lotus leaves are stretched out, as if welcoming Lin Huang.

He can fight the gods of the eight realms.


Unlike other blood-colored lotuses, the whole body is thunderous, with teeth and claws.

You can't say you can't keep your eyes open.

And like, I don't have eyes.

Not only does he have no eyes... he doesn't even have the ideology of a soul.

what 's wrong?
Lin Huang was puzzled, but soon he had an answer... The answer was his perception, but he was inexplicably firm.

He became a point, like a speck of dust!
(End of this chapter)

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