
Chapter 1973 The Dream of Dust

Chapter 1973 The Dream of Dust

Faint dust.


The cold universe.

Lin Huang felt that he was still alive...

But he felt himself dead again.

He lost his eyes, and he couldn't perceive this world at all.

But...he has a clear perception.

He perceives himself, wandering in the universe.

this wandering...

Too small.

Even if it is a speck of dust in the palm of your hand, who will pay attention.

And in the depths of the entire icy universe, who can perceive him.

A touch of panic rose in Lin Huang's heart.


He doesn't know what he's doing.

I don't know where I'm going.

Not sure how to change this state.

He seemed to know nothing except where he was and what he was!

Is this the ninth Nirvana?
Lin Huang was puzzled.

He doesn't understand... What is the ninth Nirvana testing?
What can a speck of dust do?
Can destroy the stars?
Can it expand endlessly like the universe collapsed into the origin?

However, he couldn't do anything.



Eternal cold.


Endless loneliness.


Disorderly wandering.


Inexplicable panic.

From the beginning of the seventh Nirvana, the catastrophe he faced was never in the body, but in the tempering of the mind.

The seventh nirvana is the lonely river of silence.

The eighth nirvana is the prison of memory.

Ninth Nirvana...

What are you testing again?
Lin Huang knew clearly that there must be a solution to his state.

But he didn't know where to start.

This is too mysterious and puzzling.

Is it...

This is the world behind the gods tomorrow?
But what kind of world is behind the gods tomorrow?
Lin Huang was still wandering in the icy universe, and he began to record his movement trajectory...

However, the place he walked seemed too vast and endless.

He found himself in irregular movements.


Lin Huang felt that he was going to be cold.

Too confident.

It is estimated that senior brother Qin Changsheng is about to die, even though he controls the forbidden power between heaven and earth.But after turning into a speck of dust, any power is taken away.

He is no longer a quasi-god.

Not the emperor.

He is just a speck of dust.



Time turns, and the sea changes.

Lin Huang never died.

He is like eternal life, wandering in this universe.

He is still just a speck of dust.

At the beginning, he still remembered the time, but after ten years... he had already fallen into a state of chaos, without the concept of time.

He could only let himself wander.

He began to give up his soul and stop thinking.

Because thinking, doesn't make any sense.

But thinking will only make him fall into more troubles.

Lying down may be the best option.



As the years rolled around again, he floated up and down in the icy universe.

I don't know the past, I don't know the present, I don't know the future.

He has no solution!
In the eternal world, he is him, and he is not him!


It was the first time Lin Huang had this idea, and the eternal loneliness and powerlessness drove him extremely crazy.

He also tried many kinds of efforts, but he was just a speck of dust. He thought about the sky, but he couldn't do anything.

Sleeping...maybe the best option.

Lin Huang's consciousness began to fade away.

Complete silence... because this is his own decision, his own destruction.He will destroy all cause and effect, and completely cut off hope.

In the icy universe, that flying dust began to fall.

Consciousness gradually dies.



The falling dust stopped, still floating.

Silent thoughts and consciousness began to recover...

"The annihilation of the self... is it my destruction? Or is it the destruction of consciousness?"

This is Lin Huang's first reverse thinking after wandering in the icy universe.Before, he had been thinking about how to survive.

But just now, he was thinking about how to die.

"Self-extinction is really extinction?"

Lin Huang had doubts in his heart.

"What is the trace I left in this world? Is it the road I walked, or the words I said, and does anyone still remember me? Or is it the extinction of my consciousness? Is it the demise of my body? The oblivion? Or the demise of the incomparably mysterious cause and effect in the legend?"

Lin Huang began to wake up.

He doesn't think his thinking can be very fruitful, but he finds it very interesting.

"A speck of dust..."

"A speck of dust!"

"What exactly is a speck of dust? Is it a living being, a dead thing, a world, or a source of power!"

"I have my own consciousness, am I really dust? Are those dusts wandering in the empty years experiencing the Nine Nirvana of the Great Emperor? Then is the land of dust I have walked full of peerless talents? Dust Why did they appear? Why did they appear? Where did the dust come from and where did it die? Are they self-destructive? Dust may be living things?"

"Maybe the dust is dead again?"

"No consciousness, no soul, no action, only floating in the wind in the cold universe?"



There are thousands of doubts in Lin Huang's heart that cannot be explained.

"Dust...Is it immortal? A stone, forever or maybe a stone...Is it immortal? Because he is a dead thing and immortal? Maybe he has a consciousness that is not like a living thing that cannot be observed, it is also a living thing? A kind of life that has eternal life The soul of the art?"

"Or, the stronger the consciousness, the less immortal it is?"

Lin Huang was thinking wildly and didn't know what to think, but he found it more and more interesting.If it was before, he certainly wouldn't have thought about it.

Dust is dust, what can it be?
Thinking about these fancy things every day is a waste of time.

But now...he enjoys the bitterness and indulges in it.

"Dust is the great emperor who is going through the ninth Nirvana!"

"Dust is an immortal spirit!"

These are two possibilities that Lin Huang came up with wildly, "Is it possible that a world?"

"Buddha said, one flower, one world, one leaf, one universe...does it really exist?"

Lin Huang's consciousness moved slightly.

It was still a speck of dust, but Lin Huang was incomparably shocked.

Because in a moment of his thought, a world suddenly appeared in the dust, a vast, cold and dark world.

Before it, it didn't exist.

When Lin Huang thought about it, it existed!

"Why is it so dark, with a little light missing!"

Lin Huang realized in his heart that in an instant... a big sun appeared, and the fiery red light pierced the earth, spreading the icy universe.

"air of gloominess!"

Another thought is the barrenness of the forest, thousands of trees have broken through the ground, and the luxuriant branches and leaves render the barren vast universe.For a time, it was full of vitality.

"It is good to have mountains, but also to have rivers!"

Mountains appear, rivers emerge!
"The sky soars as a dragon, the sea walks like a flood!"

In the empty and cold universe, an ancient Taixu dragon appeared in the light of the great sun.The water of the vast sea sweeps across the sky, and there are ancient dragons stirring up wind and waves, roaring the sky and the earth.

"Everything is static, it's not fun!"

In an instant, the entire world is swaying with thousands of trees, the water of the vast sea flows and sweeps, and the ancient dragon of Taixu swims.

"No sound!"

Gu Jiao's voice resounded throughout the world.

"It's all this one color, it's too boring!"

The grass and trees suddenly withered and turned yellow, the vast sea turned into ice, and the giant mountain was covered with snow!

"It's boring to watch again!"

There are four seasons in the world, the vegetation is green in spring, the vegetation is withered and yellow in autumn and winter, and the mountains are covered with snow, and the cycle repeats itself!
(End of this chapter)

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