
Chapter 1980 Resurrection of Reiki

When the aura revived, the entire Origin Realm began to enter the era of national practice.


Humans were not the first to awaken.

But vegetation.

Within one month, the vegetation grows wildly, and the ancient trees can be towering.

Then came those wild beasts hiding in the jungle, their figures began to swell, gradually revealing their bloodthirsty nature.

At the same time, they awakened some talents and supernatural powers in a very short time.

That is the innate supernatural power, the power hidden in their bodies.

All of a sudden, beast tides began to appear in the whole world, impacting cities all over the world.

In the very beginning, human beings had high-tech weapons and were able to suppress these beast hordes.However, with the rapid reproduction of those monsters, there are more and more monsters, and they are becoming more and more powerful.

Animal hordes become more frequent.

Even if the current level of technology far exceeds the power of the beast tide, there are always times when it is impossible to guard against.

Gradually, many cities were breached, and the bustling cities were destroyed in a short period of time.

In order to protect the major cities, countries in the Origin Realm had to establish defense bases, and the number of troops increased sharply.

In order to ensure world peace, the funds used to manufacture weapons have also increased rapidly, and these sources of funds are ultimately borne by the people.

In the process, human warriors also began to awaken.

They began to read ancient books and practice ancient martial arts.Those boxing styles that have gradually declined under the technological civilization have begun to recover.

On the contrary, some types of boxing used for fighting were quickly annihilated.

Under the oppression of the beast tide, human warriors grew rapidly.But in contrast, human warriors were not born with supernatural powers.

They can only rely on their own wisdom, explore the mysteries of the flesh, and make themselves stronger step by step.

But among hundreds of millions of people, there is always a genius who rises in the troubled times.

Even though Xia Wushuang died in battle, the 15-year-old child he left behind only took three years to step into the real martial arts realm.

True Martial Realm is one of the six realms divided by the human race to distinguish their strengths.

The kingdoms of the human race were divided into nine realms at that time.

Yin Qi!





True Martial Realm.

King's realm.

Holy Land!

God of War Realm.

Xia Cang, the son of Xia Wushuang, broke through to the Real Martial Realm in three years, and he was also the first real martial artist in the Origin Realm.

Although there are names of King Realm, Saint Realm, and War God Realm later, no one has practiced the strength of these three realms.

However, when the Great Xia God of War was alive, his strength was no more than the innate realm.

He is a genetic warrior combined with ancient martial arts, and there is no Yuan Qi circulating in his body.At that time, the Great Xia God of War had already stood at the pinnacle of martial arts in the entire Origin Realm.

With Xia Cang stepping into the Real Martial Realm, the Genetic Martial Artist Theory in the Origin Realm also completely declined.

Moreover, after knowing that the genetic warrior is a dead end, looking back, I found that none of the former genetic warriors could step into the real martial arts.

And this has caused conflicts within the human race in the Origin Realm. Those rising fighters are like the poor families or common people in ancient times, and the genetic fighters who are labeled as doomsday represent the original rich and nobles of this world.

The confrontation between the two classes is bound to break out into a war.

In the next few decades, the world of origin was completely out of control. Although the country and the military still existed and were strong, the class conflicts below were unavoidable, and there were countless games.

At the same time, there are still hordes of beasts constantly invading, which are impacting the entire Origin Realm.

Maybe the human warriors have a higher end point, but they don't have supernatural powers, so the road can only be passed step by step.Therefore, in the face of the constant terrifying and powerful beast hordes, they have always been at a disadvantage.

More importantly, in the past few decades, the technological civilization of the Origin Realm has stopped making progress.

Almost everyone's attention was focused on the practice of spiritual recovery.

Fortunately, in the past few decades, there has always been a group of arrogance in troubled times, under strong oppression, breaking through the limits of the physical body and proving the authenticity of the realm.

Xia Cang went all the way from the Real Martial Realm, defined the prestige of the King Realm and the Holy Realm, and stepped into the God of War Realm ten years ago!

When he stepped into the God of War Realm, he blocked a C-level beast tide alone, and went deep into the setting sun sea alone to kill the top king beast, the holy spirit Mo Kun, so that the people saw the hope of defeating the beast tide.

God of War Realm, can kill top monsters.

However, in the three years since Xia Cang stepped into the God of War Realm, no one has broken through to the God of War Realm.He fights south and north by himself, and has a great reputation, but after all, he is alone and unable to protect the entire Origin Realm.

Until three years later, a monk from Dafan Kingdom stepped out of the stupa and stepped into the God of War realm.

Four years later, a middle-aged man from the Kingdom of Shenai walked out of the ancient pyramid and stepped into the God of War Realm!
Five years later, Luo Shanhe stepped into the God of War Realm and became the fourth God of War Realm expert.

In the same year, monks from the God of War Realm of Dafan Kingdom founded Dafanwu Temple!Shenaiguo founded the Islamic Church in his middle age.Xia Cang founded the Great Xia Martial Mansion and became the master of a generation.Then Xia Cang abdicated, and Luo Shanhe became the second-generation palace master.

The following year, the heads of state jointly established the Temple of War, and Xia Cang was the master of the generation!
The main purpose of the Temple of War God is to annihilate the beast tide and protect the Origin Realm.

However, in the second year after the establishment of the Temple of War God, Xia Cang stepped down as the head of the hall, and Manizi, a monk from the Dafan Kingdom, was appointed as the second generation head of the hall.Luo Shanhe stepped down as the head of the second-generation Daxia Martial Mansion, and was replaced by Li Changchun, the new God of War of the Daxia Kingdom.

And the reason why Xia Cang and Luo Shanhe agreed to be resigned was because Luo Shanhe deduced the realm of God of War.

Heavenly realm.

Xia Cang followed two consecutive realms.


Demigod Realm!
These are just three simple realm names, and few people understand their meanings, but those war gods understand that these three realms are a path derived by Xia Cang and Luo Shanhe.

And these two people need to unload all burdens, concentrate on cultivation, and open the way for the human race!

Standing in the ruins, watching the warriors flying past and fighting towards the three-eyed white tiger on the roof of the building, Lin Huang pursed his lips lightly and frowned slightly.

A very interesting time, although not long.However, the development of martial arts in just 30 years may take ten thousand years or even longer in a prosperous age.

"Luoshan River..."

Lin Huang murmured to himself.

Unexpectedly, the young man I met in the bar before became the fourth god of war in 30 years.

Maybe it has already stepped into the realm of heaven and man.

"God of War... the pinnacle of mortal martial power. The unity of man and nature has begun to pursue Tao... The real world of martial arts may be coming soon!"

Lin Huang moved his footsteps, one step at a time... and soon appeared in the extreme north of Daxia Kingdom.


On the top of the extreme northern snow mountain, a middle-aged man sitting cross-legged suddenly opened his eyes, volleyed into the air and then rushed down.

On the top of another mountain, Xia Cang who still maintained his youthful appearance suddenly opened his eyes.

"Heaven and Human Realm!"

Lin Huang raised his head, looked at Luo Shanhe coming from the sky, and opened his mouth slowly.

Looking at Lin Huang, Luo Shanhe frowned, then fell into memories, his expression gradually became astonished, and finally a little shocked.

"''s's you..."

In Luo Shanhe's eyes, Lin Huang is still as young as 30 years ago, and has not changed at all.Moreover, this is the snow-capped mountain in the far north, and he and Xia Cang have set up a restriction, so the God of War cannot walk here.

"Have you stepped into the God of War Realm?"

Luo Shanhe frowned.

"What do you say?"

Lin Huang waved his sleeves, glanced at Xia Cang, and said, "Let me ask you that question in the bar... If you are just an existence of nothingness, what do you think?"


Just as Luo Shanhe was about to speak, he froze suddenly.

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