
Chapter 1981 Civilization Lord

Chapter 1981 Civilization Lord
In the vast and vast snow-capped mountains, Luo Shanhe looked at Lin Huang in disbelief.

At this moment, he suddenly realized.There was still a tremor in the voice, "Your Excellency... who is it?"

At this moment, Xia Cang has appeared in front of Luo Shanhe. Although he is a junior in front of Luo Shanhe, his strength is above Luo Shanhe's.

Moreover, the realm of martial arts he defined along the way can be described as a god-like existence in the world of origin.

He rarely saw Luo Shanhe like this, so he was full of curiosity and vigilance towards Lin Huang.

More importantly, he couldn't see through Lin Huang's realm.

This is the scariest place.

He doesn't really believe that in this world of origin, there are existences stronger than him.

"If I'm just an existence of nothingness..."

Luo Shanhe muttered about the problem of forest shortage, a little distracted.

Before this, he had not thought about this question.

He remembered the bar back then, which was the beginning of the revolution in the world of origin, and he also remembered Lin Huang.However, he didn't take this sentence to heart.

Now that Lin Huang appeared again, he had to look at the latter again.

"Was the Origin Realm ever real?"

Luo Shanhe murmured to himself, "If the Origin Realm is not real, then does the God Continent really exist?"

"Could it be a big dream?"

"No... this is absolutely impossible!"

Luo Shanhe couldn't give Lin Huang an answer.

But Xia Cang on the side suddenly said, "This is the Tao!"

Lin Huang turned his head and raised his eyebrows, looked at Xia Cang, "Continue talking!"

"One flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi!"

Xia Cang continued to speak.

"It's a cliché!"

Lin Huang replied.

"In the world of origin, both the technological civilization and the biological field have multiplied to a peak! Before the spiritual energy revived, the body was talking more about genes, cells, and blood types..."

"It's just that after the recovery of the spiritual energy, these terms were gradually forgotten and replaced by qi, blood, muscles and bones..."

Xia Cang said calmly, "Perhaps the two theories lead to the same goal. The simplest explanation is that people have birth, old age, sickness and death. In technological civilization, it is called the decay of cells; in martial arts civilization, it belongs to the five decays of heaven and man!"

"Whether it's medicine or practice, it just prolongs the lifespan of cells, constantly iterating cells!"

"Scientific and technological civilization explains why birth, old age, sickness and death occur from a subtle point. Martial arts civilization explains it from a macro perspective. It seems that there is no theoretical basis, but there are verifications everywhere!"

Xia Cang talked about his thoughts.

"So... what do you want to say?"

Lin Huang roughly understood what Xia Cang meant, but continued to ask.

Xia Cang raised his palm, "In the biological field, there are hundreds of millions of bacteria in my palm. And under the observation of science and technology, there are too many existences in each bacteria!"

"Just because I can't see bacteria doesn't mean it doesn't exist..."

"We call them bacteria, maybe they call themselves humans!"

Xia Cang explained, "So, it doesn't matter whether there is nothingness or not. What matters is whether there are higher civilized lords!"

"The word civilization lord is very interesting!"

Lin Huang frowned, and took a deep look at Xia Cang, "Tell me in detail!"

"A leaf may create a world after the game. And the world we live in may also be a leaf, just like a nesting doll!"

Xia Cang continued to speak, but his expression became serious, "I can easily tear apart the leaves in my hand, but if the Origin Realm is just a leaf, I have no power to change the Origin Realm, it may be torn to pieces at any time!"

"Compared to the leaves in my hands, I am a higher civilization, and I am their civilization lord. At the same time, there may be a civilization lord above the origin world, who controls the origin world This leaf, then he is also a civilized lord. It’s just that there is an insurmountable gap between my civilized lord and that one!”

After Xia Cang finished speaking in one breath, Luo Shanhe on the side was dumbfounded.

Afterwards, Xia Cang suddenly bowed to Lin Huang, "The theory of one flower, one world has been put forward for too long. Maybe no one has seriously considered it. If you hadn't asked this question, I wouldn't have thought about it deeply!" "

"Is this... a bit absurd?"

Luo Shanhe still didn't believe it.

Although he couldn't refute this theory, he still didn't believe that the world of origin was just a leaf.

"We lived in a technological civilization back then, and we would not believe in the existence of gods. The way of a warrior is to constantly break our own cognition!"

Xia Cang spoke calmly.

"Then I'll ask another question!"

Lin Huang looked deeply at Xia Cang, and then said, "There is a person holding a leaf, and inside the leaf is a world, the discoverer of the most powerful person in the leaf world, the world he lives in is a leaf, controlled by people outside the leaf Then... how can the strongest person in the leaf world truly protect this world, or kill the person who holds the leaf world in his palm to play with!"

Xia Cang was taken aback.

Then he frowned tightly...

The wind and snow are rustling.

There is no sound.

Lin Huang's words were very simple. What Xia Cang said before explained a theory, that is, there are levels of civilized lords.

So, how can a level [-] civilization lord challenge a level [-] civilization lord?

Luo Shanhe spoke for a long time, but he didn't know how to speak. He thought for a long time, and only felt that this was an unsolvable problem.

"It's hard!"

After a long time, Xia Cang returned his eyes and shook his head.

"But do you think there are some directions to explore?"

Lin Huang laughed.

Xia Cang nodded.

"When I am only interested, I will pick off the leaves to observe. But in normal times, even in the past 100 years, I will not care about any leaf!"

Lin Huang frowned, then shook his head, "Your statement is no longer within the scope of discussion. What I'm talking about is how to defeat the higher-level civilization lords, instead of letting the high-level civilization lords forget the low-level world. The life and death of the world are placed in the hands of the advanced civilization lord!"

"So, maybe there are three more ways!"

Xia Cang spoke.

"One, the low-level civilization is strong enough to transform from a small snake into a poisonous snake, and bite its master back!"

Lin Huang pondered for a while, "It's a method, but the result may not be very good. This world may fall into the hands of other civilized lords!"

"Then it will be upgraded!"

Xia Cang said, "As long as you can escape from this world, you may enter the high-dimensional civilized can meet that civilized lord!"

Lin Huang nodded.

"There is one last possibility, what is it?"

Lin Huang stared at Xia Cang and continued to ask.

"Dimensionality reduction!"

Xia Cang said, "Gather your strength and wait patiently... Maybe one day the civilized lord will enter the world of a secondary civilization and be hunted down!"


Xia Cang raised his head and stared at Lin Huang, "Your Excellency, Xia Cang boldly guessed...whether you might be the... civilization lord who entered the secondary world!"

(End of this chapter)

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