
Chapter 1994 Reversal

Chapter 1994 Reversal
The sudden scene shocked everyone.

Who is this god of the human race?

How dare he.

Dare to participate in the great battle of Qin Zheng, it is comparable to the battle between the gods of the eight realms, even if the gods of the seven realms have passed, they can only watch the show.

And the gods of the human race are even more frightened at this moment.


They just noticed now that the young man wearing a mask and holding the Daqin War Banner turned out to be just a primitive god.

He dared to go towards Qin Zheng.

In an instant, gods of ten thousand races and three realms came to intercept and kill Qin Changsheng.

This son's method is too terrifying. I am afraid that he will be the enemy of all races in the future. He must be killed before he has absolute strength.

Under the sky, Qin Changsheng turned his head and looked at the god of the three realms who had been killed.

He rolled his flag, and then killed him suddenly.

A loud bang.

A flower of blood burst out between heaven and earth.

All the gods present were stunned for a moment, then the expressions on their faces froze, and finally revealed an unbelievable look.

They didn't understand how a god of the first stage dared to kill the gods of the third realm.

However, it was only at the moment when the two sides fought against each other.

The gods of the three realms were actually directly beheaded by Qin Changsheng.

The battle flag was stained with blood, and it became more and more solemn.

Then came the shock!

Killing the Three Realms in the First Realm!

This is no longer as simple as going against the upper realm.

In the next moment, among the gods of all races, there was a god of five realms who went directly to Qin Changsheng.

Earlier, they thought it was a lion fighting a rabbit, but the boat capsized in the gutter.

But this time, they are absolutely fighting the lion against the rabbit.

Seeing the gods of the five realms attacking him, Qin Changsheng didn't dare to be arrogant in the slightest, and rushed towards Qin Zheng violently.


At this moment, Qin Zheng was suppressed by Chi Tianzun and several black kings, so he couldn't spare his hands to help Qin Changsheng.

In the void battlefield, Qin Yi turned his head and started to break away from the army, heading towards Qin Changsheng's rescue.However, he hadn't completely escaped from the formation, Qin Changsheng looked back sternly, and stopped his actions.

Under the sky, the gods of the five realms were as fast as light, and they were getting closer and closer to Qin Changsheng.

And Qin Changsheng is getting closer and closer to Qin Zheng.

The gods of the five realms sneered, even though Qin Zheng was beside this son at this moment, under the oppression of several big black kings, Qin Zheng had no time to be distracted.

This son must die!

However, Qin Changsheng suddenly opened his arms, and a smile appeared under his cold mask.

In an instant, the gods of the five realms slapped Qin Changsheng with a palm.

And Qin Changsheng also turned his head and slapped him.At the same time, Qin Changsheng's figure flew out backwards, still flying in the direction of Qin Zheng.

In the eyes of all the gods, Qin Changsheng even wanted to use the attack power of the gods of the six realms to speed himself up.

But he didn't know that under the palm of the gods of the six realms, he would be crushed directly, leaving no bones left.



In the void, there was a violent explosion.

The gods between heaven and earth burst, and suddenly turned into a sea of ​​blood, descending from the sky.

And the expressions of the gods continued, with worries and smiles...

Suddenly, above the void, there was another huge explosion, another god was killed.

And the continuous expressions on the faces of those gods finally stopped at this moment, showing some kind of disbelief and horror.

Extremely frightened.

Because in just two moments... the battle was completely beyond their expectations.

Those gods of the five realms were slapped to death by the counterattack.

Moreover, Qin Changsheng, who flew towards Qin Zheng, then rushed out with a battle flag in his hand, and directly killed a black king who was paying attention to Qin Zheng.

Suddenly... the seal that suppressed Qin Zheng was turbulent, and he suddenly tore a crack and escaped from it.

Qin Changsheng, on the other hand, ran straight away, heading directly for the Vientiane Black Tortoise Formation.

Up and down the void, all the gods were full of bewilderment.

Just now……

In the end what happened?
Is it because I don't have enough realm, and I don't understand it?
Or my IQ is not enough.

The gods began to doubt themselves.

But in the field, Lin Huang, who was the eye of the formation, had already entered the battlefield. He paid attention to Qin Changsheng's behavior, but he knew it clearly in his heart.

How strong Qin Zheng is, he doesn't necessarily know.

But he knows how strong Qin Changsheng is now.

It should be normal for the latter to suppress and kill the gods of the three realms.But it is absolutely impossible to kill the gods of the five realms with one palm.

The only explanation is that Qin Zheng, who was trapped in the cage, instantly transferred his power to Qin Changsheng.

Then he slapped the six realms to death with a single palm, and killed a black king in an instant.

Afterwards, Qin Zheng's original strength returned, and Qin Changsheng was unable to participate in such a battle, so he could only return to the Vientiane Black Tortoise Formation.

But... such a secret, it is naturally impossible for ordinary gods to think of it.

After thinking about the key points, Lin Huang quickly regained his senses. He had already left the Vientiane Xuanwu Formation and followed behind Qin Shibaqi, suppressing and killing the gods of all races.

At this moment, he is hundreds of feet tall, his whole body is golden, his body has a posture that shakes the sky, and he is incomparably stalwart.However, his body, which was like golden colored glaze, was covered with bloody cracks at this moment.

It makes the stalwart posture add three points of violence.


With the help of the power of the Vientiane Xuanwu Formation, Lin Huang has already set foot on the gods of the five realms.It's just...his body couldn't bear such a terrifying force, so many cracks appeared.Fortunately, he still crossed the gate of heaven with his physical body and became the body of a god.

Otherwise, he would have exploded.

At this moment, all the gods of all races focused on Qin Changsheng, they were still in shock, no one noticed Lin Huang.

Otherwise, the forest shortage is the biggest flaw in the whole layout.

"Kill Lin Huang!"

However, the gods of all races also reacted extremely quickly, some of the gods headed towards Qin Changsheng to intercept and kill them, while the other part of the gods were surprised to find Lin Huang and quickly killed them.

Lin Huang frowned slightly, and there were three six-level people who appeared around him.


Lin Huang took the initiative to get away from Qin Shibaqi's rear, his sleeves were rolled up, his whole body rose into the sky, and then he pressed down with one hand.

In an instant, a monstrous breath of silence descended from the sky, like a thunderbolt from the Nine Netherworlds, heading towards the three gods of the six realms.

The overwhelming power of rules was used to make all the moves of the six gods disappear in a short period of time.

Afterwards, they actually felt the breath in their bodies passing away crazily.

Their hair is frosty white, and their skin is wrinkled.

Their lives are being terribly silenced.

"It's endless!"

One of the gods of the six realms roared loudly, and a green light gushed out from his body, like a vast sea, enveloping the other two gods.

In an instant, the power of nirvana that invaded the bodies of the three gods was resisted.They speeded up and shortened the distance to Lin Huang.

"Extreme annihilation...resurrection!"

Lin Huang's voice was low, and while his sleeves were flying, his whole body was full of vitality, like flowers blooming all over the sky.

But only at this moment, Lin Huang's thick eyebrows slanted into his temples, adding three points of domineering.

"Human overbearing!"

Lin Huang whispered, and the body of the overlord suddenly emerged from his body...

Before Nirvana, he was hunted down by the gods and forced to die as an overlord.But at this moment, the overlord's body was revived by Lin Huang.

The moment he appeared, the world was shaken.

The overlord has a spirit, raised his eyes to look down on the world, looking at the three gods of the six realms who provoked and killed him, he volleyed in the air with one hand, and a peerless overlord gun appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Those who go against the sky, there is still something to do; those who go against me, have no chance!"

(End of this chapter)

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