
Chapter 1995 5 realms kill 6 realms

Between heaven and earth, the Overlord appeared.

The moment he appeared, he soared between the heaven and the earth, fighting towards the three gods of the six realms.

At the same time, Lin Huang's figure was shaky, dominating the world and reappearing in the world.

At this moment, the war was watched by all the gods.

They couldn't believe their eyes. A young man who had just stepped into the realm of the gods was able to withstand the power of the human race, win the fortune of the five realms, and fight across the six realms.

This is unprecedented in tens of thousands of years of history.

In the sky, the overlord punched down, directly knocking back a six-level god.At the same time, he received a punch, retreated and vomited blood.

On the other side, Lin Huang was chasing and killing the sixth-level god in the posture of the fifth level.

In an instant, the Overlord roared, and his aura reached a peak again. Holding two big regular mountains in his hands, he headed towards the two gods of the six realms.

The gods of all races are looking at the battle in the void at this moment, and they are ready to move.

"Eighteen Cavalry of the Great Qin Dynasty, Luezhen!"

Qin Changsheng successfully returned to the Vientiane Xuanwu Formation and began to command.

The Eighteen Cavalry of the Qin Dynasty, who were originally like a fierce tiger on the battlefield, turned their heads back in an instant, guarding the four sides of the void battlefield, and deterred all gods.

They didn't help Lin Huang, but they also blocked the thoughts of other gods from all races.

In the basalt formation, Qin Changsheng's face was serious, and his eyes had the brilliance of strategy.

In the sky, the war did not fall into anxiety.

Lin Huang's tricks are endless, his white clothes are fluttering, and he holds the Shan Na knife in his hand, so he chased and killed the gods of the six realms without losing the wind.

On the other side, it is not difficult for the overlord to suppress the two gods by himself.

Cross-border suppression is not a difficult task for Linhuang.

The gods of all races frowned. Seeing that their state was not right, they no longer cared about the protection of the Eighteen Horsemen of the Great Qin Dynasty, and rushed towards Lin Huang directly.

In the next moment, the chaos between heaven and earth broke out again.

Qin Shibaqi formed a large circle to resist the gods of all races.Inside the big circle, Lin Huang glanced at Qin Shibaqi's state, and his figure suddenly became crazy.

Snow drifts.

The heavens cut the gods.

Heroes dominate the world.


One after another martial arts turned into rules, descending from the sky, recovering from the sea of ​​fire to the death of heaven and earth.Lin Huang hunts down the existence of gods and patrols the world.

In the end, Lin Huang's figure turned into light, piercing the sky.

The figures of the gods of the six realms froze in the sky.

"Play with a hammer!"

In the next moment, Lin Huang's figure flashed beside the overlord's body, and once again killed a six-level god.

And the overlord also snorted coldly, he stretched out his big hand, and it fell like an upside-down sky, imprisoning Taixu with monstrous domineering energy, and grabbed the six-level god.

The complexion of the six realm gods changed, and the energy and blood in their bodies exploded, quickly breaking through the confinement, and instead of retreating, they rushed towards the Overlord.

"court death!"

The Overlord punched out with one punch, like an ancient sacred mountain pushing across the ages.


The gods of the six realms were directly knocked into the air.

In an instant, the body of the overlord flashed into the sky, grabbed the flying upside-down god of the six realms, and directly tore the latter into pieces with both arms.

On the other side, Lin Huang glanced at Qin Shibaqi's line of defense that was about to be breached, his eyebrows condensed slightly, and without the slightest hesitation, he helped Tyrant Dynasty kill the last six-level god.

The face of the last six-level god changed drastically, and the qi and blood in his body quickly became manic. His aura was rising steadily, which made Lin Huang feel dangerous in his heart.

However, at this moment, the overlord was not afraid at all, his figure suddenly swelled, and he bumped towards the gods of the six realms abruptly.


There was another loud bang.

The gods of the six realms exploded directly.

The overlord's body was riddled with holes and blood flowed like rivers.However, he still looked proudly at the bank, lightly brushing his blood-stained black robe, dismissively.

"Qin Shibaqi, let go!"

In the Wanxiang Xuanwu Formation, Qin Changsheng spoke.

In an instant, the line of defense collapsed.

In an instant, Lin Huang came directly towards the Vientiane Xuanwu Formation.

Qin Changsheng frowned slightly. At this moment, Qin Shibaqi was in a state of decline, and he was prone to great danger. Lin Huang meant several things.

However, in the next moment, Lin Huang directly took back the overlord's body into his body, and at the same time returned the position of the formation eye to Qin Changsheng.

Without the slightest hesitation, Qin Changsheng rushed to help Qin Shibaqi with the power of the Vientiane Xuanwu Formation.

"My ceremony is not over yet!"

Lin Huang said.

"it is good!"

Qin Changsheng replied simply, his figure had already stepped into the battlefield.

The next moment, Lin Huang had already appeared in the formation, protected by the gods of the human race.

In the dark world, everything changes rapidly.

Even a group of gods are too busy to watch.

It's too fast.

From Qin Changsheng to Qin Zheng, beheaded the gods of the three realms and five realms and the black king, and then returned abruptly.Then to Linhuang, he successively killed several gods of the six realms.

In the blink of an eye, he and Qin Changsheng switched identities again.

Everything happened, in fact, within dozens of breaths.

Moreover, Lin Huang cooperated perfectly with this young man wearing a mask.

Five realms killing six realms, even relying on the power of the Black Tortoise Formation, is already terrifying enough.

At this moment, the human god looked at the young man in white in the formation, his eyes were full of scorching heat.

Great Emperor Jiu Nie, the peerless arrogance of the human race for tens of thousands of years.

Not to mention his least, in the eyes of the gods of the human race, it seems to have seen a second Qin Zheng.


Not the second.

It's the third one.

The masked young man who was fighting against the gods of the six realms on the battlefield also had the demeanor of Emperor Jintian and Qin Zheng back then.

My Terran...

The future has infinite possibilities!
But at this moment, the younger generations on those Taixu ancient dragons in the battlefield are a little numb.

Are these two gods of the first stage?

Ji Yaoguang opened his mouth and stared for a long time, not knowing what to say.

This is the Lin Huang he knew?When I was in the Xieyue God Clan, I didn't see the latter's rare appearance.

"Is this the power of the Nine Nirvana Conferred God Empress?"

Xia Yihou's face was serious, and there was a deep longing in his eyes.

He's actually very proud.

Because he is the position of god achieved by the Great Emperor Qi Nirvana, which is only achieved by Emperor Jintian and Qin Zheng in the history of the human race.

But today, his worldview has been subverted.

But he is happy.

Because... he is not in the peak of the younger generation of the human race, he has a new goal.

"and many more……"

Ji Yaoguang on the side suddenly yelled, his figure was moving in the sky and earth with Taixu Gulong, but his eyes were fixed on Lin Huang in the Vientiane Xuanwu Formation.

At this moment, Lin Huang's body and head were slightly tilted back, and his two fingers glowed with golden light, pulling the rune between his eyebrows.

"Old Xia, look at what's going on... It seems that a third gate of heaven has appeared?"

Ji Yaoguang didn't believe it.

Xia Yihou's expression froze immediately, and Sichuan characters were carved on his brows, "No, it's not just the third gate of heaven. He really is a body and soul crossing together, there should be four gates of heaven!"

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