
Chapter 1998 Half Step 9 Realm

Chapter 1998 Half Step Nine Realms
The mighty Taixu, Qin Zheng held the battle flag in his hand, bucked the trend and jumped into the air to kill several big black kings in front of him.

He has a majestic figure, wearing a mighty divine light, dispelling the darkness.

Thousands of Laws accompanied Qin Zheng's circulation and invaded the dark void domain where several black kings joined forces.

Only when Qin Zheng's sleeves fluttered, the pitch-black domain woven with countless rules of the avenue was shattered inch by inch.

Qin Zheng squinted, and the Great Qin War Banner rolled out in his hand, heading towards a black king.

The black king's complexion changed, and he quickly backed away.


A loud bang.

However, the Daqin Zhanqi easily penetrated Heiwang's chest.

That seemingly simple move contained a terrifying avenue of power, making it impossible for the Black King to avoid it.

In the next moment, two black kings rushed towards Qin Zheng at the same time.


With the order of Qin Zheng, Wanshi Mountain suddenly descended from the sky, like an ancient demon, sweeping away the two black kings.


In the sky and the world, the war continues.

The human race has gradually gained an advantage, and it is an absolute advantage.

Even in the face of the siege of several black kings, Qin Zheng still has the attitude of walking in the garden at this moment.

The Great Qin Eighteen Cavalry and Qin Changsheng below are even more brave and invincible. They traverse the battlefield with invincible power.

In the Vientiane Xuanwu Formation, Lin Huang's fingertips were stained with golden light, and the ancient runes between his eyebrows were jumping rapidly.

Under the traction of the fingers, the runes gradually appeared.


The gate of heaven suddenly appeared!

The fourth gate of heaven.

At this moment, the gods of all races in the void have no time for him to care about the fourth gate of heaven. After all, Qin Shibaqi has no intention of letting go.

On the contrary, the god who was in the Vientiane Xuanwu Formation turned his head to look over, and then showed a disappointed expression.

They had already expected the fourth gate of heaven.


Why does this Tianmen look so shabby.

There are also door panels.


Much simpler than the third Tianmen!

At this moment, the Tianmen standing in front of Lin Huang is only thirty feet in size.

Compared with the first Tianmen, it is a difference between cloud and mud.

Too low.

Moreover, the entire Tianmen seems to be poured loess, which is not even comparable to the walls of ordinary earthen cities.

Above the gate of heaven, it is full of mottled cracks. It seems that no care has been taken when it was poured.

The only decoration is that there are a few ghostly symbols on the Tianmen.

It is really a ghost drawing talisman. The map that Lin Huang drew with the bird when he was a child is much more beautiful than the rune on the gate of heaven.

In the void, Lin Huang couldn't hide the disgust on his face.

It also……

Too cheap!

Just this gate of heaven, you can crush it by raising your hand.

As he said that, Lin Huang really raised his fist and headed towards the loess heavenly gate.

There was no response from the door that day.

Lin Huang frowned slightly, it seemed that it wasn't that Tianmen didn't respond, but that he punched out, and the fist mark disappeared automatically in the void.


"Perhaps there is such a little bit of mystery!"

Lin Huang could only comfort himself like this.

But if you look at it horizontally and vertically, this loess Tianmen is not very good.

Forget it, here we come!
Lin Huang shook his head, and walked towards the loess heavenly gate.

However, when Lin Huang approached the Huangtu Tianmen, he was suddenly taken aback.Because the distance between the door and him did not change at all that day.

Lin Huang moved forward.

The Loess Tianmen didn't seem to retreat, but the distance remained unchanged.

Lin Huang frowned.

Further on.

The distance remains the same.

Lin Huang was stunned... He exerted his strength with both hands, and there was a magic chain of law in his palm, and he walked towards the loess heavenly gate.

With two clicks, the Huangtu Tianmen was directly locked by the rule god chain.

Lin Huang exerted all his strength and pulled the Huangtu Tianmen towards him.

Heaven's Gate Advances...

However, the distance between Linhuang and Loess Tianmen has never changed.


Lin Huang was completely puzzled.

The Wanshen Tianmen, Scarlet Tianmen and Heluo Tianmen did not reject themselves.You ugly Tianmen, you still look down on me?

Lin Huang was furious!
He charged towards the Huangtu Tianmen again...

However, no matter how rampant the forest is, the Loess Tianmen is still close at hand, but out of reach.


At this moment, Qin Zheng roared furiously above Taixu, he crossed the void and rushed towards the Vientiane Black Tortoise Formation.

At this moment, there was a shocking explosion in the void.

Qin Changsheng fell instantly, and was shot through the chest by a six-level god of the Wanzu.

He turned around instantly...

I saw that the Vientiane Xuanwu Formation suddenly shattered, and a huge hole appeared.All the gods in the formation vomited blood and showed horror on their faces.

They see a light.

A snow-white holy light pierced through the hole, killing towards the Huangtu Tianmen and Linhuang.

"No distance!"

Qin Zheng roared, instantly penetrated the Vientiane Black Tortoise Formation, chased after the beam of snow-white holy light, and headed towards Lin Huang and Huangtu Tianmen.

In an instant, the void froze and became silent!
That bunch of white holy light disappeared.

A huge hole appeared in Qin Zheng's chest!

And in front of Qin Zheng, there was a snow-white light floating... In the light, an ethereal figure was born.

Behind that figure... snow-white wings are densely packed, swaying the void, covering the sky.

"There is no distance from the mystery, as expected of Qin Zheng of the human race!"

The snow-white figure spoke, his voice full of indifference and indifference.

It was a young figure, even younger than Lin Huang, with white hair and fair skin, and a delicate and delicate face.

The eyebrows are cold, and the eyes are narrow and long, giving people a dangerous feeling.

In the young man's hand, there is also a snow-white long sword, with the power of thousands of rules wrapped around it, exuding a holy aura.

"It's been tens of thousands of years... It's a pity that you still haven't taken that step!"

Qin Zheng covered the hole in his chest, and began to recover rapidly, "Don't you think it's ridiculous to use the profound meaning of so close and far away to a junior?"

"This Tianmen is not easy, the god wants it!"

The snow-white figure ordered to speak.

Qin Zheng turned his head and glanced at Lin Huang, "Entering the Gate of Heaven!"

Lin Huang scratched his head, and walked towards the Loess Heavenly Gate again in doubt, and his figure disappeared in the next instant.

Qin Changsheng flew the battle flag in his hand, "I'm actually a little disappointed in you. You want the Heavenly Gate before you have stepped into the Nine Realms?"

"It's enough to kill you in half a step to the Nine Realms! You use Lin Huang and Tianmen as bait, isn't it just to force the god to show up?"

The snow-white figure spoke.

"Naturally! My hard planning is not in vain!"

Qin Zheng smiled slightly, "However, if you haven't really stepped into the Nine Realms, you won't be able to kill me!"

"Qin Zheng... after so many years, you are still so confident! Could it be that your human race's planning can be compared with the Ming clan?"

The snow-white figure opened his mouth and frowned slightly.

The next moment...

Two figures quietly appeared on the left and right sides of the void in the Little Zhuxian Formation.

A figure was blood red, like a god of hell.

A figure was wearing a golden armor, carrying brilliant heavenly power.

In an instant, the majestic power of the gods was crushed, and all the gods of the race were worshiped. Mo Neng got up, and even Qin Shibaqi couldn't resist the power of the two gods that suddenly appeared.

For a moment, the human gods were terrified.

Above the Eight Realms!

It turned out to be two gods above the eighth realm...

For a moment, the hearts of the gods of the human race fell to the bottom.

They don't know much about the ancient gods in Ten Thousand Realms.But even if the Nine Realms are extinct, they also know that in this world of ten thousand races... there are many old antiques attacking the Nine Realms.

As for those old antiques, three of them came at once today.

"As expected of Chiyu God... for a junior of my human race, I even invited a helper!"

Qin Zheng taunted slightly with his eyebrows narrowed: "We actually called the Da Luo God of the Abyssal Demon Clan, the Sun Worship God of the Emperor God Clan!"

There was a mean smile on the Chiyu God's face, "Three and a half steps and nine realms, even if you have a backhand, you can still forcefully suppress... Only in this way can you be sure to ask your longevity god to die, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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