
Chapter 1999 Adversity

The sudden appearance of the three gods immediately changed the situation on the entire battlefield drastically.

Even if they haven't made a move yet.


Even a half-step Nine Realm is not something that Qin Zheng can contend with.

Not to mention, there are three of them.

Plus those black kings, and the gods of all races here...

Moreover, with the appearance of the three half-step nine realms, more gods of all races began to pour into the Xiaozhuxian formation.

With half a step of the nine realms here, they are no longer afraid of the power of the dark abyss.

For a time, the strength of the human race and the ten thousand races became extremely different.

The Eighteen Horsemen of the Great Qin Dynasty also immediately shrunk their battle lines and appeared near the Vientiane Black Tortoise Formation.

But the Vientiane Black Tortoise Formation, which was as stable as Mount Tai before, is actually in ruins.Blazing Feather God completely defeated him with just one move.

Three and a half steps and nine realms.

Several big black kings.

Plus the gods of all races and the black souls under the dark sky!

The gods of the human race once again fell into a great crisis.

Moreover, the appearance of the three and a half steps and nine realms was mainly aimed at Qin Zheng.

Chi Yu Shenming was right, with such a strong lineup, even if Qin Zheng had any backup, it would definitely be difficult to shake the sky.

Unless, unless the human race comes.

However, Xiaozhuzhen has already left the original world of the human race. If that person also appeared, the consequences would be unimaginable if the Wanzu really attacked the human race.

"The calculation is good, it seems that the fate clan is making arrangements!"

Qin Zheng spoke calmly.

"No, you've been making the arrangements all along!"

Chiyu God said, "The source, isn't it Lin Huang's Nirvana Conferred God... You just want to use him to overwhelm Emperor Jin and your talent, and attract the attention of all races!"

"So you conclude that as long as the bait of Lin Huang is thrown out, the Wanzu will definitely take action, and even join hands to kill Lin Huang!"

A mean and cold smile appeared on Chi Yu Shenming's face.

"So, your original to use the dark abyss to hunt and kill my gods!"

Qin Zheng raised his eyebrows and smiled without saying a word.

"But you forgot that Lin Huang came back here when he stepped into the gate of heaven. You should have planned the place where Lin Huang stepped into the realm of gods. No matter where it is, at least it shouldn't be here! "

"Because you missed this point, this has to put your plan on hold!"

Chiyu God spoke eloquently, seeing through all Qin Zheng's schemes.


Qin Zheng asked Chiyu God.

"Because this dark void world... the dark world invades, not everyone can easily get out!"

"You can unseal the dark abyss, so I believe that you or the Great Qin Shibaqi can leave this place as quickly as possible. But let the black soul fight with the gods of all races! In this way, you will reap the benefits of the fisherman!"

Chiyu God said, "It's just that you didn't expect that the human race would be besieged by the joint siege of the ten thousand races and the black soul!"

"What you said is wonderful!"

Qin Zheng opened his mouth, his sleeves fluttering, and he stepped into the sky with his hands behind his back, "But do you think, since you can easily see through my plan...would I ever have thought about the appearance of your Chi Yu God, and the appearance of that Da Luo and his brother?" Worship the gods!"

"You must have thought that maybe there is an existence comparable to us in this darkness. But in your original calculation, the black soul and the ten thousand races belong to a hostile relationship, but now, the situation has been reversed!"

Blazing Feather God said, "And...don't expect the one from the human race to come to help. Even if he comes, he is still no match for the three of us. What's more, as long as he leaves the original world of the human race, there will be strong people to stop him Not only that, once he walks out of the original world of the human race, without the little Zhu Xianzhen and him, the defensive power of the human race, can he stop the attack of the ten thousand races?"

"It seems that you have already thought about it for me!"

Qin Zheng smiled.

"Naturally... So, you don't need to talk nonsense, and you don't need to delay time. But all the roads and people who can save you are blocked! Today, you have no way to go to heaven and no way to enter earth!"

Chiyu God laughed.

"Then fight!"

Qin Zheng didn't say much anymore, he smiled generously, "The human race... has always had only gods who died in battle!"


In an instant, Qin Zheng was wearing pitch-black armor, stepped on Wanshi Mountain, and killed the Chiyu God with the Great Qin Battle Flag in one hand and an ancient sword in the other.

"Let me take a look, how strong this human race was once known as the pride of heaven!"

Blazing Feather God spoke in a low voice, but it resounded through the sky.Before he finished speaking, there was a clang, and all the wings of his body spread out, covering the dark sky.

Each wing exudes a snow-white streamer, full of holy and irresistible brilliance.

In the next moment, more than 20 wings vibrated, causing the space to collapse and the flow of time to be cut off.The power of countless rules spread across the void, weaving into a huge palm of order, and went towards Qin Zheng to suppress it.


Between heaven and earth, there was a violent explosion.

The terrible aftermath caused all the gods under the three realms to vomit blood.

It was a scene that made the gods tremble.

In an instant, Qin Zheng's whole body was annihilated, and he was sent flying millions of miles away with a single palm.

Chiyu God, with his hands behind his back, looked gracefully at Qin Zheng who had come back again, his voice was low but extremely proud:
"Even if you are the arrogance of all ages, you are not the ultimate strong man after all!"

The blazing feather god sneered, and the long sword in his hand glowed with a bright moon and cold light, with the aura and power to obliterate all living beings in the world.

Jian Feng held the figure of Chiyu God and killed Qin Zheng.

At the same time, Chiyu God turned his head, "You two, it's not good to wait and watch the show... Even if there is no possibility of change, it is still necessary for the lion to fight the rabbit. Human gods, let's all be extinct!"

"Chi Yu, we're going to do things, it's not your turn to give pointers!"

Da Luo God spoke.

"You can go to the theater, but you don't even want to own Linhuang's Heavenly Gate!"

Chi Yu Shen's expression became cold.


In an instant, Qin Zheng Wanshishan made a move and descended from the sky towards Chiyu God.

An extremely brilliant sword suddenly shot into the pitch-black sky.

A sword.

Wanshi Mountain breaks.

Chiyu God took advantage of the situation and directly stepped on Qin Zheng, kicking the latter directly into the abyss of heaven.

"Qin Zheng... No amount of talent can make up for the gap in realm. Maybe one day, you will surpass us, but today you will surely fall here!"

Blazing Feather God looked down from the sky, "Don't worry, I won't be the first to die, I will let you watch with your own eyes, the human gods you guarded die one by one in front of you!"

At this moment, Chiyu God turned his head.

Above the sky, the God of Great Luo and the God of Worshiping the Sun still hadn't really made a move, but the coercion that poured down from their bodies actually slashed down the realm of all the gods of the human race.

The gods of all races and the black souls shot at the same time, heading towards the gods of the human race.

"Da Qin, fight to the death!"

"Human race, fight to the death!"

Qin Yi roared and raised his spear to meet the enemy.

In an instant, hundreds of gods on both sides began to charge involuntarily.The majestic rules converged into a sea, almost tearing apart the entire dark world.

There were human gods roaring, and they rushed to the front of the line regardless of their stature, and began to explode themselves.

At this moment, there is no means, no magical and invincible secrets, only the determination to die.

The human race is not the darling of heaven.

Not invincible.

There are only bloody battles and deadly battles, only forward and successive collisions, to the death!

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