
Chapter 2000 Qin Zheng Goes Crazy

Chapter 2000 Qin Zheng Goes Crazy
The bloody battle in the sky.

God to die!

The entire dark space is illuminated by the power of countless laws, and crushed by endless storms.

The gods and black souls of all races cover the sky and press down.

The gods of the human race, using Qin Shibaqi as a spear, rushed away without fear of death.

Blood fell like a long river.

The law is obliterated.

The fire of the gods is extinguished.

This is a fierce battle that is rare in thousands of years...

It is also a catastrophe for the gods of the human race.

But the gods of the human race have always been like this... Under the coercion of the thousands of races, they understood what responsibility is from the moment they conferred the gods.

What is guardianship.

What is inheritance.

Suddenly, Qin Shishi's escaped team rushed towards the sea of ​​laws of the gods of all races with the rays of the sun.

Cangshan's body burned his lifespan, accelerated his speed and crossed the void, and a thought appeared under the sea of ​​law.

They laughed wildly, their auras were raging, and in a near-suicidal manner, they shook the alliance between the gods of all races and the black soul.

this moment.

The human gods did not roar.

No whining.

All they had was dead silence.

It was a determination to die brazenly.


A beam of light rushed out of the abyss, and a domineering aura swept across the entire dark sky.


A figure suddenly appeared in the sky.

He is dressed in black, holds the Great Qin battle flag, and has an eternal majesty between his brows.

In the void, Chiyu God frowned.

That's Qin Zheng!

At this moment, he does not look weak, but extremely strong.

"Eight realms?!"

God Da Luo frowned instantly, with surprise as expected.

He didn't expect that Qin Zheng would go against the trend and step into the eighth realm, the real eighth realm, within a dozen breaths of effort!

This is impossible!

Chiyu God was also a little surprised, not understanding what happened to Qin Zheng.

However, there was a trace of fear in my heart.

He has been famous for too long, and he has been in charge of the Blazing God Clan for hundreds of thousands of years.When Qin Zheng rose to power, he could already see half of the Nine Realms.

Now, in just tens of thousands of years, the latter has already stepped into the eighth realm.

They don't pay attention to the ordinary eight realms.

But the person in front of him is Qin Zheng!
That lifelong war record is accompanied by the existence of the human race's arrogance who crossed the border and killed the enemy.

In this way, in addition to that, if Qin Zheng is added to the human race, its strength cannot be underestimated.

"Da Luo, pay homage to the sun... Let's fight together!"

Chiyu God didn't hesitate at all, he never underestimated any opponent.He also didn't think that he could absolutely crush Qin Zheng if he was halfway to the Ninth Realm.

In an instant, the three and a half steps and the nine realms attacked at the same time, forming a three-way movement towards the encirclement and suppression of Qin Zheng.


Qin Zheng roared angrily, his black hair flew all over the place, his face lost a bit of refinement and a bit more arrogance.

The broken Wanshi Mountain danced horizontally, and Qin Zheng held the Daqin War Banner in one hand, and headed towards Chiyu God.

In the moment of attack, thousands of rules are crushed down.

Before the God of Da Luo and the God of Worshiping the Sun arrived, Qin Zheng and the God of Chi Yu had already confronted each other.

The two sides flew out immediately.

A pair of wings of the Blazing Feather God exploded!
A huge hole appeared in Qin Zheng's chest again, and blood flowed like a river.

However, Qin Zheng was laughing loudly.

When he turned his head, he glanced at the tragic human race on the battlefield behind him, unsheathed the ancient bronze sword at his waist, and swiped in the air.

In an instant, a portal appeared in the dark world.

A door to space.





Above the sky, thunder billowed and roared endlessly, making the three and a half-step nine realms feel extremely dangerous. They looked up with incredulous expressions on their faces.

"The human race listens to the order, retreat into the gate of space, and return to the human race! But those who hesitate, will be expelled from the human race. All the lords stand on the sidelines and watch me, Qin Zheng, kill all the gods of all races today!"

Qin Zheng roared, his figure leaped into the sky, and appeared directly in front of Qin Shibaqi.

He swept out with a single shot, intending to fight against the joint attack of the gods of all races and the black soul with his own strength.


Qin Zheng turned his head and scolded Qin Shibaqi and the gods of the human race.


With a bang, the Law of Ten Thousand Races crushed down, and Qin Zheng was seriously injured and vomited blood.

He alone is not the god of gods after all!

At this moment, the human gods no longer have the slightest hesitation. Even if they are willing to desert, they cannot watch Qin Zheng stand in front of them alone.

The gods retreated into the gate of space and left the world directly.

In the next moment, the god of worshiping the sun appeared above the gate of space, intending to directly crush Qin Zheng's space magic power.


When the palm of the sun worship god fell, it was not the gate of space that greeted him, but Qin Zheng's punch.

In an instant, the god of worshiping the sun retreated, and Qin Zheng vomited blood again.

Before the gods of all races attacked one after another, thousands of divine thunders from the sky had already rustled down, blasting towards Qin Zheng.

A sea of ​​thunder covered the sky, and the gods under the seven realms would not dare to get close to them.

At this moment, even the three and a half steps and nine realms chose to watch from afar.

At the same time, they were extremely shocked...

They never thought that Qin Zheng dared to be so bold and cultivated the profound meaning of space, which is the profound meaning that offends the law of heaven.

Throughout the ages, anyone who dared to do this would be crushed to death by the way of heaven.

Qin Zheng is no exception.

But at this moment, the sun was shining all over Qin Zheng's body. He was seriously injured and vomited blood, which flowed like a river.However, his figure was still majestic, and when he raised his hand, he directly propped up a sky-high barrier, blocking thousands of divine thunders.

Under the barrier channel, the human gods roared into the gate of space.

However, Qin Shibaqi did not leave.


Qin Zheng roared angrily. At this moment, under the robbing and killing of the Heavenly Dao Divine Thunder, his skin was torn apart, and his blood and vitality burst out. He might not be able to continue fighting.

"Willing to die for Master Qin Zheng!"

"I am willing to die for Your Majesty!"

"Willing to die for King Qin!"


Qin Shibaqi roared, their voices were not in order, because they had different backgrounds and had different bonds with Qin Zheng.

However, none of them left.

The Eighteen Horsemen of the Great Qin Dynasty.

Eighteen Taixu ancient dragons.

Eighteen battle flags of the Great Qin Dynasty stained with divine blood in the pitch black.

Qin Zheng was furious, but at the moment he couldn't care less, "Guard the loess Tianmen, you can die, the Tianmen can't be broken!"

After saying that, Qin Zheng waved his sleeves and moved the loess heavenly gate directly in front of Qin Shibaqi.

At the same time, Qin Zheng let out a long roar, covered in a sea of ​​catastrophe, and killed the Akabane God!
Chi Yu Shen's eyelids twitched wildly, Qin Zheng was already in the eighth realm, even if he was seriously injured, in a state of madness, he might still be half as powerful as the nineth realm.

Plus the thunder robbery that can kill Qin Zheng.

Blazing Feather God turned into a ray of light, choosing to avoid and not fight.

"Chi Yu... have you forgotten, the space forbidden technique in my palm!"

In an instant, Qin Zheng appeared in front of Chiyu God, and punched through the shattered Chiyu God's thousands of body protection laws.

In the next moment, Qin Zheng went to kill the God of Da Luo, and shouted angrily at the same time, "Chi Yu, Da Luo, worshiping the sun, if any of you want to get close to the Loess Heavenly Gate and prevent Lin Huang from enshrining the gods, whoever will die with Qin Zheng!"

"If you don't believe me, just ask about the catastrophe above my head!"

(End of this chapter)

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