
Chapter 2102

A quiet and dark space.

Li Chunfeng lit a lamp.

The three sat casually, looking at such an empty world, their vigilant eyes full of curiosity.

They never thought that the head of a monster is as big as the sky continent.

In any random space inside, hundreds of cities can be built.

They walked in the body of monsters, they were like ants.

No, not even ants.

At best it's dust.

"How long will this have to wait... This pile of minced meat has no signs of healing at all!"

Situ Huang said.

Among the few people, none of them knew how to cure the forest shortage.

He could only wait for Lin Huang to heal himself.

But they don't know.

They didn't know the severity of Lin Huang's injuries, they didn't know if Lin Huang could wake up, and they didn't know how long it would take for Lin Huang to wake up.

If they wake up late, the Sky Spirit Race will directly appear in the Sky Continent.

What is he doing when he wakes up.

Do you want to eat?
"How about I try stabbing him twice?"

Lu Han squatted beside Lin Huang curiously.

Li Chunfeng stood up immediately, and if Lu Han dared to stab Lin Huang, he dared to use his sword first.

"Forgot there was a calf!"

Lu Han stood up with a smile, and then glanced at Situ Huang's grave.

"Chunfeng, you stay here to guard this guy, Lu Han and I will explore the way!"

Situ Huang's grave understood.


Li Chunfeng immediately refused, "If someone from the Heavenly Spirit Clan shows up, I won't be able to beat him, and I won't be able to defend my elder brother!"

"do not worry!"

Lu Han turned his head, "This is the monster beast space, there are only two places where enemies will appear once we enter and exit! Besides, in such a big world, how could the Sky Spirit Clan come to find us!"

"Can you find a speck of dust in the sky continent?"

Situ Huang asked.


Li Chunfeng actually answered honestly.

"Isn't that enough? Even if people from the entire Sky Continent are moved here, what they occupy is just a viscera of this monster, and the Sky Spirit Clan may not be able to find it!"

"Besides, if it's really impossible, you can try to cut the blood vessels of this monster and swim through the blood vessels, so the Sky Spirit Clan won't be able to find it!"

Lu Han added.

Li Chunfeng frowned.

He felt that what the two of them said made sense.

But he just didn't feel right.

"Okay, we'll be back soon, if you have any problems, just give an early warning!"

Situ Huangfen said decisively, and then left directly.

Lu Han followed closely behind, leaving Li Chunfeng alone.

The boy's dark face was a little dazed, he sighed, clenched the mahogany sword in his hand, and half knelt beside Lin Huang, guarding it meticulously.

"There's only Li Chunfeng left, so there won't be any problems, right?"

Lu Han was still a little worried.

"If there is a problem, do you think you and I can solve it?"

Situ Huangfen shook his head and smiled helplessly.

"Theoretically speaking, even if the Sky Spirit Race enters here, they may not be able to find us, after all, the space here is too big!"

Lu Han said.

Situ Huangfen shook his head, suddenly, something strange appeared on his face, and the sackcloth turned into pitch black.

"Well... you..."

Lu Han spoke in surprise.


Situ Huangfen's voice became a little colder, "One breath transforms the three cleans, and some identities have been switched!"

Lu Han gave a thumbs up, "Did you have mental problems since childhood? Why do I feel that my temperament is completely different?"

Situ Huangfen glanced at Lu Han coldly, but didn't answer, just said:

"It must be difficult for the Tianling tribe to find us when they come in. But when Lin Huang led us into the body of the monster, he used the corpse of the Tianling tribe!"

"That corpse was not sent out of the monster beast. The Tianling tribe traced the source, and it was easy to find us, and even if the monster beast was sent out, Lin Huang might be contaminated with the breath of the Tianling tribe!"

"You seem to be wiser!"

Lu Han admired.

"I just tried it. This monster's physique is extremely strong. With our strength, it may be difficult to cut its flesh!"

Situ Huangfen continued.

"You want to hide Lin Huang in the body, not in the inner space?"

Lu Han instantly understood the meaning of the latter.

"So we need to find the weak link of the monster!"

Situ Huangfen nodded.

"But have you ever thought that the blood of this monstrous beast might be a deadly poison to us in our mortal bodies?"

"Without the Heavenly Emperor's Dharma Body, Lin Huang may not be able to resist. Moreover, his physical body is damaged now, if he is polluted by the blood of monsters..."

Lu Han has many worries.

Situ Huangfen turned his head and glanced at Lu Han, "Besides life and death, it's all trivial matters! Live first!"

Lu Han suddenly nodded.

"Which place will be weaker?"

Lu Han asked.

Situ Huangfen frowned, "I can only try one by one, if I can't find it... Even if we drip water through a rock, we have to grind a blood vessel of the monster!"

"Do you want to go to the heart now?"

Lu Han asked.

"What do you think?"

Situ Huangfen asked Lu Han back.

"do not know!"

"If it is based on the physical structure of the human race, I will enter the lungs! Once the Celestial Race comes in and finds us, we will definitely not be able to fight against them with our abilities!"

"And as long as the lungs are flooded with blood, they will not be able to breathe, and the Celestials may not be able to come in!"

Lu Han said.

"Listen to you!"

Situ Huang's tomb is as good as it is good.

"Then let's go to the brain first!"

Lu Han said, "That's the headquarters of the monster beasts. If they can control the monster beasts, the Tianling clan will die if they come in!"

"Forget it!"

Situ Huang shook his head, "If he could enter the brain, Lin Huang would not come in person. The Celestials can control the monsters, so they must have tampered with the brain. If we go, we will seek our own death!"

"The brain also has blood vessels!"

Lu Han said.

"Let's sharpen the knife and see if our physical body can resist the divine blood power of the monster!"

Situ Huang's grave.

"You first you first!"

Lu Han was very humble.

Situ Huangfen was very direct and shot out suddenly.

A bang.

The inner wall of the monster did not even change in the slightest.

"it's your turn!"

Situ Huang said to Lu Han without changing his face.

Lu Han waved his hand, "My Axiu golden spear will break!"

From the East Spirit Realm back then, the weapon in his hand was still the Axiu Golden Spear, even though the Axiu Golden Spear could no longer keep up with his strength.

"I'm careless, it's time to switch earlier!"

Situ Huang's grave suddenly said, "Lin Huang has a spear in his hand, and a magic knife!"

Lu Han nodded, "If you can't break the monster's skin, it must be because of your weapon. It has nothing to do with us!"

Situ Huangfen felt that his words made sense.

Lu Han was about to turn around and leave, and go back to get his weapons.

"Why are you going... Soul transmission, just let Li Chunfeng send it over, the young man is in good spirits!"

Situ Huang opened his mouth.

"It's time to give young people a chance to perform!"

Lu Han spoke seriously, then sat down. (end of this chapter)

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