
Chapter 2103 Experiments

The two sang together, and then shouted at Li Chunfeng again.

Not long after, Li Chunfeng still did not appear.

Lu Han called for a long time, but there was no reply from Li Chunfeng at all.

The two looked at each other, and suddenly felt bad.

But after a while, the two returned to the previous place...

At this moment, Li Chunfeng was actually surrounded by black shadows. Those black shadows did not chase him, but just wandered and spread, which made it difficult for Li Chunfeng to fight.

"Spiritual people?"

Lu Han frowned.

I wondered in my heart, people from the Tianling clan came so soon?

But this strength doesn't seem to be very good!


Situ Huangfen shook his head, "It should be the alien power in the monster's body. It doesn't have a real form, but it can spread in this internal world!"

"Alien power?"

Lu Han was a little puzzled.

If the monster is regarded as a person, then these gray and black forces are wind and cold.

"Gods get sick too?"

"Aren't gods also unable to live forever?"

Situ Huang gravely said, "To the monsters, these black shadows may not even be the cause of a single sneeze, that's why Li Chunfeng can live till now!"

"What should I do?"

Lu Han frowned.

"Young people need to practice!"

Situ Huang's grave.


Lu Han agrees.

Below, Li Chunfeng kept running for his life, and the sword energy around him was stacked layer by layer to prevent himself from being infected by the black energy.

He looked up and looked at Lu Han and Situ Huangfen sitting in the distance.

Suddenly feel so lonely!
And Lin Huang, naturally followed Li Chunfeng's bumps all the way.

After a long time, Li Chunfeng escaped. He looked at the two with a dark complexion, and snorted coldly.

"You all have rebellious bones. When the eldest brother wakes up, I will definitely tell him!"

Li Chunfeng said.

"Young man, then you won't live to that time!"

Situ Huangfen sneered.

"You are not Situ Huangfen!"

Li Chunfeng drew his sword instantly, looking at the young man in front of him, he felt very strange, this Situ Huang's tomb gave him a very cold feeling.

"He is Situ Huangfen!"

"Aren't you really Lu Han?"

Li Chunfeng became more alert.

Lu Han spread his hands, "I'm the real Lu Han, I don't know if he is Situ Huangfen!"

Lu Han turned his back in an instant.

Situ Huangfen smiled speechlessly, "Maybe we can try to find the lesion of the monster. It may be much easier to cut the skin of the monster from the lesion!"

"You fart!"

Li Chunfeng immediately retorted, "The black air pressure in the lesion is the abyss, do you dare to take action?"

Situ Huang was stunned.

He was actually pissed off by the boy Li Chunfeng.

"Did you just get hurt?"

Lu Han looked at Li Chunfeng.

I saw that the arm of the latter was stained with pitch black and began to rot.

Situ Huangfen frowned, raised his hand and shot, cutting off Li Chunfeng's arm... Then he stopped Li Chunfeng from yelling and healed him.

Fortunately, both Situ Huangfen and Lu Han are already great emperors, so it is still possible to take the place of someone else's bones.

Li Chunfeng was cursing, but he didn't care too much.

But I made it down in my heart, if I have a chance in the future, I must stab Situ Huang's grave with a sword.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years.

Afterwards, the three squatted on the ground, looking at Li Chunfeng's broken arm!

Not long after, Li Chunfeng's arm was completely polluted and turned into pitch black, so that the two great emperors dared not touch it.

"This monster is very cold... It can directly destroy the emperor!"

"I just don't know if I can pollute the gods!"

Situ Huang said pretending not to care.

Lu Han understood.

The two looked at Li Chunfeng at the same time.

Li Chunfeng was a little confused at first, then he understood the meaning of the two old thieves, dragging Lin Huang's broken body, he took a few steps back.

"What do you want to do?"

Li Chunfeng roared, he drew his long sword out of its sheath, vowing to protect Lin Huang to the death.

"Don't you want to try?"

Situ Huang said coldly.

"Anyway, his physical body is broken, so it won't be a problem to take a piece of meat!"

Lu Han continued to fool around.


Li Chunfeng was very rational and sober at the moment, and flatly refused.

"Spring breeze..."

Situ Huang stood up and patted Li Chunfeng on the shoulder, "If the Heavenly Spirit Clan comes to kill us, what should we do?"

"Of course you can hide if you can, and if you can't hide, you can escape. If you can't escape the battle to the death!"

Li Chunfeng puffed up his chest, "If the two of you die in battle, I will also use my sword. If I die in battle, brother will have to resign himself to fate!"

Lu Han frowned.

Situ Huang's eyes turned cold.

This little thing actually wanted to let them die first, and then send himself to die.

"But even if we die in battle, maybe we won't be able to protect the forest... Isn't everything empty?"

Lu Han said.

"What's the matter, as long as we die before big brother, he won't blame us under the nine springs!"

Li Chunfeng's face was upright.

The two hold their foreheads.

"Do you think there is a possibility..."

Situ Huang's grave said in a low voice, "If Lin Huang's body is strong enough to resist the black air pollution, once the Heavenly Spirit Race appears, we can hide him at the source of the black air! Maybe he can escape? "

Li Chunfeng was taken aback for a moment.

This anti-bone Situ Huang's tomb seems to make sense.

But he always felt that something was wrong.

"Walking on this blade, even if we don't consider our own retreat, we still have to consider Lin Huang's retreat, don't we?"

Lu Han added oil and vinegar beside him.


Li Chunfeng hesitated a bit, but finally made up his mind, "Then let's try it!"

When Lu Han looked happy, he was about to start directly.

"I come!"

Li Chunfeng immediately refused, and then he clasped his hands together in front of Lin Huang's broken body, "Brother... I'm not tearing you apart, I'm doing it for your own good!"

Li Chunfeng was very pious, but what he said was like an old liar.

Then he gently removed a piece of Lin Huang's calf bone, holding it carefully with both hands.

Situ Huang couldn't stand it anymore, took the bone that looked like it had been gnawed by a dog, and crossed it with Li Chunfeng's thoroughly polluted arm.

The three squatted down again.

It's like watching ants move on the ground.

"It seems... the gods can resist with their physical bodies?"

Lu Han spoke.

A quarter of an hour passed, but Lin Huang's broken leg bone did not change at all.

Li Chunfeng squatted with his hands on his legs, and laughed happily. If the Sky Spirit Clan really appeared, the elder brother should have a place to hide.


But Situ Huangfen suddenly said, his face was expressionless, his eyes were full of doubts, "This cloud of black air, maybe it's just the poison of wind and cold... If this monster has an incurable disease in its body like a human race, then what in the incurable disease Can Lin Huang resist the black energy contained in it?"

Li Chunfeng was stunned.

"In this case……"

Lu Han was full of thought, "Why don't you find some more pieces of meat, let's find the source of black energy and try it out?"

Li Chunfeng suddenly burst into anger!

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