
Chapter 2134 Killing in the Night

Listening to Lin Huang's words, the two reacted for a while.

Afterwards, the eyes of the two of them immediately turned green.

Lin Huang's meaning is obvious...

Lord of the wilderness.

Zhou Tianshen!
That is a well-known strong man in the human race, even in the heavens and all the worlds, he can be called a high-ranking man.

If you can take these two as your disciples, you will be like a carp leaping over the dragon's gate!
It is definitely impossible to rely on Lin Huang's recommendation.

Otherwise, even if it succeeds, it will not attract the attention of the Great Desolation Lord and Zhou Tianshen.

"Tell me!"

Situ Huang was not ashamed to ask.

"The emperor kills the gods!"

Lin Huanghe simply opened his mouth.

The two were immediately stunned.

"The emperor killed the gods?"

Situ Huang was stunned, "Aren't you kidding me? When you were the emperor, you could kill gods?"


Lin Huang smiled and nodded.

Situ Huangfen narrowed his eyes, "If this is really the case, it must be this way?"

"They don't know you well, this is the first. You don't have a prominent family background, this is the second. Now you are only in the realm of the emperor, this is the third!"

Lin Huang stretched out three fingers, "If you want to take a martial artist in the human realm as your apprentice now, and none of the three will occupy you, why do you take him as your disciple?"

Lin Huang looked at the two of them questioningly.

Situ Huangfen and Lu Han looked at each other, "Let's see if his talent and ability are enough to impress me!"

Lin Huang nodded, "That's right, the talent and strength of human beings to kill earthly beings!"

"This one……"

Lu Han elongated his voice, "I'm a little swollen now, I don't like people killing earth, I have to kill people!"

"The two gods are more knowledgeable than us. Isn't it enough for the emperor to kill the gods? He has to kill the gods in the second realm?"

Lu Han asked cautiously and weakly.

"This... I don't know either!"

After thinking about it, Lin Huang shook his head, "I don't know much about the Great Desolate Lord and Zhou Tianshen, but being able to kill gods is much better than just bringing a Great Emperor to meet them, isn't it?"

Situ Huangfen and Lu Han looked at each other, then nodded fiercely.

"Fight it?"

"Fuck it!"

The two cheered each other up with big eyes and small eyes.

"There is not much time left for you. Since the human race has entered the chaotic ancient domain, it means that the opening time of the land of inheritance is coming!"

Lin Huang reminded the two of them, "During this time, it's up to you. I will follow you, but I won't help you. If you can't hold on anymore, just call me!"

Lu Han and Situ Huangfen nodded fiercely.

Lin Huang also smiled. In fact, Situ Huangfen and Lu Han's promotion speed is not slow, but it is not enough...

If you want to have a place in the human race or even the heavens and worlds, you must go faster.

He also hopes to have not only Lin Cangxue by his side, but also people like Lord Grim, Song Changling, and Li Chunfeng.

A person's world is too lonely and lonely.

After Situ Huangfen and Lu Han saw the pie drawn by Lin Huang, they were so motivated that they stopped taking a break and started studying their respective task lists.

"Now, we hold the bronze token in our hands, and the tasks range from the Great Emperor to the second realm of the gods. It is better to practice with the Great Emperor realm first, to stabilize the current cultivation base!"

Situ Huangfen suggested, "Then gradually challenge the demigod and god realms. During this period, at least have a general understanding of the characteristics of the races you are in contact with!"

Lu Han nodded, he didn't have anything to say, anyway, he was going to fight in the end.

"Then when you go hunting the emperor, I won't follow you!"

Lin Huang said that he also has his own task, to upgrade his token to the gold level as soon as possible.

After all, Lin Huang made it easy for Situ Huangfen and Lu Han to part ways. ...

In the chaotic ancient domain, because of the appearance of the Great Desolate Lord of the Human Race and the Heavenly God Zhou, the city is already full of wind and rain.

After all, no matter how strong or weak the human race is, they are inexplicably attracted attention in all the worlds.And I don’t know why, sometimes the human race will become the benchmark for the realm.

The strange thing is that the human race has made the first move, but has not seen the moves of other races.

Such as Blazing God Clan.

Silver family.

Ming family.

Abyss Demon Race.

These races... are all silent, and there is no news of entering the Chaotic Ancient Domain.Of course, it is also possible that they have entered quietly, but they are not as high-profile as the human race.

It is also possible that the high-profile entry of the human race into the city was not intentional.It is the guidance of several other major races. If so, then the human race has already fallen into a disadvantage in the first move.


Lin Huang still believes that the sky is nameless.

Nothing more than that, in the restaurant before, the old lunatic said nonsense, but he is not crazy!

He had an instinct to believe that in the battle for the sixth inheritance, no matter whether it was Qin Zheng or Emperor Jintian who won the inheritance in the end.Behind this, there should be an unknown name in the sky.

And this time, will Changkong Wuming appear?

Lin Huang didn't agonize over this issue desperately, because he knew that no matter whether Zhang Kong Wuming entered the Chaotic Ancient Realm or not, he would make a move!


In the dark of night, the killing never stops!
In the Chaotic Ancient Domain, there is no peace at all... The task lists of the three major sects are the real killing knives, driven by profit and status, they continue to cause killings in the Chaotic Ancient Domain.

Once the killing starts, the rivers and lakes can't help themselves!
The rotating gears cannot stop at all.Because there are a steady stream of people who die in the mission, and there are also a steady stream of people who participate in the mission.

The snow-white moonlight shrouded the chaotic ancient domain.

But it seems to make those dark places in the chaotic ancient domain even darker.

Lin Huang stood at the end of a street, bent his arms, wiped the Tuoba Tathagata magic knife in his hand with his sleeve robe, his expression was cold, his pale and handsome face was stained with blood.

At his feet, there is a second-level god, whose body is still there, but the Taoist aggregate and the breath of the god have been completely extinguished.

Another point.

Since Meizhu appeared, he activated the Tianjitang communication channel in the token for the three of them, and exchanged points for news of the mission target, and his speed was much faster.

But Lin Huang was not particularly anxious.

Situ Huangfen and Lu Han were anxious to hunt and kill the gods, but Lin Huang's original intention was to hope that their realm could be stabilized, and then they could go one step further.

And he himself, too!
A few months, compared to the gods, is but a snap of the fingers.

But for Lin Huang, it was long enough.

Lu Han and Situ Huang have goals, and he also has goals...

Because he is not the true pride of the human race, on top of him, there is Qin Changsheng... the sixth child!

When we parted at the beginning, Qin Changsheng had already stepped into the second realm, and now he is at least completely stable.

And he was obviously much slower.

Now that he is participating in the Chaotic Ancient Realm, he has been exposed to the gods and jumped directly to the high-level gods. His initial level of strength is simply not enough.

It's getting dark!

The light of the magic knife is getting colder and colder.

In the warm and fragrant nephrite room, Meizhu's eyelids twitched, who was wearing mink fur and showing her snow-white thighs.

For one night, the dawn has not yet broken.

On the mission list, Ramotian's name had jumped eight times.

Three three realms died!

Five second realms!

In a short period of time, Lin Huang gained 14 points, which is only [-] points away from the gold token.

"Sky Spirit Race...when did it become so tyrannical..." (End of this chapter)

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