
Chapter 2135

One night later, when they returned to the restaurant, Lu Han and Situ Huangfen were still playing wild games outside, and Lin Huang ignored them.

After all, if he couldn't deal with two people in the ordinary Great Emperor realm, it would be useless for him, Lin Huang.

Back in the room, Lin Huang sat upright, tapping his knees with his fingers.

This action was repeated.

Until Lin Huang suddenly opened his eyes.

In the room, a dark shadow appeared at some point.

The black figure was wearing a cloak, and the brim of the hat covered his face. His whole body seemed to be shrouded in shadow, making it difficult for Lin Huang to see.

"Your Excellency...are you here to kill me?"

Lin Huang narrowed his eyes and remained motionless.

"Didn't you call me here?"

The black figure spoke, his voice was hoarse, and his true age could not be discerned.

Lin Huang stopped tapping his knees with his fingers and raised his eyebrows slightly, "It only took three events to find me so quickly. The human race's organization in the Chaotic Ancient Territory is really powerful!"

"Your Excellency is not like a member of the Tianling tribe!"

The black shadow spoke, with a coldness in his voice, "Among all the worlds, there are only a few big clans that can rival the human race; and the same is true for the organizations in the dark night!"

"Using basic information from the dead to communicate is too ancient and has long been eliminated by our human race!"

Lin Huang nodded, "Oh!"

The mission Lin Huang chose before was not without rules, but based on the basic information of the deceased person, the content he wanted to convey was hidden in it.

The general idea is that he wants to meet the human dark night organization.

of course……

The premise is that the human race's Dark Night Organization in the Chaotic Ancient Realm can pay attention to the information about the people they killed... and secondly, they will want to analyze it.

As for after the analysis, you have to have the courage to come here... After all, this is very likely to be a trap.

"Did you really come here alone?"

Lin Huang asked with a smile.

"Why should the human race be afraid!"

The black figure smiled and said, "Since you dare to come, you will be able to escape safely!"

Lin Huang smiled and nodded.

"Your Excellency, what's your name?"

The man in black spoke hoarsely. He and Lin Huang remained motionless, as if they were on guard, but they didn't seem to be.

Lin Huang shook his head, "Although I passed on the message and asked you to come here. But now that you are here, I can't completely believe that you are a human being!"

"If that's the case, there's no need to continue talking!"

The figure of the shadow man began to fade and was about to disappear.

Lin Huang didn't stop him.

A quarter of an hour later, the disappearing figure reappeared...

Lin Huang opened his eyes again.


Neither of them spoke.

It's been a long time!

"Look at your human identity token!"

Lin Huang spoke.

“There may be fake identity tokens too!”

The black shadow snorted coldly.

"Why not take a gamble?"

Lin Huang stood up.

"Exchange verification!"

"it is good!"

The next moment, one person and one token flew towards each other.

"Luo Zheng, Daluo God!"

Lin Huang looked at the token in his hand, his mind invaded it, and he felt if there was anything wrong with the aura inside.

"Huang Shen...are you Lin Huang?"

The moment the man in black opened his mouth, Lin Huang felt a strong murderous intent to wrap him up.

Lin Huang spread his hands, and the facial lines on his face changed, revealing his original appearance, "Naturally!"

"If you are really Lin Huang, just wait here and I will come back in a quarter of an hour!"

Luo Zheng spoke.

"it is good!"

Lin Huang took back his token and nodded.

The next moment, Luo Zheng disappeared. …

In the ancient realm, the gods are causing chaos and killings are rampant.

This is a paradise for the strong.

It is also a hell for the weak.

Here, those without strength can live in peace, while those with some strength...sometimes can only be slaves!

Their market is like goods, locked in special cages, bought and sold.

In the magnificent hall, inlaid with dragon beads, a middle-aged man with a big belly was lying on the Taishi chair, squinting his eyes. His whole body was enveloped in a big bubble, and he was surrounded by five murloc girls who were beating their shoulders and squeezing their legs.

"Master, the harvest this time is not good...the quality of those goods is too defective and not perfect!"

A slightly old wife, also wearing gold and silver, lowered her head and spoke softly and tremblingly, her eyes narrowed with fierceness.

"Then send them all away. My men will not raise garbage!"

The old man didn't even open his eyes. His big, fat hand touched the face of a fishman, lifted the latter's chin with one finger, and opened his eyes with a click of his tongue.

At this moment, a handsome young man walked into the hall and said, "Father, the identity of that buyer is too great, I suspect it is fake!"

The old man slowly turned his head and looked at the young man, his eyes slightly narrowed, and the narrow slits showed a shrewd look.

He waved his hand and signaled the fishmen girls to retreat.

"Piqiu, you don't fit here, it's time to go back to your hometown!"

The master shook his hand, his fingers covered with luxurious rings.

The young man raised his eyebrows, with a lot of confusion in his eyes...

"Since you are here, please show up!"

In an instant, Nabiqiu's expression changed drastically.

And outside the main hall, a young man slowly walked in, it was Lin Huang.

"What's your name?"

The master tilted his head, reluctantly raised his eyelids, glanced at Lin Huang, and then his eyes pierced slightly.

"Lin Huang!"

Lin Huang raised his hand.

"It is said that the human race's desolate god can kill three realms with his first realm, and his appearance can chase Qin Zheng! Biqiu, kill him!"

Biqiu is Luo Zheng!
In an instant, Luo Zheng turned around, drew his sword and killed Lin Huang.

Lin Huang struck out three times in a row.

Heroes dominate the world.

Sorrows of the night.

The Sword of Dawn!

In an instant... Luo Zheng retreated and hit the master behind him.

The master remained motionless, just raised his wrist, and Luo Zheng was helped steadily.

Then, the master took advantage of it and knocked Luo Zheng unconscious with a knife.

The master stood up, and a barrier appeared in the entire hall. His fat face gradually became serious, and his eyes became sharp, like a vulture.

"Human race, the epiphyllum organization of the Chaotic Ancient Territory, the deputy leader Luo Tianhe, codenamed Blood Buddha, incarnates as a wealthy fish-human businessman, alias Bilan!"

"You believe me?"

Lin Huang spoke.

"My eyes are never wrong!"

Lin Huang still handed the latter his identity token, "Lin Huang, a human race, transformed into a Celestial Clan, alias Ramatian!"

"Why Ramaten?"

Na Bilan did not look at Lin Huang's token, but asked directly, "He is a mount of the Tianling Clan, and has not escaped for tens of thousands of years! Is it because of Kasyapa Hongchen from Taigu Tower?"

Lin Huang nodded, amazed in his heart.

This intelligence ability is simply amazing.

So much can be known from just one name.

Lin Huang sat down and then explained a little about his previous experience.

Na Pilan squinted his eyes from beginning to end, he twirled the ring on his index finger, as if he was thinking and confirming something.

After Lin Huang finished speaking, Na Bilan was still intoxicated for half a quarter of an hour.

Then he shook his finger, and a cup of tea appeared in front of Lin Huang.

"During the chaos in the ancient domain, Epiphyllum has always been in charge. But since the two adults entered, Epiphyllum has been subject to the orders of the two adults!"

Nabilan spoke.

"The human race's dark night organization will be led by two adults?"

Bilan shook his head, "The separation of light and dark lines in the human race usually does not happen. Even if there is a crossover, there will be no taking over of power and responsibility. This situation is special... As for why, even though I am the deputy leader, I don't know the reason. !”

"Don't even think about meeting the leader. I still don't know who this bastard is!" (End of Chapter)

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