
Chapter 301 Killing Kendo

Chapter 301 Killing Kendo

On the broken ground, the loess was stained red with blood, and the ravines were filled with corpses. There was a thick breath of blood in the breeze. Skulls were scattered like Buddhist beads, filling the ten-mile Shura battlefield.

On the edge of the battlefield, a blood-colored figure stands relentlessly holding a knife, blood flowing like a river.

Thousands of people in the battlefield are afraid, no one dares to draw a sword, no one dares to whisper loudly, no one dares to step forward, no one dares to pant loudly, except for that girl in red...

The girl was covered in blood, and her delicate face was stained with tears. Looking at the bloody and ruthless figure in front of her, she couldn't stop crying, and there was only heart-piercing pain in her heart.

God's curse.


For her, that half-dead young man who was a scoundrel when we first met, who couldn't tell jokes, couldn't coax her, and could make people popular, would support her in the sky at the cost of his life.

On that sharp-edged face, there was no smile anymore, only a ruthless coldness.

In the arena, Lin Huang's eyes were bloodshot, and he felt the blocker in front of him. The Suppressing Demon Knife in his hand was glowing with blood, and he slowly raised it up, pointing directly at Jun Qingcheng...


In a corner of the battlefield, Lin Cangxue was seriously injured and screamed. Looking at the scene in the distance, her jade fingers were grasping the ground and oozing blood.However, how does that weak voice wake up the enchanted Lin Huang.

Looking at the endless icy forest and the demon-suppressing knife above his head, Jun Qingcheng did not give in at all.The latter raised his head, looked at Lin Huang stubbornly, and burst into tears.

On the battlefield, Lin Huang fell with his sword!

"Brother Lin Huang!"

Looking at the falling Demon Suppressing Knife, Jun Qingcheng cried out in tears, staring at Lin Huang with both eyes, determined to die.

The blade came out and cut off a strand of black hair from Jun Qingcheng.But after all, it didn't cut off from the top of Jun Qingcheng's head, and the Suppressing Demon Knife paused in the void like a clay sculpture or wood carving.

"Brother Lin Huang!"

Jun Qingcheng's tears burst into tears, and her frail body hugged Lin Huang.

On the battlefield, Lin Huang was like a clay sculpture, his blood-colored pupils were still icy cold, and the evil spirit around him was still as terrifying as a river, but it didn't hurt Jun Qingcheng at all.

"...No...don't cry!"

Shura suddenly whispered in the middle of the field, his voice was still so cold, but there seemed to be a trace of freshness.

Jun Qingcheng embraced Lin Huang, nodded frantically, but the tears in his eyes fell more and more.

"With me here, I will protect you...don't be afraid..."

Those blood-colored eyes were still ruthless and terrifying, but Lin Huang's hands holding the Demon-Suppressing Knife tightly hung down.He took out the dragon yuan and stuffed it into Jun Qingcheng's arms.


Jun Qingcheng cried loudly, hugging Lin Huang more and more tightly.

"Take care of yourself... Xiao Qing'er...Brother Lin Huang...can't protect you anymore..."

Before Lin Huang could finish his sentence, he fell headlong to the ground.

"Brother Lin Huang!"

Jun Qingcheng yelled loudly, hugged Lin Huang fiercely, wiped off the blood on the latter's face, and shook it vigorously.

However, the forest waste at this moment is like a puddle of mud, seemingly lifeless.

Jun Qingcheng's face was pale, and her blood-stained face was full of panic.Looking at the forest barren without the slightest breath, her little snow-white hands trembled uncontrollably, as if falling into an abyss.

On the battlefield, the forest has fallen.There was a commotion among tens of thousands of warriors, looking at the unknown Lin Huang, and Long Yuan in Jun Qingcheng's arms, the desire in his eyes was burning again.

"This devil has killed countless people, we must kill him!"

On the battlefield, a martial artist roared, appearing very distressed.

"He killed God Son Dayu, which will bring catastrophe to our East Spirit Realm. We must cut off his head to forgive him!"

"I have to offer the dragon yuan to solve the disaster in my East Spirit Realm!"

"Be decisive!"


Countless warriors boiled like a sea, and when they saw that Lin Huang had passed out, there were countless howls, like thousands of vultures covering the sky, rushing towards Lin Huang.

He vowed to chop off Lin Huang's head with one blow and seize the dragon yuan.

At this moment, Lin Huang suddenly opened his eyes, and two bloody lights shot out from his pupils, looking extremely fierce.

On the battlefield, thousands of warriors who had come to kill looked at Lin Huang who had suddenly woken up, their faces were horrified, they stopped their bodies by forcefully vomiting blood, and then ran away crazily...

After a full quarter of an hour, the frantically fleeing crowd realized that something was wrong, as if the killing god hadn't come after him.

Everyone turned their heads, and saw Lin Huang lying on the edge of the battlefield, lying on his back in Jun Qingcheng's arms, his blood-colored pupils were wide open, his body was still limp as mud, as if he had no life at all.

Thousands of warriors immediately let out a long sigh of relief, their faces showed shame and anger, and they were frightened out of their wits by Lin Huang's stare.

Under shame and anger, the killing intent in everyone's hearts became more and more decisive, and then they went towards Lin Huang again.

But this time, they were much more cautious. Even though Lin Huang was paralyzed like mud at the moment, the fear and fear in their hearts had already been engraved into their bones.

It wasn't until everyone got close to Lin Huang that they relaxed their vigilance.


Someone in the crowd shouted, and immediately dozens of people rushed towards Lin Huang and Jun Qingcheng.


In the void, the sound of warriors bursting suddenly sounded.

I saw that the martial artist who killed the two of them exploded to death in the void in the blink of an eye, turning into waves of blood mist.

"Lin Huang is awake, this devil is awake!"

A warrior yelled in horror, causing thousands of people to flee wildly again, and the fear in their hearts reached the extreme.

But this time, Lin Huang still didn't kill him.

All the warriors stared and saw only the broken corner of the battlefield. Jun Qingcheng no longer cried, and there was only endless sadness and strength on his snow-white face.

Lin Huang was supported by tender little hands, and Lin Huang was carried on his back by his delicate body, and he stumbled and walked on the broken battlefield.

Everyone's expressions froze, and they immediately understood what happened just now, "It's not that Lin Huang woke up, but that little girl made a move!"

Thinking of this, everyone relaxed a lot.

On the battlefield, the red-clothed girl walking with Lin Huang's broken body on her back seemed so weak.The crimson dress was covered with blood-soaked mud, and the little snow-white face was stained with tears and blood.

The girl was staggering, obviously at the end of her battle.

"Don't let her take Lin Huang and Long Yuan away!"

"I swear to avenge the Son of God, so as to solve my disaster in the East Spirit Realm!"


In just a few breaths of thought, thousands of warriors rushed towards Jun Qingcheng again.

Now that the forest has collapsed, Jun Qingcheng is at the end of his battle, and the ownership of Longyuan will be expected!

Boom boom boom...

However, when all the warriors rushed into Jun Qingcheng's range of hundreds of feet, in the blink of an eye, their heads were severed by countless blood-red long swords.

Thousands of warriors were horrified.

Where the eyebrows were condensed, thousands of blood-colored long swords emerged around the weak and staggering girl. The murderous aura was as strong as the raging sea roaring, and the river of swords was rolling.

"Is this... the way of the sword?"

A warrior said in amazement, every long sword in the void was like a sickle dripping with blood, with endless killing intent, it seemed to be able to kill the world and destroy the common people.

Kill everything in the world!
On the battlefield, the girl carried Lin Huang on her back, and tried her best to stabilize her body, not wanting Lin Huang to be jolted even slightly. On that small snow-white face, there was piercing sadness but endless hatred.

At this moment, Jun Qingcheng himself has not noticed the countless blood swords around him.

She just wanted to leave this bloody battlefield with brother Lin Huang behind her back in peace.

The girl stumbled forward, she wanted to be quiet, and this world gave her quiet.

The hatred in her heart was boundless, so the world gave him the means to kill.

On this day, the devil was bleeding, Jun Qingcheng staggered forward with Lin Huang on his back, and realized the way of killing swords, wherever he walked, heads rolled down, and there was no sound!
Thousands of warriors stood in horror, none of them dared to plunder their edge!

(End of this chapter)

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