
Chapter 302 The Battle Flag Breaks Through the Clouds

Chapter 302 The Battle Flag Breaks Through the Clouds

On the battlefield, everyone looked at the two figures in front of them, and dared not move in a daze.

The girl in red seemed to be protected by a killing god, and the countless blood swords chanted like ancient beasts.Wherever Jun Qingcheng walked, the blood dried up and the vegetation withered.

Only the red dress and the bloody robe fluttered desolately in the void.

Lin Cangxue struggled to get up, and walked into the field of killing swordsmanship. Behind her, the phoenix groaned, and the clanging sound continued, causing a monstrous fire to cover the wilderness.

Lu Han got up with a cough, and with his legs trembling, he stepped into the field of killing kendo, holding the fat boy in a puddle of mud, and walked side by side with the three of them.

At this moment, five teenagers who were not more than 20 years old were walking on the broken and bloody battlefield, as if they had entered the land of no one.

Thousands of troops dare not stop.

Don't dare to speak loudly.

Afterwards, the Dixuan Shuangzi Battalion gathered again, Zhao Huangtu and Shen Qingshan led the way and opened the way ahead.

Thousands of warriors showed unwillingness, but they did not dare to move their footsteps. Fear had already been engraved into their bones, and the surging blood sword made him feel the abyss of death.

"Sister Xue, I will take brother Lin Huang home, I will definitely find a way!"

Jun Qingcheng whispered.

"Xiao Huang will not die!"

Lin Cangxue nodded with a frosty expression.


At this moment, there was a loud noise in front of everyone.

Zhao Huangtu looked up, and saw a middle-aged man in a blood robe standing only ten feet in front of him, holding half a dragon's vein in his hand, and his eyes fell on Jun Qingcheng's darkly.

That is the blood god.

"Leave Long Yuan, Ben Hou makes way!"

Blood God Hou Senhan spoke, his eyes were full of coldness.

In the arena, Jun Qingcheng remained silent, still staggering forward, ignoring the Blood God Marquis at all, but the blood swords around him let out increasingly terrifying roars.

"Dixuan double character battalion, protect my young master, kill without mercy!"

Zhao Huangtu raised his arm and his voice was like thunder.

Just as the words fell, hundreds of cavalry brazenly fought towards the Blood God Hou.

Between heaven and earth, the war resumed.

Hundreds of cavalry rushed towards the Blood God Hou, their eyes determined to die.

In an instant, a shadow appeared in the sky above the battlefield, and hundreds of iron cavalry were trapped in a black wire cage in the palm of Xue Yinhou.

On the battlefield, a drop of blood turned into the figure of Bloody Linghou, who was like a thunderbolt, and rushed towards Zhao Huangtu and Shen Qingshan.


There was a constant battle under the sky, and one after another, the iron cavalry gnats shook the tree and rushed in front of the Blood God Marquis, and blew up directly.

The raging fire dispelled the shadows.

The killing sword cut through the black line cage.

Xue Linghou pierced Shen Qingshan's chest with his palm, and sent Zhao Huangtu flying with his fist.

Blood God Hou patted across the air with his palm, and removed a piece of the head of the Dixuan Shuangziying cavalry.

Iron riders are like a river, marching forward without fear of death, and at the cost of their lives, they must pave a way for everyone to leave.

Shen Qingshan roared furiously, and rushed towards Xue Linghou like a madman.

The Blood God Marquis chanted loudly and reappeared the blood moon in the sky. Thousands of blood lines spurted out from his ten fingers. In just a few breaths, hundreds of cavalry were white-rooted, and he looked haggard like an old man.

A big battle, bloodshed!

The three blood lords of the Blood Spirit Hall, relying on their invincible realm and weird skills, crushed the Dixuan double-character battalion with extremely powerful means, and suppressed Zhao Huangtu and Shen Qingshan.

Even if it is the way of killing swords, it can not stop the power of the Blood God Marquis to deprive him of his flesh and life.

The raging fire could not completely dispel the shadow of the void and the flowing blood.

"Come on!"

At this moment, there was a roar that shook the mountains and rivers in the void, and an extremely burly giant fell from the void and stepped on the Blood God Marquis.

That was Liu Cangsheng's murderous slave.


On the broken battlefield, the fierce slave smashed a big hole, and saw the latter's eyes were full of anger, staring at the half dragon vein in the hand of the Blood God Hou, with a murderous intent.

Above the sky, more than 20 Marquis Wu puppets controlled by the Blood Spirit Hall appeared afterward, vowing to besiege and kill the murderous slaves.


The fierce slave roared and roared, and his mountain-like body rushed out of the sky, smashing the heads of two Marquis Wu with one punch.

The Blood God Hou looked at the invincible slave with a relaxed expression, and secretly cursed Marquis Wu's puppet for being incompetent. Then, with a strange twisted figure, he, together with the two princes of the Blood Spirit Hall, stalked and killed the slave.

The mountains and rivers roared, and the earth trembled.

A bloody scuffle kicked off again.

The three people in the Blood Spirit Hall fought against the slave, their movements were extremely strange, and they avoided the horrible move of the slave countless times.

At the same time, the Blood God Hou did not forget to control the Wuhou who turned into puppets to kill Xiang Jun.

On the battlefield, Jun Qingcheng still staggered forward, his swordsmanship extended to three hundred feet, and he chopped off the heads of Marquis Wu one after another with an absolutely blatant gesture.

The Dixuan Shuangzi Battalion once again regrouped and fought invincibly.

Zhao Huangtu carried Shen Qingshan, who was on the front line of life and death, and killed in blood.


On the battlefield, there were endless battles, and the terrifying aura and power suppressed all directions, causing the thousands of warriors to retreat for ten miles, looking at the scene ahead in shock.

But at this moment, the remaining black robes in the Blood Spirit Palace were killing thousands of warriors, blood crows flying around them, hissing shrilly.

In just a few breaths, hundreds of black robes set up a blood sacrifice array to control the soul of the warrior, or directly kill the warrior.

If you get the dragon veins, you can get good luck!

But since the beginning of the dragon's veins, there has been no splashing weather luck, but the mountains and rivers are stained with blood, and tens of thousands of corpses are lying down.

Qin Xuance passed out and lost most of his lifespan.

Bai Xiaopang was bleeding, his bones and flesh were shattered, and his life and death were unknown.

Cursed by the sky in the deserted forest, he became possessed and was about to bleed to death.

Xuanyuan has no phase and soul returns to heaven and earth.

More than half of the Dixuan Shuangzi Battalion was killed or injured, and not one out of ten of the tens of thousands of warriors survived!

For a whole day, the mountains and rivers were in turmoil, and the color of the world changed.To this day, the war is still brutal, and the Blood Spirit Hall is holding half of the dragon veins, trying to seize the dragon yuan again.

Its strength is strong enough to deter half of the battlefield!


On the battlefield, the fierce slave roared again and again, but it was difficult for him to crush the three princes of the Blood Spirit Hall with his strength.Blood God Hou and the others couldn't break through the invincible body of the fierce slave, and they fought equally.

On the other side, Zhao Huangtu was seriously injured, but it was difficult to fight again.

More than 20 Marquis Wu joined forces, finally broke through the killing sword, and suppressed Jun Qingcheng and others with countless terrifying attacks.

Thousands of warriors roared, wanting to kill the black robe of the Blood Spirit Hall, but it was difficult to resist the power of the blood crow entering the body, and finally turned into respectful servants one by one, standing behind the black robe.

In just half an hour, the Blood Spirit Palace had taken control of the overall situation.

Be invincible!
At this moment, there was a sound of chant in the void, and righteousness suddenly appeared in the world.

In just a few breaths, an invincible spirit overturned from the sky, and the roar of the wind and clouds spread throughout the mountains, rivers and earth, shaking the void in all directions.

Countless people looked up...

In the sky, a bloody and torn battle flag pierced through the sky and pierced through the sky. With the sharp momentum of meeting the gods and killing the gods, it plunged into the blood-stained ground with a clang.

The battle flag is rolled up like a wind and cloud opening and closing, with the words stained with blood painted on it:


(End of this chapter)

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