
Chapter 304 Xuanyuan is invincible

Chapter 304 Xuanyuan is invincible

Up and down the sky was filled with the sound of Xuanyuan's soldiers' mighty thunder.At this moment, the figure in Tsing Yi is like a king descending into the world, inheriting the righteousness of the world.

Just as Xuanyuan Tibing's voice fell, hundreds of cavalry war spirits below appeared and submerged into Xuanyuan Tibing's body.

humming sound.

Between the heaven and the earth, the breath oscillates.From Xuanyuan Tibing's body, a tyrannical and invincible fighting spirit swept out terrifyingly, threatening to shatter the sun, moon, mountains and rivers.

Xuanyuan Tibing let out a long roar, and then raised the spear of hatred in the world.

The fierce slave's face was heavy, even though he was dressed in a barbaric way and his martial soul was in the world, he still felt a palpitating aura, as if he saw millions of troops lined up in front, and the sound of vast fighting filled the nine heavens and ten earths.

On the battlefield, thousands of warriors were also horrified, watching Xuanyuan raise troops was like watching gods and demons.


Xuanyuan's soldiers shouted angrily, held the battle flag and moved in all directions, like a god of war, charged forward and killed the murderous slave.

At this moment, there was a huge earthquake, and countless ferocious bears and beasts appeared around the fierce slave, like Xuanyuan Tibing's killer move that cut across the spine of a mountain.


The heaven and the earth resounded continuously, and Xuanyuan raised his troops with a battle flag that was peerless, flying up and down the sky, and when the general trend of hatred in the world was exhausted, he had already killed dozens of ferocious bears in the barbaric way.

"Clothed in battle spirit, kill without mercy!"

Xuanyuan Tibing was furious again, and once again charged out the battle flag in his hand, beheading dozens of savage bears in just a few breaths.

In the barbaric way, the fierce slave stared at him disdainfully. He didn't believe that the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi could maintain this state forever.

Within the barbaric way, everything is protected!

Under the blue-washed sky, Xuanyuan Tibing turned pale, and fired a third shot. With a bang, the battle flag wiped out all directions, and directly killed the fierce slave.

A bang.

The momentum of the battle flag was exhausted, and it stabbed the Huns, but did not hurt the latter at all.

The fierce slave looked at Xuanyuan Tibing, who had already shown signs of decline, with a ferocious smile on his face, and his palm like a huge stone plunged into the void, and he summoned hundreds of violent bears, who were like thunder and showed their murderous intent:
"Slay all beasts!"

Before the fierce slave finished speaking, the void suddenly shook, and all the violent bears in the barbaric way were all heading towards Xuanyuan Tibing, drowning Xuanyuan Tibing in an instant.

On the battlefield, Zhao Huangtu's complexion changed, and hundreds of cavalry behind him spit blood.

Lu Han looked at the scene up and down in the sky, his face was dark and dull, he squeezed the Axiu golden gun in his hand, then threw it out, and then shouted angrily:

"Iron Horse Glacier!"

Only when Lu Han's voice fell, the void vibrated here.

In the ocean submerged by hundreds of violent bears, Xuanyuan Tibing fought out with a battle flag in his hand, and Axiu's golden spear in his hand while his sleeves were turned upside down. .

Tibing Xuanyuan glanced back at Lu Han, nodded with a smile, then turned his head, looking at the barbaric slave, and the overwhelming momentum rose from his body:

"Iron Horse Binghe, bring your troops into your dreams! Enemies in the free from hatred!"

Just as Xuanyuan Tibing's words fell, Jiang He's general situation suddenly wiped out Mandao.I saw Xuanyuan Tibing wearing a battle spirit, walking on a glacial iron horse, and an Axiu golden gun was stained with hatred in the world, shining with an invincible edge.

Between the heavens and the earth, there was a shock.

Thousands of warriors stared wide-eyed, only to see peerless spears appearing above the vast sky, only in the shining of the spears, like the sun shining in the sky, bursting with endless and fierce brilliance, instantly crushing the invincible barbarian.

Xuanyuan's soldiers stepped forward on the iron horse, and during the roaring charge, Axiu's golden spear pierced the heart of the fierce slave in an instant.

Looking back, Xuanyuan Tibing had already arrived behind the fierce slave, and pulled out Axiu's golden gun from the fierce slave's back!

Amidst the mighty flowing clouds, the tall figure of the fierce slave trembled, and his long hair fluttering wildly fell down instantly.The ferocious eyes froze.

From the hole in the chest, blood fell like rain.


The ten-foot-tall figure suddenly fell from the void and knelt down on the blood-stained battlefield.

At this moment, everyone in the sky was shocked.

Xuanyuan is invincible!
In the void, Xuanyuan Tibing's figure flickered, and he landed with his hands behind his back, his complexion looked particularly pale.He carefully wiped Axiu's golden gun with his Tsing Yi before sending it to Lu Han's sharp gun.

With a dark face, Lu Han took the spear expressionlessly.

Xuanyuan Tibing took advantage of the situation to support the seriously injured Lu Han, but was ruthlessly pushed away by the latter, and couldn't help smiling awkwardly, showing helplessness.

Afterwards, Xuanyuan Taibing looked at the half of the dragon vein in his hand, stabilized the danger of the dragon vein being about to collapse, and said calmly: "It is my Xuanyuan family's last resort to detain you for hundreds of years. Let you go today, and I hope you will protect me." My Dongling is lucky. If the resentment in his heart persists, he will take revenge on Xuanyuan Tibing, and he must not harm my descendants!"

On the battlefield, half of the dragon veins shook their bodies, not knowing whether it was hatred or resentment.

Xuanyuan Tibing smiled, and then relaxed his palm, allowing the half of the dragon vein to leave.

Seeing this, thousands of warriors were all startled and commotioned, with unwilling expressions on their faces.Before they could say a word, they felt Xuanyuan Tibing's eyes sweeping past.

In an instant, everyone pressed their thoughts on the dragon vein.

With a thud.

The half of the dragon's veins flew, and finally disappeared into the mountains and rivers, without a trace.

Afterwards, Xuanyuan Tibing set his sights on the dragon yuan in Jun Qingcheng's hand again, causing the latter's face to tense up, and the killing swordsmanship resumed.

With a flick of his hand, Xuanyuan pressed the killing sword, and said calmly: "The dragon's veins have such a calamity, this is the number of days. Your dragon yuan is also the destiny, I will not go against the sky!"

Jun Qingcheng's complexion eased, and the guard in his heart was slightly lowered.

"How about Lin Huang?"

Xuanyuan Tibing suddenly spoke.


Lu Han said dryly, and after hesitating for a moment, he added, "Save people!"

The smile on Xuanyuan Tibing's face froze, and suddenly became serious.Those who become demons are exhausted and will die within ten days. This is a fixed number in martial arts.Even if he is Xuanyuan Tibing, it will be very difficult to recover.

"Go back to Xuanyuan Mansion first!"

Xuanyuan Tibing said calmly, and then walked forward with his hands behind his back, leading the crowd, passing through thousands of warriors.Wherever he walked, the warriors bowed their heads and consciously gave way, not daring to covet Longyuan, not daring to face Xuanyuan Tibing directly.


A battle of dragon veins finally came to an end with the appearance of Xuanyuan Tibing.

In this battle, the mountains and rivers were bloodied, and the world was stained with hatred.

Tens of thousands of fighters entered the Qinglong Mountain Range, but when they left, there were not even one in ten.

An ancient piece of land has long been cracked, and has been stained red layer by layer with blood. The mountains and rivers are riddled with holes, and corpses are piled up like mountains.

Until now, countless warriors still feel palpitations, and the previous scenes are as incredible as a dream.

Lin Huang slays the dragon.

Invincible peerless soaring black light.

The three princes of the Blood Spirit Palace are present.

Xuanyuan has no appearance.

Liu Cangsheng, son of Dayu God, appeared.

Lin Huang immediately became a demon.

There are also the emergence of Cangsheng Sword Dao, Ah Bi Dao, and Slaughter Sword Dao, all of which are Xiao Sha Fang.

Then the myth of the world made another shot.

Everything makes people's mind shake, and it can't be calm for a long time.The great battle that took place this day and night will definitely shock Dong Ling.

And just after thousands of warriors left the land of death, two lumps of flesh and blood suddenly squirmed on the blood-stained battlefield.


Suddenly, the cry of civet cats resounded on the battlefield!
(End of this chapter)

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