
Chapter 305 The Devil's Lin Huang Should Die

Chapter 305 The Devil's Lin Huang Should Die
The dispute over the dragon's veins shook all the East Spirits.

In just three days, the news about the battle of dragon veins spread to every corner of the East Spirit Realm, and the matter became more and more fermented.

Whether it is Xuanyuan Wuxiang's return.

The forest has become a demon.

It was also the appearance of the God Son of Dayu, the conspiracy of the Blood Spirit Palace, and the appearance of Xuanyuan Tibing.All caused the East Spirit Realm to boil, whether it was restaurants and teahouses, courts, rivers and lakes, or streets and alleys, everyone was talking about it.

"I heard that the one who slays the dragon is Lin Huang, the chief disciple of Piaoxue Palace. He is only in the realm of Tianyuan. How did he do it?"

"Who knows, but this son later wore black light and killed a large number of Marquis Wu powerhouses. It's really scary!"

"I also heard that he became a demon later, beheaded a Dayu God Son, and there is still the existence of Dao!"

"...he brought disaster to our East Spirit Realm!"

"I didn't expect Xuanyuan Wuxiang from 200 years ago to appear again without dying, almost beheading the three powerful Marquis Wu who killed the Blood Spirit Palace!"

When talking about the Blood Spirit Hall, everyone couldn't help but gasped, and even lowered their voices, looking a little apprehensive.

"Isn't that right, but it is rumored that the Blood Spirit Marquis was trampled to death by Xuanyuan Tibing!"


"That's a myth in the world. Even the murderous slaves of the God Son of the Great Domain were suppressed and killed. It is worthy of Xuanyuan to raise troops, and he is an invincible existence!"

"Tsk tsk, I guessed that Xuanyuan Tibing had entered the realm of Martial King!"

"Have you heard that there may be a catastrophe in Piaoxue Palace this time?"

Someone suddenly lowered his voice and said.

"what happened?"

"What can happen? It's not because of the forest shortage. In the battle of dragon veins, desires became demons and killed too many people. Even Marquis Wu killed a large number of warriors, and there were thousands of warriors killed by him!"

"Many of them are from the famous forces in the East Spirit Realm. Yesterday, I don't know how many leaders of the forces went to Piaoxue Palace. It is said that they want Yan Nangui to hand over Lin Huang, and they were killed by the girl in red. Take away Longyuan!"

"Tsk tsk tsk... This is a good show to watch. The Piaoxue Palace just angered all the major forces in the Four Sects and Ten Dynasties War. Now that Lin Huang has killed so many people, I'm afraid it will inevitably lead to a conflict between the sects." Great battle!"

"Speaking of Lin Huang and the girl in red, they seem to have been taken away by Xuanyuan Tibing!"

Someone said mysteriously.

"Xuanyuan Tibing? It's over, it's over, it seems that Longyuan will be taken away by Xuanyuan Tibing, who dares to go to Xuanyuan Mansion to cause trouble!"

"Don't forget, Lin Huang beheaded and killed a Dayu god son. If the forces behind him know that Dayu is coming, even if Xuanyuan raises troops, he will be powerless!"

"I'm afraid that disaster will be imminent in the East Spirit Realm!"


In the East Spirit Realm, countless people were passing on the news about the dragon veins. Seven days had passed, and there was no sign of it stopping at all, and it became more and more intense.

dragon yuan.

Lin Huang became a demon and slaughtered Marquis Wu.

Blood Palace.

Son of God.

Xuanyuan raises troops.

Each of these names is enough to attract everyone's attention and talk about it.After all, in this East Spirit Realm, such a major event has not happened for a long time.

Xuanyuan Mansion.

No matter how high-spirited the outside world is, the wind is surging.This mansion, which has been settled for thousands of years, has no waves at all, and it is as calm as it used to be.

In the ancestral hall of Xuanyuan Mansion, Xuanyuan Wuxiang's soul jade tablet finally burst completely.

Seven days ago, the battle of dragon veins ended, and Xuanyuan raised troops to bring everyone back to Xuanyuan Mansion, but everyone's condition was very bad.

Qin Xuance and Lu Han passed out.

Bai Xiaopang was bloody and bloody, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

Even Zhao Huangtu, Shen Qingshan and others fell at the gate of Xuanyuan Mansion.

Only Lin Cangxue and Jun Qingcheng held on to their spirits, and those who did not fall guarded Lin Huang.

As for the state of Lin Huang, it is very strange!
When slaughtering the dragon veins that day, Lin Huang was cursed by the sky, and his body was considered to have buried his soul alive.Then Lin Huang cooperated with Tian Shura's eternal will to break the curse of the sky.

Afterwards, Lin Huangtian was possessed by Shura, and he was possessed by a thought, in exchange for powerful combat power, he suppressed and killed Liu Cangsheng.

Before Lin Huang's body was cursed by the sky, his flesh and blood were all broken.After being possessed by the demon, the muscles and bones in the body were turned into powder, and the whole person turned into a puddle of mud.

However, Lin Huang did not die.

Those who become demons will die within ten days after exhaustion.

But in the records on the mainland, it was an absolute miracle to be able to persist for ten days.Most of the warriors fell into demons and died suddenly after exhaustion.

In the past seven days, Lin Huang's situation has not improved in the slightest, but he is still hanging on his breath.

But even Sun Buer, Dongling's number one genius doctor, was helpless against Lin Huang.

It stands to reason that every inch of flesh and blood under Lin Huang's skin has been turned into dust, and should have been extinct long ago... But Lin Huang has always had his last breath, neither alive nor dead.

Jun Qingcheng had detected the mysterious martial spirit in Lin Huang's body several times, but still found nothing, and could not find any chance to make Lin Huang better.

In a blink of an eye, ten days have passed.

That night, Jun Qingcheng and Lin Cangxue stood guard all night until dawn, when they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Huang didn't die, he survived ten days' assertion.

But Lin Huang still didn't show any signs of improvement, which made everyone extremely puzzled. The various genius doctors who came to Xuanyuan Mansion changed wave after wave, but they still had no clue.

On the contrary, Lu Han and others gradually woke up.

Even Bai Xiaopang, who was bombarded and killed by Liu Cangsheng, was in disrepair, but he was still gradually getting better under the protection of the big white cat.And this shit, the injury has not healed to one-tenth, and he started to break through the realm without knowing it.

Xuanyuan Tibing was so frightened that he frowned.

And half a month after the Battle of Dragon Veins, another major event happened in the East Spirit Realm.

Back then, Lin Huang wore black light and killed many Marquis Wu.From then on, Lin Huang became a demon in one thought, and then killed thousands of warriors.This made the major forces in the Eastern Spirit Realm angry, and countless leaders and powerful men set foot in Piaoxue Palace.

Among them, there are characters from the Four Schools and Ten Dynasties.

Qi Aohan from Fengyulou, Han Qingtian from Tianleizong and others all went to Piaoxuefeng in person.

After half a month, the leaders of these forces finally became impatient, and threatened to destroy Piaoxue Palace, so that this great sect would be expelled from the world.

On this day, Yan Zangfeng was born!
The martial arts myth from more than 70 years ago struck again, beheading 13 Marquis Wu in a row, scaring the leaders of all forces and leaving Piaoxue Palace in embarrassment.

After that day, the people in the Eastern Spirit Realm seemed to have finally remembered.

There is an ancestor in Piaoxue Palace, his name is Yan Zangfeng.

70 years ago, I entered Qianyin Valley personally, and no one can beat me.

After several decades of reign, Piaoxue Palace was squeezed into the four major sects abruptly.

One-handed earth-level martial arts snow floats in the world, killing Yingye, and can compete with Xuanyuan Tibing.

Many forces did not dare to compete with Piaoxue Palace, and instead pointed their finger at Lin Huang.In just a few days, Lin Huang became a murderous and inhuman demon.

He slashed the dragon's veins, ruined the luck of the Dongling warriors, and destroyed the sky and the earth.

He kills thousands of people and regards human life as worthless. Dong Ling warriors should rise up and kill this devil together.

He beheaded the god son of Dayu, which would bring great disaster to the East Spirit Realm, and he should be stripped of his skin and bones to vent his hatred.

In just a few days, all Dong Ling warriors wanted to kill Lin Huang when they heard Lin Huang's name.There are even quite a few warriors heading towards the Great Xia Dynasty, intending to exterminate this devil clan.

Then, when these people met Huang Ziying in Xuanyuan Mansion in the Great Xia Dynasty, their faces turned pale with fright, and they ran away like dogs in a blink of an eye.

And the devil who is utterly devoid of conscience among the people is still in Xuanyuan Mansion, neither alive nor dead!
Until the end of the Dragon Vein War No. 20, Qin Xuance, who had been unconscious for a long time, woke up...

(End of this chapter)

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