
Chapter 306

Chapter 306

In the room with the bead curtains hanging down, Qin Xuance spit out a mouthful of pitch-black blood, opened his eyes with a pale face, and felt severe pain even if he moved his whole body.

But when Qin Xuance saw Lu Han, he jumped up and wanted to kill this guy alive.

On the hilltop of Xuanyuan Mansion back then, if Lu Han hadn't led everyone into the battlefield, making Qin Xuance lose the power he could rely on, he wouldn't have exhausted all his energy and summoned Xuanyuan Formless Soul alone.

Lu Han smiled awkwardly, and forcefully suffocated two mouthfuls of blood, showing that he couldn't stand the hammer now!

"How are you doing?"

Lu Han asked cautiously.

"about to die!"

Qin Xuance's anger remained undiminished, no matter how elegant he was usually, seeing Lu Han at this moment was full of chills.

Lu Han scratched his head, knowing that Qin Xuance should be fine at this time.

cough cough...

Qin Xuance coughed twice again, his face unabated.At this moment, only he himself knows what his situation is like.

He misjudged the power of the dragon veins, so that when Lin Huang slayed the dragon, he was bitten by the heavens and cut off most of his lifespan.

Then he summoned Xuanyuan's Phaseless Soul by himself, cutting off several years of life.

Today, he has become a premature death, and he will not live long!
"Lin is it?"

After a long time, Qin Xuance asked with some trepidation.

The smile on Lu Han's face froze, and he sighed, "I am neither alive nor dead, I have become a living dead!"

Qin Xuance's delicate eyebrows frowned slightly, "Because he was cursed by the sky, he is still not dead?"

Lu Han stared at Qin Xuance with wide eyes.

Two days later, Qin Xuance was finally able to get out of bed, but a gust of wind could blow his whole body down.


When Qin Xuance pushed open the door of Lin Huang's room, his brows frowned instantly.

Jun Qingcheng and Lin Cangxue turned their heads and looked at the young man in white at the door without any fluctuation in expression.

"This is……"

Qin Xuance walked up to Lin Huang, looking at the latter's paralyzed appearance, with an extremely puzzled expression.

Jun Qingcheng looked up at Qin Xuance in a daze, her snow-white hands clenched the corners of her clothes tightly.

In the room, Qin Xuance walked back and forth, coughing continuously, his brows furrowed tighter and tighter, thinking about why Lin Huang did not live or die.

After two full hours, Qin Xuance's frowned eyebrows relaxed, his eyes lit up, and he coughed and said:
"I lost my luck!"

Both Jun Qingcheng and Lin Cangxue turned their heads, looking at Qin Xuance suspiciously.

"He was cut off from luck, and is no longer in the cycle of heaven. A person without luck, even if he has his last breath, is like a dead thing. Even after thousands of generations, he is just a living dead!"

Qin Xuance explained.

"What can be done?"

Lin Cangxue gritted her teeth and asked, a gleam of light flickered in her gray eyes.

Qin Xuance was stunned, and froze in embarrassment, then slowly shook his head, "With my ability, I still can't get involved in the field where people can gather luck again!"

"Is Long Yuan okay?"

Jun Qingcheng took out the radiant Long Yuan and looked at Qin Xuance expectantly.

"This one……"

Qin Xuance shook his head and said, "Even if his luck is reunited, it is very likely that he will die immediately when his luck returns!"

Jun Qingcheng's little hand holding Long Yuan trembled, and seeing Lin Huang's paralyzed appearance, tears fell down uncontrollably.

"He has Phoenix blood in his body, and it cannot be activated now!"

Lin Cangxue looked at Qin Xuance and said.

Qin Xuance still shook his head, "Luck can obliterate all bloodline talents. If a person has no luck, even the bloodline that is against the sky will have no effect at all!"

Lin Cangxue's mind sank, her pretty face was as pale as paper.

"...Is there really no other way?"

Lu Han asked with a dull face, "From the inheritance of Wuxiang ancestors, can't you find a way to seize luck?"

"you shut up!"

Qin Xuance said with a dark face.

"Perhaps, one person may have a way!"

After a long time, Qin Xuance said silently, but even he himself was a little uncertain.

In the room, Jun Qingcheng and others suddenly stared at Qin Xuance.

"Li Baiyi!"

Qin Xuance frowned and said, "But with my current state, I still can't communicate with the master. And I'm just a registered disciple, so he doesn't necessarily care about me!"

"Then I'll go and catch him!"

Jun Qingcheng looked serious.

cough cough...

Qin Xuance suddenly coughed violently twice.

"Let's go to the Heaven Strategy Building!"

In the room, Xuanyuan's voice suddenly appeared.I saw the latter quietly appearing in the room in Tsing Yi, with a calm face, "There is a spirit gathering room for ancestors without phase in Tiance Tower, and you can use the power of heaven and earth to drive it!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, but Lu Han walked out of the room with a cold snort.


In the starry room, Qin Xuance was dressed in white and sat cross-legged on top of the formation calmly, his whole body was filled with divine brilliance and filled with a mysterious aura.

The slender fingers intertwined and moved slowly in the void. Where each finger landed, a brilliant star appeared, emitting a scorching light.

Half an hour later, Qin Xuance retracted his ten fingers, and in front of him was the floating star array, reflecting the picture of the stars in the sky.

Then, Qin Xuance cast the spell again, and the power of the gathering room poured into his body continuously, and then escaped along the latter's ten fingers, outlining mysterious runes in the starlight formation.

In the room, Jun Qingcheng and the others watched the scene in front of them quietly, not even daring to breathe, feeling rather nervous, for fear of disturbing Qin Xuance.

humming sound.

In the starlight formation, the runes drawn from Qin Xuance's hands quietly collapsed, making Qin Xuance's complexion turn pale.

Everyone frowned, looking at the broken runes very anxiously, only Xuanyuan Tibing's face was calm, and Lu Han's face was dark.

And Lin Huang was lying in the spirit gathering room, still looking neither alive nor dead.

In the room, Qin Xuance hand-carved runes again.


In less than half a quarter of an hour, the rune completely collapsed again.

Qin Xuance's figure suddenly shook twice, looking weaker and weaker.Then he gritted his teeth, couldn't stop shaking his hands to carve runes with aura again, and submerged into the starlight formation.

In the spirit gathering room, the breath was extremely quiet, even a little depressing.

Everyone looked at the star formation in front of them with anticipation, fearing that the runes would collapse again.

humming sound.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, the runes collapsed again, making Qin Xuance's face look ashamed and his eyes full of disappointment.

"I'm going to catch him!"

Jun Qingcheng said angrily, he was about to walk out of the spirit gathering room with his sword in hand.


However, at the moment when the runes were completely disintegrated, the starlight array suddenly surged with light, and mysterious vortexes appeared.

Everyone focused their eyes immediately, and saw a mysterious figure slowly appearing in the vast starry sky when the vortex in the starlight formation disappeared...

(End of this chapter)

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