
Chapter 311 Kill Xie Qinghou

Chapter 311 Ten Kills Xie Qinghou

In the dark and gloomy hall, after Xie Qinghou said that, he stood up from the ground, with a gentle smile on his strange face, and looked directly at Xueyinhou.


Xueyinhou was furious, raised his palm and slapped Xie Qinghou.

Shout out.

Xue Yinhou didn't slap a palm, but he staggered and fell to the ground.On his chest, at some point, a golden dagger appeared. The Buddha's light was shining on the dagger, which seemed to be able to save all evils in the world.

Xue Yinhou's complexion changed, he raised his head and stared at Xie Qinghou coldly, "You traitor, how dare you attack me!"

In the main hall, Xie Qinghou chuckled with his hands behind his back, "Why not?"

"Do you think you can kill Ben Hou with a dagger contaminated with Buddhist vows?"

Hou Xueyin sneered, and stood up with blood on the corner of his mouth.His robes were extremely black, his black hair fluttered wildly, and his feminine face was completely gray at this moment, making him look extraordinarily terrifying, like ghosts from hell.

"Naturally it can't be killed!"

Xie Qinghou nodded, "But at least it will keep you from being at your peak within three years. I don't know if a crippled Blood Yinhou will become the blood food in the mouth of the Blood Godhou!"

Xue Yinhou's complexion froze, and a ferocious look suddenly surged on his sinister face. He pointed at Xie Qinghou with his five fingers like eagle claws, and said in a cold voice, "I have raised you for ten years and made you a blood child. Let you have a bright future." I hope to be the successor to the Blood Spirit Palace, but you dare to betray this Marquis!"

"Raise me for ten years? Raise me for ten years after killing my parents?"

Xie Qinghou's expression froze, and hatred flashed on the strange face, "As for making me a blood child... I really thank you, without this identity, I, Xie Qinghou, would not be able to reach the core of the Blood Spirit Palace!"

"Your parents died at the hands of Piaoxue Palace! It is this is this Marquis who raised you, passed on your magical skills, and made you an invincible existence in Piaoxue Palace, enjoying countless glory!"

Blood Yin Hou said angrily.

Xue Yinhou's eyes were like torches, and there was a sharp light, "Don't you think I really don't know that you were once an abandoned disciple of Piaoxue Palace, and the junior of Palace Master Yannangui?"


Xueyinhou's fingers trembled, and he stared at Xie Qinghou in disbelief, who didn't expect that the latter would even know such a secret thing.

"Jie Jie Jie, since this is the case, it seems that this Marquis is going to keep you!"

In the main hall, the sinister laughter of Marquis Xueyin followed, like the cry of a devil, which made people feel cold all over.He slowly pulled out the dagger from his chest, and walked towards Xie Qinghou.

"Originally, I was expecting you to completely inherit my marquis' magical skills, and become my blood food after breaking through the realm of Marquis Wu. Now it seems that I can only suck your flesh and blood dry right now!"

Hou Xueyin laughed coldly, a pair of jade hands shone with a dark light, and suddenly moved towards Xie Qinghou.


Xie Qinghou's complexion changed, he turned around and fled out of the hall, but was blown away by Blood Yinhou's palm on the way.

"Even if this Marquis is plotted by you, it would be as easy as pie to kill you!"

Hou Xueyin sneered, raised his foot again, and stomped towards Xie Qinghou.

"I could have left quietly, but I, Xie Qinghou, still want to make a big kill in this life! To strengthen the strength of my generation of warriors!"

In the Bloody Hall, Xie Qinghou laughed loudly.Under Xueyinhou's palm, his whole body was dripping with blood, but at this moment, the latter obviously didn't have a trace of fear, and his dark eyes were full of death will.

In the blink of an eye, Xie Qinghou turned into a long rainbow and swept over the Bloody Hall.

"What a white-eyed wolf that cannot be domesticated!"

Looking at Xie Qinghou who fled from the main hall, Xueyinhou showed a sinister smile, and then let out a long roar, showing murderous intent: "The blood son Xie Qinghou is apostate, and whoever belongs to my Blood Spirit Palace will be killed without mercy!"

Suddenly, in the Qinglong Mountain Range, among the huge blood-colored palaces, countless figures in black robes looted, chasing and killing Xie Qinghou.


Outside the main hall, Xie Qinghou let out a terrifying roar, and his momentum rose steadily. In just a few breaths, he touched the realm of Marquis Wu.Afterwards, his figure moved rapidly, and he sank into the vast Qinglong Mountain Range.

Behind Xie Qinghou, hundreds of black robes chased after him.



At this moment, in Xuanyuan Mansion, Lin Cangxue, who was in seclusion, suddenly opened her bright eyes, and when she turned her jade hand over, an ancient bronze token appeared, shining with scorching light, as if countless news were surging.

Lin Cangxue's expression froze, and her consciousness was submerged in the token...

The tenth kill: Han Yunxiao, the fourth elder of Tianlei Sect, under the seat of Bloody Hou, one of the twelve deputy envoys.

One of the deputy envoys of the Marquis of Zhenbei in the Northern Yan Dynasty, the Marquis of Xueyin.

Qi Wudao, the Supreme Elder of the Wind and Rain Tower, and the Blood God Hou, the leader of the Seven Ghosts.

Piaoxue Gong Hong Jiu, the person under Xue Linghou's seat, codenamed Mei Shiqi!

Xiao Daosheng, the right prime minister of the Shangguan Dynasty, the man under the seat of Bloody Hou, codenamed Xia 21.

Han Qingtian, the patriarch of the Tianlei Sect, and the deputy envoy of the Blood God Hou!

Jiang Licheng, a disciple of King Yinsha, the fifth prince of the Impersonation Blood Spirit Hall.


In just a few breaths, hundreds of thousands of messages appeared in the thirteen killing tokens.

Among them, everyone's name is from the famous town of Dongling Realm.

There is an elder in Fengyulou.

There are royal powers.

There is Han Qingtian.

There is also Jiang Licheng, the second martial artist.

And all these people are actually members of the Blood Spirit Hall, each of them is like a dark poisonous snake, hiding in the shadows for many years, preparing for a fatal blow.

Sensing the news in the token, Lin Cangxue was startled, with a murderous intent flashing in her dark eyes.

Blood Spirit Temple, a group of monsters that manipulate the will of warriors and suck the blood and lifespan of living people.

"Xiao Shi, where are you?"

In the token, the sound of the third kill suddenly came out.

However, the tenth kill did not answer the question of the third kill, but continued to pass on the news.

"The Blood Spirit Palace is divided into four major blood lords, and the fifth person is proposed to be Jiang Licheng. Above the four blood lords, there are two evil kings of Yin and Yang. The king of Yang evil was killed by Lord Tibing, and the king of Yin evil remains!"

"Under the four major blood marquises, each has two major protectors and twelve assistant envoys. In addition, there are 49 people in spring, summer, autumn and winter under the seat of Xue Yihou. There are 64 people in plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum under the seat of Xue Linghou. The Marquis of Blood Yin has 81 people each, and the Marquis of Blood God has 99 each of Heaven, Earth, Xuan and Yellow!"

The news here is like a tide, but the Qinglong Mountains are full of blood.

Holding a huge sickle, Xie Qinghou fought hundreds of black-robed men in a bloody battle like a Marquis of Wu.In less than half an hour, within a hundred miles of the Blood Spirit Hall, there were hundreds of dead bodies.

Xie Qinghou was dressed in blood, and there were dozens of wounds all over his body, every place was bloody and bloody, with bones visible.

However, this young man, who looked feminine and even a little strange, was like the god of death in hell at this time, showing a fierce posture, and a bloody sickle danced in his hand like a ruthless blade.

"Xie Qinghou, if you dare to betray Blood Spirit Palace, we will drink your blood and eat your flesh and blood!"

"You are a bloody child, and you have committed such a heinous crime, so hurry up and die!"

"Today, you can't escape with your wings. If you come and kneel down by yourself, Lord Xueyinhou will definitely leave your whole body behind!"


In the vast jungle, the voices of angry and reprimanded people from the Blood Spirit Palace continued to resound.

Xie Qinghou was dressed in blood, as if he had never heard of it before. On his strange face, there was a sense of righteousness and the generosity and determination of a strong man going to death. In his blood-stained hands, he was holding an ancient bronze token tightly.

On the back of the ancient bronze token, there is an ancient seal with the word 'ten' engraved.

Ten kills, Xie Qinghou!

(End of this chapter)

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