
Chapter 312 The death of Xie Qinghou

Chapter 312 The death of Xie Qinghou

The vast ancient trees, deep forest.A figure dressed in blood staggered forward.

"Yin-Yang Valley is about to be born, and the Blood Spirit Palace is hiding to create chaos. Only the four blood princes can know the specific conspiracy!"

"We have thirteen kills, so we should move forward cautiously. Now that the Eight Ways of Detention will all be broken, the disaster in Yin Yang Valley will be ten times worse than before!"

"If it's not serious, if Dong Ling is robbed, it will be the end of the world!"

In the ancient bronze decree, the words of the tenth kill kept ringing, and it seemed more and more urgent.

As for the third kill, he asked seven times where the tenth kill was, but he didn't get the slightest answer.

"The four blood marquises are all practicing strange and evil skills. If they can't kill them with one blow, they will return with blood sacrifices!"

In the token, the words of the tenth kill sounded again.

"Is there a way to restrain the exercises?"

Seventh Kill asked.

"The power of the Holy Buddha can be suppressed, but only suppressed!

The tenth kill replied.

In the Qinglong Mountains, the battle is still going on.Xie Qinghou was wearing a blood-cloaked coat, and he kept waving his huge sickle, reaping the lives of the men in black robes, and the places he conquered were full of stumps and broken bodies.

And his whole body was also wounded numerous, with blood flowing horizontally.Presumably in order to kill a few more people, he never cared about his own safety.

In those pitch-black eyes, there was a resolute ruthlessness, and there was a look of righteousness and awe in the bewitching brows.

In the jungle, there are endless wars.

Swords, lights and swords roared, and the terrifying aura surged like a tidal wave, crushing one forest after another. Countless people in black robes kept rushing towards Xie Qinghou, and they were bound to kill him completely.

At the center of the battle, Xie Qinghou howled wildly, with a domineering look on his soft brows, "Back then, Lin Huangdi killed Tian Yuan, and suppressed Xue Yihou. I, Xie Qinghou, can kill hundreds of enemies in the final battle!"

Xie Qinghou muttered to himself, even though there were countless wounds, his aura became more and more fierce and terrifying.

Holding a huge sickle in his hand, he turned into a blood man, and once again killed countless blood robes without fear.

"My name is Xie Qinghou!"

In the token of the thirteen kills, the news of the tenth kill suddenly flashed.

In Xuanyuan Mansion, Lin Cangxue's eyes were fixed, revealing a bit of astonishment.

"Xie Qinghou from Piaoxue Palace?"

"The disciple who disappeared from Piaoxue Palace during the Four Schools and Ten Dynasties?"

Among the tokens, other killers asked one after another, looking a little surprised.

Xie Qinghou still did not answer everyone's questions, but sent another message:
"Lin Cangxue, when the Blood Spirit Palace abolished your martial soul, I knew about it a long time ago, and I never reminded you that Xie Qinghou killed the eighty black robes in the Blood Spirit Palace here to make amends!"

In Xuanyuan Mansion, Lin Cangxue's expression froze, and then she showed a smile:
"I knew it!"

"Tell Lin Huang that it was I, Xie Qinghou, who won the battle at Piaoxue Palace back then. If he still remembers me, Xie Qinghou, there will be a glass of wine spilling the loess during the Double Ninth Festival!"

In the token, Xie Qinghou spoke again.

"Xiao Shi, where are you? No matter where you are, I will come to rescue you within a quarter of an hour after Thirteen Kills!"

The news of the third kill appeared, and he seemed a little anxious.

"No need!"

Xie Qinghou flatly refused, "After ten years in the Blood Spirit Hall, I have already become a monster. If I don't want to live, it's useless for you to save me. Today is my Xie Qinghou's curtain call battle!"

In Xuanyuan Mansion, Lin Cangxue was moved, and walked out of the closed room with a long body.

"Everyone, the tenth kill Xie Qinghou, retreat first!"

In the bronze ancient token, the light flashed again, and then there was no movement.


In the Qinglong Mountain Range, Xie Qinghou hissed and screamed wildly, dressed in blood, hunting like flying and torn battle flags, fighting against enemies from all directions.A blood sickle danced like a messenger from hell.

One by one, the heads of the men in black robes were cut off, their bodies burst and they fell at Xie Qinghou's feet.


Half an hour later, Xie Qinghou spat out a mouthful of blood, his pale face was full of regret, and the violent aura around him quickly disappeared, and he fell directly from Wuhou Realm to Tianyuan Fifth Heavenly Layer.

Xie Qinghou stood on the blood-soaked battlefield, and hundreds of black robes around him gradually approached, full of caution and hatred.

cough cough.

In the arena, Xie Qinghou coughed violently twice, smoothed out his hair elegantly, wiped off the strange look on his face, and gathered his sleeve robe and collar together, his warm and jade-like face showed Calmly, he swept his eyebrows across the hundreds of black robes around him, and said with a smile:

"Who killed me Xie Qinghou?"

In the arena, hundreds of black robes took two steps back fearfully, even though Xie Qinghou seemed to be at the end of his battle at the moment.But just a few breaths ago, this person was like a killing god, crushing and killing as many as 700 people in black robes.

Seeing everyone retreating, Xie Qinghou chuckled, and then his calm eyes were filled with brilliance, revealing an invincible belief:
"Evil devil heretics...everyone gets it and punishes it!"

In the ancient forest, after Xie Qinghou said this, he began to close his eyes slowly, and the breath began to dissipate...

"kill him!"

In the arena, a black robe shouted loudly, immediately attracting hundreds of black robes to kill Xie Qinghou.

"If you dare to betray the Blood Spirit Hall, you must tear him into pieces!"

"Sacrifice his soul and turn his body into blood!"

"Let him not survive, not die!"


In the arena, countless black robes roared angrily, and they rushed to Xie Qinghou in an instant.

At this moment, a long sword suddenly appeared on the battlefield, exuding an extremely fierce brilliance.The moment he appeared, he beheaded all the black robes that were in front of Xie Qinghou.

The complexion of hundreds of black robes changed drastically.

In the arena, Xie Qinghou weakly opened his eyes, and the sockets of his eyes were instantly rosy.

In the blood-colored mountain forest, suddenly there was heavy snowfall all over the sky, which was extremely beautiful and piercingly sad.

Suddenly, a middle-aged man walked out from one end of the forest, wearing a worn-out green shirt, the right sleeve fluttering in the wind.And behind him, followed by five withered old men.

The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows, glanced at the hundreds of black robes, his face like a rock in the deep sea froze, and said calmly:
"Kill without mercy!"

In the blink of an eye, the five withered old men behind the middle-aged man held their long swords and killed all directions, heading towards hundreds of black robes.


In the heavy snow, Xie Qinghou smiled bitterly.The figure standing straight like a spear seemed to have lost all its strength at this moment, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and the speed of dying out was accelerated.

Yan Zangfeng held Xie Qinghou up, and there was a trace of sadness in the vicissitudes of the face engraved on the blade, "Master is late!"

"It's the disciple who doesn't want to live anymore, disciple... the disciple became a blood child of the Blood Spirit Hall, ate human flesh, swallowed blood food, and turned into a monster."

Xie Qinghou vomited blood and laughed miserably, with indescribable helplessness in his eyes.

"You are not a monster, you are my disciple of Yan Zangfeng, you are the hero of the Eastern Spirit Realm, and the last immortal will of our generation of warriors!"

Yan Zangfeng looked calm and sad, stretched out his hand to wipe away the blood on Xie Qinghou's face, and showed a rare smile on his face.

"Master is sorry for you, let you enter the Blood Spirit Hall, and ruin this life!"

Yan Zangfeng's eyes were rosy, and his eyes were full of lamentation, that firm and powerful arm was also trembling at this moment.

Xie Qinghou shook his head vomiting blood, suddenly remembered something, tightly grasped Yan Zangfeng's hand, with a trace of regret in his eyes: "There is a porridge shop outside Xuanyuan City, and the porridge seller is a woman. My disciple once drank there Three bowls of white porridge, no payment!"

Yan Zangfeng's expression froze, and he said: "The debt I owe, I will pay it myself!"

Xie Qinghou chuckled sadly, "She is a blind girl, she has never seen me, so let's just pretend that she never knew Xie Qinghou!"

Yan Zangfeng remained silent, but hugged the latter tightly in his arms, his hair desolate.

Boundless mountains, blood-soaked jungles.

Yan Zangfeng calmly picked up Xie Qinghou on his back, and led the five withered old men from Piaoxue Palace to kill the Blood Spirit Palace in the wind and snow...

(End of this chapter)

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