
Chapter 313 Killing Dongling

Chapter 313 Killing Dongling
On this day, there was a huge earthquake in the East Spirit Realm.

Xie Qinghou, the number one in the inner sect of Piaoxue Palace, entered the Blood Spirit Palace alone for ten years.Since today, more than [-] people in black robes from the Blood Slashing Spirit Hall have died in battle in the Qinglong Mountain Range.

It was the second time since Yan Zangfeng returned to hiding.With the five Marquis Wu, he attacked and killed a secret place in the Blood Spirit Palace.In the vast land where heavy snow falls, ancient trees are turned into dust, and mountains and rivers are turned into scorched earth.

Wherever he goes, nothing grows.

Hou Xueyin's head was crushed by Yan Zangfeng's foot, leaving no bones left.

Outside Xuanyuan City.

A one-armed middle-aged man stood in front of a porridge shop. After a long time, he said hoarsely, "A bowl of white porridge!"

In the porridge shop, the woman's clothes are a little old, but they are washed very clean. She has long black hair, and she doesn't have a stunning appearance, but she has a gentleness engraved in the bone marrow. The shallow smile on the corner of her mouth makes people feel like a spring breeze, and her heart is boundless peaceful.

Half an hour later, the one-armed middle-aged man stood up and put down a few copper coins.

"You gave too much, this is the money for four bowls of porridge!"

Fumbling for the copper coins on the table, the woman stopped the one-armed middle-aged man with a voice as sweet as a wind chime.A pair of pitch-black eyes stared sharply ahead, as if he could see a one-armed middle-aged man.

"The money for the other three bowls of porridge was paid for by others!"

The one-armed middle-aged man said calmly.

The bowl in the woman's hand fell to the ground and shattered.The frail and delicate body was startled, and the smiling face froze completely.

"Won't he show up?"

The woman murmured absentmindedly.

Outside the porridge shop, Yan Zangfeng turned his back to the girl, he didn't dare to answer, his face was full of desolation.

"What's his name now?"

The woman raised her head, as if she could see, looking at Yanzangfeng.

"Thank you Qinghou!"

Yan Zangfeng's voice was full of hoarseness.

"Thank you...Qing...Hou..."

The woman murmured the name repeatedly, then raised her head, her face was filled with a smile, but her eyes were full of moisture, "I've heard of this name before!"

"My name is Aning now, tell him for me!"

Yan Zangfeng turned around with difficulty, looked at the lonely and absent-minded girl, and tried to maintain a smile, "Qinghou asked me to heal your eyes, would you like to come back to Piaoxue Palace with me?"

"no need!"

The girl answered very simply, lowering her head slightly, with a lonely smile on her face, "I just want to see him alone, he's gone, what's the use of healing the eyes?"

Yan Zangfeng's breath stagnates, even though he is a legend of a generation, he still can't resolve the sadness in his heart.

"I'll see you again!"

Yan Zangfeng took a deep breath and said seriously.

The girl shook her head, squatting silently on the ground, silently groping for the pieces of the broken bowl on the ground, with a quiet smile on the corner of her mouth, but she didn't even notice that her fingers were bleeding from the pieces.

Only after Yan Zangfeng turned and left, the girl raised her head, gritted her teeth with a stubborn expression on her face:

"The three bowls of porridge he owes me, you can't pay it back!"

Outside Xuanyuan City, Yan Zangfeng paused, like the autumn wind bleak.

After this day, there was no more porridge shop outside Xuanyuan City.But among the mountains, rivers and land of the Eastern Spirit Realm, there are more girls holding bamboo sticks and staggering forward, embarking on the road of cultivation with a little obsession.

In that obsession, it was a little beggar who was covered in injuries, happily holding half a white flour steamed bun in front of a blind little girl. Even though her face was covered with scars, in the bright smile in her eyes, innocent And full of pampering.

At that time, the little beggar was not called Xie Qinghou, but Xiao Ningzi.

The little girl's name is not Ah Ning, but Xie Xiaomei!

Xuanyuan Mansion.

Lin Cangxue stared at the ancient bronze order in her hand with a dazed expression.Since the Tenth Killer finished his last sentence, there has been no news.And half a day later, the ancient bronze decree fluctuated again.

But it was not Xie Qinghou who killed ten times, but the second one who had never spoken before. The content was very short, but the words were piercing, revealing a fierce murderous intent:
"Everyone in the Blood Spirit Hall will be killed without mercy!"

At this moment, Twelve Killer Lin Cangxue stood up, interrupted the retreat, and left Xuanyuan Mansion with her sword.

In the Scarlet Auction, Ye Hongxiu was sitting in front of the vanity mirror, with picturesque eyebrows drawn. When he turned his head, there was no enchantment or charm, and his gaze was as piercing as a Rakshasa.

"Zhao Keman and Huying, Wu Gou is frosty and snowy... Killing a person in ten steps, never staying behind for a thousand miles..."

A middle-aged Confucian scholar drove out of Dongling Realm in a long car, his sad and upright voice was full of murderous intent.

In the Wind and Rain Building, an old man who was as decayed as wood and closed to death suddenly opened his eyes. His bewildered eyes were like ancient swords unsheathed at this moment, and the edge that had been hidden for decades was released.

The old man killed the three people in Fengyulou, and then went down the mountain with his sword.

On a field ridge in a small village in the Eastern Dynasty, a middle-aged man suddenly stood up, straightened his body, turned his head to look at the little boy beside him, and said with a doting smile:
"Daddy wants to go out and tell mother that if Daddy doesn't come back within three years, don't wait any longer!"


With a runny nose, the little boy nodded ignorantly.

"Little Niqiu, your father is not here, and you will be the grown-up in the family from now on. It is your responsibility to take care of your mother, you know?"

The middle-aged man picked up the little boy and kissed the latter.The thick stubble caused the little boy to push away his father's big dark face with a grunt, and then wiped away the saliva with his hands.

"Daddy is gone!"

The middle-aged man smiled gently, then put down the little boy, turned and left.


In less than half a quarter of an hour, the middle-aged man heard a baby-like cry from behind, and the ignorant figure stumbled after him, his little hands and knees were covered with blood, and his watery eyes were full of tears. Poor and scared.

The face of the middle-aged man was trembling. Hearing the cries behind him, two lines of tears ran across his face, but he didn't stop taking a step, and disappeared without a trace in just a few breaths.

In the East Spirit Realm, there were grave guards who dug open the grave, took their swords and went down the mountain.

There are also actors who quit the stage and kill people.


On this day, all the thirteen characters who had been dormant in the East Spirit Realm for hundreds of years were born... Kill the East Spirit!

But Lin Huang, who was at the end of the thirteen kills, was still in a deep sleep. He didn't know that Xie Qinghou died in the battle in the Qinglong Mountains, that there was a woman named Aning outside Xuanyuan City, and that the thirteen kills were walking in the world.

When he fell asleep, it was an eternal farewell to that Xie Qinghou who was about to kill himself in Fulongling and then quickly!I don't know if when he wakes up, he will be hated all his life!
Outside Xuanyuan Mansion, a storm is about to rise.

But in the Tiance Building, Qin Xuance grabbed a roll of ancient books and rushed to Lin Huang's room in a hurry, staring at Lin Huang with a surprised expression...

The latter lay quietly on his back, his body completely recovered, shining like a precious body.Together with the realm of Lin Huang, they rushed to the eighth heaven of Tianyuan in a terrifying way.

However, every time the black light flashed under Lin Huang's skin, Jun Qingcheng was worried.

"This is the curse of heaven!"

Qin Xuance said, his hand holding the ancient book was a little excited.

Jun Qingcheng's face froze, and he stared fixedly at Qin Xuance, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

Qin Xuance smiled and said comfortingly, "Since he can break the curse of heaven, it means that the curse of heaven won't work on him. You don't have to worry!"

"It's just that I still don't know, since Lin Huang broke the curse of the sky, why is the curse of the sky still in his body?"

Qin Xuance turned his fingers intertwined, with a look of doubt on his face.

"Can it resolve the suppression? Can Bai Xiaopang, that little beast, swallow it?"

Jun Qingcheng asked.

Qin Xuance frowned, then shook his head, "I'm afraid it won't work. Besides, the curse of heaven is in Lin Huang's body, so it's hard to say whether it's a blessing or a curse. If this is where his fate lies, why should he suppress it!"

Jun Qingcheng listened to Qin Xuance's relief, but his brows did not decrease.

At this moment, Lin Huang suddenly sat up.

"Brother Lin Huang!"

Qin Xuance was taken aback, but Jun Qingcheng was full of surprise.

"He's unconscious!"

Qin Xuance frowned, looking at Lin Huang who was sitting cross-legged, the doubt between his eyebrows became more and more profound.

On the bed, Lin Huang sat cross-legged like an ancient Buddha, his face was as calm as an ancient well, between his palms crossed and sealed, black rays of light gushed out from his whole body.

"Don't go near him!"

Qin Xuance pulled Jun Qingcheng back, and reminded, "He can control the curse of the sky now because his body is immune, but you can't have the slightest contamination!"

When the two people in the room were anxious and confused, Lin Huang's mysterious sea was full of waves, and the surging vitality was like a vast ocean, turning into an endless vortex.

As the vortex circulated, strands of black light swept out, following Lin Huang's breathing, circulating inside and outside his body.

As Lin Huang continued to form seals, the black light circulating around his body gradually condensed, hovering above the mysterious sea, like a world-shattering ink thunder brewing to suppress the eternal aura.

Only when all the curses of the sky were condensed into a ball, a breath of life suddenly surged in the monstrous black light...

(End of this chapter)

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