
Chapter 315 Black Loach

Chapter 315 Black Loach

When Lin Huang was asleep, he naturally knew nothing about what happened.

Therefore, when Lin Huang saw the black shadow in the mysterious sea, he was a little stunned.

I saw a black shadow swimming in the mysterious sea, twisting its body cutely, looking very cheerful.

"It turned out to be a black loach!"

Lin Huang murmured, the black shadow was no more than three inches long, its whole body was glowing black, covered with pitch-black scales.The horns of the head are slightly tall, but it looks more like it is not fully developed.

Afterwards, Lin Huang felt a burst of anger, which fluctuated from the body of the black loach.

The latter was staring at Lin Huang's consciousness full of anger, staring at the thief's big eyes, like a wild child who vowed to take revenge after being bullied.

"This is... the power of the curse of heaven?!"

Lin Huang was shocked again, staring at the black loach with an incredulous look on his face.Then he felt the power of the black loach, which made Lin Huang's expression even more surprised.

"The mysterious yellow energy and the curse of the sky are united, and a new life form is born!"

Lin Huang's heart was shaken.

He had heard of it a long time ago.In ancient times, there was a clan of dragons, who summoned the wind and summoned the rain.Tracing back to the ancient source of the dragon race, it is that in the dragon veins of heaven and earth, a wisp of mysterious yellow energy was born, which transformed into an ancestor dragon.

After the ancestor dragon, after continuous reproduction, the ancient dragon clan was formed.

And the black loach in the mysterious sea is obviously transformed by a ray of mysterious yellow energy from the Dongling Dragon Vein, thus giving birth to a new life.

What makes Lin Huang unimaginable is that the mysterious yellow energy and the curse of the sky are fused together, making this little guy, who is black all over, look cute, but makes Lin Huang feel creepy.

The cursed dragon of heaven?

Lin Huang was a little confused, he didn't know what kind of existence such a guy should be in this world.I'm afraid there has never been such a situation on the Sky Continent.

In the mysterious sea, Lin Huang pointed at the head of the black loach, and thoughtfully said: "Unexpectedly, you are quite smart!"

Naturally, Lin Huang could guess that when he slaughtered the dragon veins in the Dragon Locking Land, the black and yellow energy in it was hidden in the curse of the sky and entered his body in order to escape.

It's just that this little guy probably didn't expect that he was finally born by combining the mysterious yellow energy and the curse of the sky.

"It's actually a heaven-rank martial spirit!"

In the room, Lin Huang was completely stunned, like a clay sculpture or wood carving.

He felt the power of the martial soul belonging to the black loach in the mysterious sea, and his eyes revealed an inconceivable color.Afterwards, ecstasy surged from his heart, and his eyes glowed brightly.

Realm, martial arts, and martial soul are the three major elements of a warrior's strength.

Tian Xiuluo needs to evolve continuously if he wants to erupt powerful power, and now he is only a Xuan-rank martial soul, which is not enough for the enemy.But now the newly born Martial Soul actually has a heaven rank.

People who are not of the blood of the Great Territory are not allowed.

"It's called the Eight Dragons!"

Lin Huang gave Wuhun a name, grabbed the black loach in the mysterious sea, and smiled: "What should you call it?"

"The body hasn't even grown, so it doesn't look like a dragon, or is it called a little loach?"


In the mysterious sea, the black loach glared at Lin Huang angrily.The body violently broke free from the palm of Lin Huang's consciousness, and then jumped out of Lin Huang's body, hanging in the air, staring at Lin Huang viciously.

"do not like?"

Lin Huang pondered deeply, and then said: "Bai Xiaopang's big white cat was called Er Gouzi before, why don't you call him Big Gouzi and push him down?"


The black loach was even more angry, but it made a funny babbling sound, and the voice was so young that it was difficult to hear the anger.

"Little Jiaojiao?"

Lin Huang asked tentatively, "Jiaolong's Jiao!"


The black loach was so angry that it bit Lin Huang's hand with one bite.

"Big white rabbit?"

Lin Huang continued: "This name just reflects your might!"

yah ah woo...

The black loach gnawed on Lin Huang's body again, the anger in his eyes was even worse, and there was a trace of grievance.

"Little black!"

Lin Huang made a decision, grabbed the black loach, and warned: "Don't bite again, or I will call you a big white rabbit, and I will wear a flowery skirt for you in the future!"


The black loach kept struggling, and wanted to refute, but after all, he couldn't hold back Lin Huang, so he could only whine aggrievedly.

Lin Huang smiled slightly, and stroked Xiao Hei's head, "Although I killed your body, I brought you back to life. Just follow me from now on, Xiao Hei!"


Xiao Hei groaned twice, patted Lin Huang's hand with his tail, turned his head and squinted at Lin Huang.

Lin Huang pointed at the little black head, smiled and let go.

With a whoosh, Xiao Hei immediately fled Lin Huang's room, and flew to nowhere.

Lin Huang is not worried about this, Xiao Hei has become his eight-part dragon, no matter how far he runs, he can feel where the latter is.

Afterwards, Lin Huang walked out of the room, looked at the sunny courtyard, squinted his eyes and stretched his muscles, and punched in the courtyard.

In addition to the improvement of realm and the birth of Wuhun, Lin Huang felt many changes in himself, which was difficult to sort out for a while.

One is the Asura Martial Soul.

Until now, Lin Huang never thought that Tian Shura was so terrifying. Back then, Tian Shura used his body to bury his soul alive, but Tian Shura successfully broke the sky's curse with a trace of eternal will.

According to legend, that is the curse of heaven that even the great emperor cannot escape.

While punching, Lin Huang remembered the scene he saw in Tianshura back then.

The sea of ​​blood was churning, and the bones were like mountains.Mountains and rivers were destroyed, and common people died.

It can be said that eternity is like a long night.

A young man in white, holding a magic knife, came from the horizon.Every step you take, you will swallow the terrifying evil spirit, and the world will become clearer.

In just a hundred steps, the young man in white cut through the endless night and brought light to the world and the common people.

And that young man, within a hundred steps, instantly became a demon.It turned into a demon lord who straddled the sky and turned his back on the common people.

Lin Huang only had this picture in his mind, and he didn't know who the young man in white was. He could only vaguely feel that the Demon Lord had an inseparable relationship with Tian Shura.

In Lin Huang's eyes, Tian Shura's secret is still like a cloud of fog.

However, Lin Huang has a little more understanding of Tian Shura's power.The eight-armed Shura cauldron that Lin Huang borrowed from Yan Nangui must contain the third Buddhist relic.

At the beginning, when Lin Huang was in the place where the dragon was locked, Tian Shura forcibly drew the power from the eight-armed Shura cauldron when he had a thought, so that Lin Huang had eight times the power of Shura superimposed on himself at that moment, and his combat power Peerless.

At that time, Lin Huang's thought was not because he had absorbed the endless evil spirit in the tomb of King Wu, but because he had aroused another martial spirit supernatural power of Tian Shura:
Shura possessed!

Being possessed by Shura is no different from evil spirit becoming a demon.As a result, Lin Huang only had endless killing thoughts in his heart, without any human feelings at all, ruthless, righteous, godless and Buddha.

Thinking of this, Lin Huang was still a little scared at the moment.

After being enchanted, he did not die from exhaustion, not only because Jun Qingcheng stood in front of him, but also because at the last moment, in the wild forest and mysterious sea, an ancient Buddha's voice suddenly sounded, dispelling his Shura possession state.

As for where the Buddha's voice came from, Lin Huang didn't know, only doubts in his heart.

At this time, Lin Huang turned his head and pondered, in addition to the fear in his heart, he also had a lot of gains, because during the time of being enchanted, all the moves he used were engraved in his mind.

There are not only four-level formations.

And A Bi Dao San Dao!

(End of this chapter)

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