
Chapter 316 Harvest

Chapter 316 Harvest
Liu Cangsheng.

Lin Huang will never forget this name.

That day, in the Land of Suolong, if Liu Cangsheng hadn't appeared to crush Bai Xiaopang and others with great means, Lin Huang might not have been able to influence the demon possessed by Shura and become a demon immediately.

Lin Huang never thought that Liu Cangsheng would appear in the East Spirit Realm one day.

Once it appeared, it shattered Xuanyuan Wuxiang's layout.

And until now, Lin Huang also understood.Back then in the battle in the Wind and Snow Region, if Liu Cangsheng hadn't supported him, he would not have been able to kill him at all.

The so-called Northern Forest Desolation is just a misnomer.

On that day, the various methods Liu Cangsheng showed made Lin Huang feel a little afraid, whether it was the Thousand Swords Sacrifice to the Moon, or the Sword Surprise, especially the Cangsheng Kendo that appeared at the end.

On the mainland, warriors realize the Tao and become kings instantly.

A person like Liu Cangsheng must be a person of amazing talent and brilliance, who can comprehend Cangsheng swordsmanship in the realm of Marquis Wu, and enter the realm of King Wu in the future, he must push the door and enter without any difficulty.

However, Lin Huang was possessed by a heavenly Shura back then, and he forcibly raised his realm by a big amount. With the addition of eight times Shura's Wrath, he had the strength to compete with the latter.

If it weren't for Lin Huang's situation at that time, he broke through the limit of the soul, stepped into the ranks of the fourth-level formation master, and broke Liu Cangsheng's sword.Then he comprehended Qin Changsheng's A Bi Dao's Three Swords, which led A Bi Dao to appear in the world.Even if he became a demon instantly, he would not be able to defeat Liu Cangsheng and kill him completely.

The latter's aptitude and strength are terrifying and should be invincible.

Thinking of this, Lin Huang smiled, unable to tell whether it was happiness or helplessness.

In normal times, it would take at least a year for him to become a fourth-level formation master, or to comprehend the three knives of Ah Bi Dao.But he didn't expect that an extremely dangerous obsession would force him to comprehend it.

In the courtyard, hundreds of formation marks appeared in Lin Huang's palm, with a slight smile on his face.With just a snap of the fingers, a sword array swept out, with such a terrifying momentum that it could fight Wuhou.

"Should be able to cultivate the undefeated golden body left by Xue Shenji!"

Lin Huang withdrew the formation seal and whispered.

Back then in the Land of Suolong, Lin Huang and Qin Xuance murdered Xue Shenji, and the most precious martial art was naturally snatched by Lin Huang.

Now, although Lin Huang's body is still tyrannical, he is at best invincible under Tian Yuan.Compared with Bai Xiaopang's treasured body, it is quite a bit worse.

The Invincible Golden Body is a volume of ground-level body tempering technique, which will definitely make Lin Huang's physical strength increase again, reaching the strength that can fight Wuhou.

In the courtyard, the sun shines through the mottled old trees, casting a piece of golden mottled light, covering the forest wasteland.It makes the latter's body like a green pine spear become more upright, and his face is more confident and resolute.

Now, it is half a step into the realm of Marquis Wu.

Next, Zhan Po broke the invincible entrance in front of him, stood in the realm of Marquis Wu, and beheaded Han Qingtian!
Wang Wang...

In Xuanyuan Mansion, suddenly there was a dog barking, and he seemed extremely angry.

Lin Huang regained his senses and turned his head, only to see two little fellows suddenly running into the courtyard, chasing each other.

The white chubby big white cat ran wildly like lightning, barked continuously, stared at the eyes that were burning with anger, and chased after a black loach in front of him.

And that black loach is also cunning, with its thin body flying nimbly in the air, leisurely dodging the culling of the big white cat, holding a big pill in its small hands under its belly, and its cute face is covered with Smile, appear naive.

"His grandma's, where did the black loach come from, dare to snatch food from my second master's tiger's mouth, let's see if the young master doesn't tear you into nine thousand eight hundred pieces!"

Outside the courtyard, Bai Xiaopang cursed angrily, and his four hundred catties body moved, causing the earth to tremble.

cough cough...

Lin Huang snorted coldly and coughed twice, before reaching out, he sent the big white cat flying, allowing Xiao Hei to slip into his sleeve robe.

"Hey, Boss Lin, are you awake?"

Bai Xiaopang caught the big white cat and looked at Lin Huang in surprise.

Without waiting for Lin Huang to reply, Bai Xiaopang continued, "Just now there was a black loach, which snatched my second master's big potion and flew into your sleeve. Grab it quickly, we will eat grilled loach tonight! "


Xiao Hei suddenly climbed to the top of Lin Huang's head, gnawed on the big Bu Dan in his arms, and bared his teeth and claws at Bai Xiaopang and the big white cat, very unscrupulous.

"You little bastard, you dare to show off your power in front of my uncle, see if I don't peel you alive!"

Bai Xiaopang spit out a mouthful, then reached out and grabbed Xiao Hei.

"You can't move it!"

Lin Huang stepped back with his hands behind his back, and smiled calmly.

Bai Xiaopang was stunned for a moment, looked at Lin Huang, then at Xiao Hei, and then laughed out loud, not hiding the sarcasm on his face, "Boss Lin, your stupid son is too ugly, and my second master It's far worse than that!"

On Bai Xiaopang's belly, the big white cat raised its head proudly, looking like a lady.


On Lin Huang's head, Xiao Hei was furious, turned into a bolt of lightning and flew towards Bai Xiaopang, biting Bai Xiaopang's face with one bite, and then shook his butt at Bai Xiaopang, with a full face He grimaced proudly, like a bear child.

"Little bastard!"

Bai Xiaopang was taken aback, and then angrily chased and killed Xiao Hei.He never expected that a peerless genius like himself was bitten by a little beast today.


Lin Huang blocked Bai Xiaopang with one hand.

"Boss Lin, get out of the way, I have to teach it a lesson for you today!"

Bai Xiaopang yelled, and was about to push Lin Huang away, but found that the latter hadn't moved at all.

Bai Xiaopang was taken aback for a moment, then raised his eyebrows, "Half-step Marquis Wu?!"

Lin Huang smiled and nodded.

Bai Xiaopang's complexion suddenly collapsed, it was as dark as the bottom of a pot, he gritted his teeth and wanted to beat Lin Huang up. A few months ago, he had made bold words to make Lin Huang break through two more realms.

Originally, Bai Xiaopang wanted to jump around for a few days, and in the realm of the eighth heaven of Tianyuan, put Lin Huang in his hands and play with it for a few days.

Never expected...

Bai Xiaopang sighed, lamenting that his time is not good.First, he was almost killed by that God Son of the Great Domain, and after he woke up, he was beaten by Xuanyuan Tibing.

Still can't do the forest waste.

"Boss Lin, have you taken aphrodisiacs?"

Bai Xiaopang looked at Lin Huang eagerly, and humbly asked Lin Huang how to break through the situation.

Lin Huang kicked Bai Xiaopang out with one kick, entered the room with his hands behind his back, and asked, "Where's my sister?"

"Leaving Xuanyuan Mansion!"

Bai Xiaopang stretched out his hand after Lin Huang, and said with a chuckle, "Sister Xue told me that she went to kill people. He said that after you wake up, he will let you kill people too!"

Lin Huang paused, his brows gradually furrowed, and then he took out the ancient bronze decree of thirteen kills...

(End of this chapter)

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