
Chapter 317 3 Killing the World

Chapter 317 Thirteen Kills Move the World

In the courtyard where the warm sun was shining, a cold air rose at some point.

Lin Huang held the ancient bronze seal in his hand, the veins on his five fingers were exposed.A large amount of information in the token came, making the latter's gentle face covered with chills and sentimentality.

"My name is Xie Qinghou!"

"Lin Cangxue, when the Blood Spirit Palace abolished your martial soul, I knew about it a long time ago, and I never reminded you that Xie Qinghou killed the eighty black robes in the Blood Spirit Palace here to make amends!"

"Tell Lin Huang that it was I, Xie Qinghou, who won the battle at Piaoxue Palace back then. If he still remembers me, Xie Qinghou, there will be a glass of wine spilling the loess during the Double Ninth Festival!"

"I have been in the Blood Spirit Hall for ten years, and I have already become a monster. If I don't want to live, it is useless for you to save me. Today is my Xie Qinghou's curtain call battle!"

"Everyone, the tenth kill Xie Qinghou, retreat first!"


Ever since Lin Huang took charge of the No.13 kill token, the tenth kill has never said a word.But when the tenth kill opened his mouth, Lin Huang fell into a deep sleep.

"Ten kills, Xie Qinghou!"

Lin Huang held the ancient bronze order in his hand, and his voice was full of sentimentality.

He did not expect that after the first battle at Fulongling, it would be the farewell between the two of them.

Lin Huang still remembered that when he was furious, he hated that he couldn't keep Xie Qinghou and cut off the head of this traitor from Piaoxue Palace.

But he never thought about it, but in just half a year, the latter died in battle in the Qinglong Mountains, igniting the last strength and morality of the warrior with his blood.

In the Hall of Blood Spirits, after ten years of hard work, she turned herself into a monstrous and cold-blooded appearance, an existence that was neither human nor ghost.What she pursues and believes in is to eradicate the shadows in the Blood Spirit Hall in the East Spirit Realm, and to restore the world of martial arts to a bright blue sky.

In Lin Huang's mind, that gentle and jade-like face rang out, making all women in the world jealous.

He thought of the extremely bewitching young man in a blood robe in Fulong Ridge.

It seemed that he also saw the latter prostrate in the Blood Spirit Hall, dormant like a dog.

In the Qinglong Mountain Range, the latter roared up to the sky and killed seven hundred black robes with high spirits.

"Tell Lin Huang, I, Xie Qinghou, should have won the battle of Piaoxue Palace!"

"If he still remembers me, Xie Qinghou, during the Double Ninth Festival, there should be a glass of wine spilling the loess!"

"Today is my Xie Qinghou's curtain call battle!"

"Xie Qinghou is here to kill the eighty black robes of the Blood Spirit Palace to make amends!"

"Ten kills Xie Qinghou, retreat first!"

In Lin Huang's mind, Xie Qinghou's dying words kept echoing, as if he saw a warrior with a restrained character, and a thin figure with an incomparable majesty.

Like a spear, fighting alone, standing alone between the heaven and the earth.

"During the Double Ninth Festival, when a glass of wine sprinkles the loess..."

Lin Huang murmured in a low voice, his eyes were a little rosy.There was a block in his heart, and he was so overwhelmed that he couldn't breathe, and endless sorrows and pains rushed to his heart, making him look desolate.

In the courtyard, Lin Huang was holding the Demon Suppressing Knife in his hands, wiping the bright blade with his fingers, and his voice was like ice:
"As you wish, I will wipe away all the evil spirits in this Eastern Spirit Realm!"

Afterwards, Lin Huang left Xuanyuan Mansion with the Suppressing Demon Knife in his hand.


When Lin Huang left Xuanyuan Mansion, the outside world was already full of turmoil, like a group of demons dancing wildly.

As if overnight, the thirteen kills who had been dormant in the East Spirit Realm for hundreds of years suddenly showed their fangs to the world and launched an extreme assassination.

The seventh day of June.

Han Yunxiao, the fourth elder of the Tianlei Sect, was killed, and died at the hand of the seventh kill.

The head of Zhen Beihou in the Northern Yan Dynasty was hung above the imperial city, and he died in the fifth kill.

The eighth day of June.

Xiao Daosheng, the right prime minister of the Shangguan Dynasty, was stabbed to death on the Golden Luan Hall by No. 12 Killing Sword.

Su Changsong, the elder of Qianyin Valley's outer sect, died at the hands of the ninth kill.

On June [-], the Taifu of the Eastern Dynasty was assassinated and killed.

On June [-]th, the head of the He Family Patriarch was chopped off.


Since the death of Xie Qinghou, the thirteen kills in the East Spirit Realm seem to be everywhere, like messengers from the dark night, ruthlessly reaping their lives.





up to hundreds...

But in just a few days, this assassin dynasty in the dark night, the people in Dongling Realm were panicked. Hearing the name of Thirteen Killers was like seeing a devil.

So far, after comprehensive information from all parties, everyone is horrified to find out.Among the thirteen kills, except for the first kill, the second kill, the tenth kill, and the No.13 kill, which have not yet appeared.

All the rest come out.




Killing the Dongling Realm is frightening. No matter whether it is the elders of the powerful forces, the leaders of the clan, or the military generals who conquered the Quartet, and the high-ranking Wen Cheng, none of them escaped the assassination of the thirteen kills.

No one can escape.

In the night, Lin Huang dressed in black, wiped away the blood on the blade with a flick of his sleeve, hung a human head on the tower, and then turned around and disappeared into the night.

On that head, engraved with the word 'cross' dripping with blood!

at dawn.

The East Spirit Realm shook again, and in just one night, news spread all over the sky.

In the streets and alleys, in the restaurants and teahouses, there are amazing news.Just last night, the tenth character made a move and traveled seven hundred miles overnight to kill the four great heavenly beings.

Herringbone No. 13 kills the twelve cities from east to west, beheads the Marquis of the Shangguan Dynasty, and kills the two elders of the Zhao family, one of the six great aristocratic families.

Far away in the restaurant of the Eastern Dynasty, Lin Huang was sitting by the window in a green dress, sipping a bit of astringent old wine, with a calm expression, neither joy nor sorrow.

In front of Lin Huang, there is another glass of wine, the wine is rippling, but no one can drink it.

Outside the window is an extremely spacious avenue in the city.

At the end of the avenue, a Royal Habayashi Army came solemnly, with heavy swords, heavy armor, and great momentum, which attracted everyone's attention.

And in the center of the three hundred feathered forest army, surrounded by an incomparably luxurious dragon, carved with dragons and painted phoenixes, inlaid with pearls, full of the majesty of the royal family patrolling the world.

The emperor is on tour!

In the restaurant, Lin Huang calmly looked at the overbearing Long Chuan, and slowly took a sip of the old wine into his throat.

dong dong dong...

The restaurant where Lin Huang was located suddenly heard the rumble of the Habayashi army wearing iron armor and holding spears, and the sound of scolding came from the building, "The emperor is on patrol and is coming down to this building. The idlers wait to retreat, if anyone refuses to follow , Kill Unforgiven!"

Lin Huang got up with a flick of his sleeves, spilled the glass of wine that no one could drink in front of him on the ground, and murmured: "Kill a person, I will toast you with a glass of wine. With your drinking capacity, I'm afraid you can sleep for seven days and seven nights!"

After speaking, Lin Huang glanced at Tianzi No. [-] room, and his figure quietly disappeared.

Night fell silently.

The night is like thick ink, and it seems to have infinite charm, making countless people want to integrate with it, incarnate as the messenger of the night, and maintain the morality of the world.

The ten great dynasties are so powerful that they can be said to be in charge of a country and have the power to patrol the world.

If such a master is in the Blood Spirit Palace, he must have a good status.

dong dong dong.

When the night was over, the door of Room No. [-] in the restaurant was suddenly knocked, and there was a clear and crisp sound, which made the eyes of the emperor in the room shine...

(End of this chapter)

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