
Chapter 318 Ye Hongxiu

Chapter 318 Ye Hongxiu


In the room, a shrill and old-fashioned voice sounded.

"Miss Nie Yuer is here!"

Outside the door, two people were carrying a jade man wrapped in a phoenix, and they replied respectfully.


In the room, a majestic master was flipping through the memorial, with bushy eyebrows frowning for a while, and a few strands of white hair on his temples, looking very hardworking.

After everyone had left, the host just put down the memorial in his hand, and a fiery light glowed in his contemplative eyes.

Nie Yu'er is a well-known beauty in the Shangguan Dynasty.The owner's visit to the palace this time is probably the greatest significance of this.After all, you are the master of the world, and all the beauties in the world can sleep with you. This is a gift.

Outside the door, the two people who carried the jade man in before left, but one of them walked very slowly.

The owner slowly approached the dragon couch, a smile could not help but appear on his majestic face. He had summoned Nie Yu'er into the palace several times, but she was so daring and arrogant that she ignored her. Isn't she still here now, waiting for his luck?
Just waiting for him to fight for three seconds can make this woman surrender for life!

The fragrant quilt was slowly lifted, and when the owner saw the exquisite jade face, he showed a conquering smile.A pair of big hands slowly stroked away...

call out!
At this moment, an endless and sharp sword light shot towards the owner.

Keng Keng Keng.

The owner's face was horrified, and he stepped back a few steps, looking at the terrible wound on his chest, and was furious for a while.If it weren't for his advanced state, he might have already turned into a dead soul under the sword at this moment.

Outside the door, a figure paused, feeling the same as inside the room, the Suppressing Demon Knife was slowly sheathed out of its sheath.

"Who are you, dare to assassinate me!"

The host said angrily, revealing his entire body, and a terrifying torrent instantly swept across the entire room.

On the bed, the woman stood up slowly, her enchanting body was wrapped in a light veil, her gaze was icy cold, she held a long sword in her hand, and her red lips pursed with murderous intent:
"Herringbone fifth kill!"

As soon as the words fell, the fifth kill came out like a shocking rainbow, the speed was extremely fast, and it was killed in front of the host Shangguan Wudi in just a flash.

Shangguan Wudi stepped back, and at the same time clapped out both palms, a tiger talisman in his hand exuded terrifying strength, and suppressed the fifth killer Ye Hongxiu with a supremely heavy posture.

Where the long sword fell, the Tiger Talisman in Shangguan Wudi's hand was thrown flying, and Ye Hongxiu shot out again, piercing through the latter's three layers of defense with incomparable sharpness, and the long sword sank into the latter's chest.

Ye Hongxiu was stunned for a moment, after all, the stab missed by three inches.

Then, Ye Hongxiu's long sword came out again...


At this moment, there was a sound of explosion in the room, and an old man rushed from Room [-] of Tianzi into Room [-] and killed Ye Hongxiu.

In the arena, Ye Hongxiu's complexion changed drastically, and the old man who suddenly appeared looked haggard but unfathomable.

The so-called assassins pay attention to killing with one blow and then fleeing thousands of miles away.

She naturally knew that the old man behind him was the enshrinement of the Shangguan Dynasty.Before she could kill Shangguan Wudi with one blow, she should leave, but she was unwilling to give up after all.

In an instant, it was in a crisis.

The old man's five fingers hooked together, his breath was like a sea, and he rushed towards Ye Hongxiu like a vulture.

Keng Keng Keng.

In the room, battles were intertwined, Ye Hongxiu stabbed 87 swords in a row, all of them were crushed and killed by the old man.That withered palm also moved towards Ye Hongxiu's snow-white neck.

Seeing the old man appearing, Shangguan Wudi smiled lightly, calmly gathered his sleeves, and stood proudly.

"I didn't expect that there are women in the thirteen kills!"

Shangguan Wudi smiled lightly and said, "It would be a pity to be a killer with such a peerless appearance. It would be wonderful to lie on the dragon couch for me to enjoy and be favored by me!"


There was a lot of fighting in the room, Ye Hongxiu avoided the withered palm, and flitted around the room like a frightened bird, trying to break through the door, but was suppressed by the old man countless times.

At this time, the sound of cavalry swordsmen came from the restaurant, and the Shangguan Dynasty Yulin Army had heard the news and rushed over.

Outside the Tianzi No. [-] room, a figure standing still was completely motionless.

"Thinking about it, imprisoning the illustrious and famous Renzi Fifth Killer on my dragon couch will definitely make the Renzi Thirteenth Killer who has been in the East Spirit Realm for hundreds of years feel ashamed!"

Shangguan Wudi moved his feet in the room, with conquest in his eyes.

In just a few breaths, Habayashi went upstairs, looking at the figure outside Tianzi No. [-] room, his face was horrified.Before the leader of the Habayashi Army could yell at him, the figure suddenly opened his eyes, like an ancient sword that had hidden its sharpness for a hundred years was drawn out of its sheath.

"Kill God with a knife!"

Outside the Tianzi No. [-] room, the Suppressing Demon Knife suddenly came out of its sheath, pierced through the wall at lightning speed, and stabbed in.

In the room, the smile on Shangguan Wudi's face suddenly froze, looking at the half blade on his chest, his eyes widened, full of horror.

why?Suddenly there is a knife!

Shangguan Wudi turned his head with difficulty, only to see a young man wearing a hideous mask, who seemed to be smiling at himself.


The sudden change made everyone unpredictable.

Before Shangguan Wudi was about to die, he didn't even notice any other murderous intentions.The old man fought with Ye Hongxiu, and Genshi had no time to be distracted.As for the Habayashi Army, there was no rescue at all.

Even Ye Hongxiu didn't expect it.

It is really too fast.

It's so fast that no one can imagine, a one-hit lore!

"Die to this lord!"

The old man in the room was furious, his eyes were full of blood, he slashed towards Lin Huang, wishing to smash this mysterious young man wearing a mask to pieces.

There was a shock in the air, Ye Hongxiu blocked the old man's way with a sword, and then rushed out of the room with Lin Huang.

Outside the door, the Habayashi army was surrounded.

Without the slightest hesitation, the two turned into two afterimages and harvested towards the Habayashi Army.With a thin sword and a long knife, who can stop the attack of the thirteen kills except for the old man who chased him out of the room!
In the restaurant, the sword energy and saber light dazzled for a moment, shaking all directions.

The sound of clicking sounded several times, and under the terrifying aura, the restaurant collapsed, burying everyone in the ruins.


The moment the restaurant collapsed, the old man from the Shangguan Dynasty rushed out, staring at all directions, fearing that the two killers would escape.

Gradually, several Habayashi soldiers lifted the ruins above their heads and stood up...

A quarter of an hour later, except for the buried Habayashi Army, everyone else appeared on the ruins, but Lin Huang and Ye Hongxiu were never seen.

"Three feet in the ground!"

The old man ordered coldly and angrily.

Afterwards, the collapsed restaurant was opened one after another, looking for figures of Lin Huang and Ye Hongxiu.

"My lord, there are two people here!"

A sergeant of Habayashi suddenly said, pointing to a corner of the ruins.

In the corner of the ruins, there were two relatively naked people, who were obviously stripped naked, and on their bodies, there were signs that belonged exclusively to the Habayashi Army.

The old man's face froze for a moment, and his dark eyes were like vultures, sweeping over everyone in the Habayashi Army.

Undoubtedly, Lin Huang and Ye Hongxiu must have mixed into the Yulin army.

And in the ancient well of the restaurant, two people appeared at some unknown time.A young man held a woman in his arms, slowly sank into the water, and swam towards the source of the ancient well.


Until the end of the night, the two people who escaped along the ancient well and the dark river appeared in a mountain forest outside the Shangguan Dynasty.

The two of them were lying on the river bank, their bodies were dripping wet, and they were both panting tiredly.

cough cough.

Ye Hongxiu coughed twice, his face was strangely pale, obviously he was seriously injured in the battle against the old man from the Shangguan Dynasty.

"It's okay!"

Looking at Ye Hongxiu beside him, Lin Huang asked calmly.When she turned her head, she saw that the latter was wrapped in a light gauze, clinging wetly to her body, vividly displaying a soul-stirring figure.


Lin Huang took a long breath, then turned his head abruptly.

Ye Hongxiu turned her head and looked at the young man wearing a hideous mask beside her, with a charming smile on her face.Then he suddenly turned over and sat on Lin Huang's body dripping wet, staring at Lin Huang with a seductive expression...

(End of this chapter)

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