
Chapter 319 Big Shock

Chapter 319 Big Shock

cough cough.

Lin Huang coughed dryly twice, feeling Ye Hongxiu's black hair hanging down to his neck, with a sultry smell, he couldn't help being a little strangely embarrassed.

"Get up first!"

Lin Huang suppressed his voice and said.

"do not like?"

Ye Hongxiu looked at Lin Huang with a smile on his lips, and there was a soft and charming breath in his eyes.A pair of red lips are delicate and charming, which is full of temptation.

Lin Huang turned his head away, not daring to look at Ye Hongxiu again.

Ye Hongxiu pursed her lips and smiled lightly, her jade hands ran up Lin Huang's chest, and slowly moved towards the mask on Lin Huang's face.


Lin Huang patted Ye Hongxiu's jade hand away with a palm.

"Little brother, wearing a mask in front of others is useless!"

Ye Hongxiu's face was full of coquettishness, and she said teasingly, "Even if you put on the mask and changed your voice, the smell on your body is still there, and you still have the smell of that little girl on your body!"

Lin Huang was slightly stunned, and then slowly took off the Thirteen Kills mask.

"I knew it was you!"

A smile melted on Ye Hongxiu's face, "So you are Xiao Shisan!"

Saying that, Ye Hongxiu came down from Lin Huang's body, and the murderous intent hidden in the latter's charming eyes also disappeared.

"How do you know that I am Thirteen Kills?"

Although the Thirteen Killers didn't know each other's identity, since it had been exposed, Lin Huang didn't hide it either.

"Is it hard to guess?"

Ye Hongxiu smiled and said, "Thirteen kills are the only ones who dare to kill Shangguan Wudi now. And the first to tenth kills of the characters have existed for a long time. There are no eleven kills, twelve kills It's Lin Cangxue, who else can Thirteen Kills be except you!"

Lin Huang spread his hands, with a helpless expression on his face.

The sensitivity of this woman can be called terrifying, every time she can be seen through by the latter at a glance.

"Don't be so discouraged, my sister's martial spirit is not ordinary!"

Ye Hongxiu said coquettishly.

Lin Huang sat up, dried his clothes with vitality, and then asked, "Is your injury okay?"

"This little injury is nothing, it's just..."

Ye Hongxiu suddenly approached Lin Huang, brushed his jade hand across Lin Huang's face, with a charming smile on the corner of his mouth, "Back then you trapped my sister in the natural formation of Tianlong Mountain, how is this counted?"

Feeling Ye Hongxiu's charming teasing, Lin Huang gritted his teeth, turned over fiercely, and pressed the latter under his body.

"I don't know what Miss Hongxiu wants to do?"

The evil spirit Lin Huang pretended to be is really immature, seeing Ye Hongxiu below him not surprised but happy, with his arms around Lin Huang's neck, his eyes rippling, his sweet tongue lightly pursing his red lips:
"It's better than..."

Lin Huang suddenly slapped the latter's fragrant buttocks, "Miss Hongxiu, there is a limit to a man's endurance!"

Ye Hongxiu felt the scorching heat of his buttocks, and his expression was obviously startled. His snow-white face was stained with an intoxicating flush, but he was still charming and charming: "My sister didn't make Xiao Shisan bear it!"

cough cough.

Lin Huang coughed loudly, feeling Ye Hongxiu's strange aura, he was instantly defeated, turned over and sat up, more than three feet away from the goblin.

"Heck... don't you dare to be presumptuous?"

Ye Hongxiu laughed delicately, stood up and looked at Lin Huang, her delicate jade face was full of complacency.

Lin Huang turned his head away, not wanting to talk to this goblin.

This is a rose with thorns.

The kind that can kill people.

"It's really interesting. With Lin Cangxue and you, both of you siblings are thirteen kills. If you add Xiao Ten, Piaoxue Palace will occupy three!"

Speaking of Xie Qinghou, Lin Huang's face darkened.

The tenth kill Xie Qinghou, after the farewell to Fulongling, after all, they will never see each other again.

"How many kills is Feng Wanli?"

Lin Huang suddenly asked.


Ye Hongxiu covered her red lips with her jade fingers, and said with a slight smile: "He is the leader of the Huangzi battalion in Xuanyuan Mansion. He is in charge of the spy system of the East Spirit Realm, so he does not belong to the Thirteen Killers!"

Lin Huang was obviously taken aback.

There are very few rumors about the leader of Huang Ziying in Dongling Realm, but he didn't expect it to be Feng Wanli.

"He knew the relationship between the character Thirteen Kills and Xuanyuan Mansion very early on, and his martial spirit can perfectly hide us, so he temporarily takes the position of Eleven Kills!"

Ye Hongxiu continued.

"In charge of the spy system of the East Spirit Realm..."

Lin Huang pursed his lips and chuckled. Thinking about it now, he might have become a pawn in Xuanyuan Tibing's hands when he knew the news about the ancient scrolls of mountains and rivers.

From Jia Wanjin in the Western Tang Dynasty to being rescued by Feng Wanli in the Blood Triangle.

He was a bait that attracted many people from the Blood Spirit Hall.

Regarding this, Lin Huang could only smile helplessly, without any resentment in his heart.How could Xuanyuan Mansion's sacrifice and dedication to the East Spirit Realm be compared to this bait.

"Let's go, in a short while, people from the Shangguan Dynasty will come after us!"

Lin Huang stood up and said with a calm smile.

"Where are we going now?"

Ye Hongxiu blinked and said, "Xiao Cangxue said before that she would go to Nanli Dynasty!"

"Go back to Shangguan Imperial City first!"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows and smiled, and headed towards the city he just escaped from.

A turmoil broke out. When the old man of the Shangguan Dynasty found out that the two had escaped from the ancient well, he went mad and went out of the city to chase and kill the two.

Little did they know that just half a day later, Lin Huang and Ye Hongxiu, the instigators, entered the Shangguan Imperial City calmly.

In the imperial city, it was full of gloom and gloom.

The warriors in the restaurant and tea shop did not dare to speak loudly.I just feel that the sky is about to change. The Imperial Palace Habayashi Army, the Nanbei Town Fusi, the Imperial City Patrol Battalion, and the Thirteenth Route Garrison outside the city have all turned into thousands of mad dogs, looking for two people.

No matter how the royal family blocked the news, they could not suppress the big event that broke out last night.

A generation of emperor Shangguan was invincible and was assassinated to death!

With the unstoppable spread of the news, there was a huge earthquake in the East Spirit Realm, and I deeply felt the horror of the thirteen kills.After all, Shangguan Wudi is a well-known big shot.

Lord of the Shangguan Dynasty.

It is the leader of the real top power.

He has the realm of Marquis Wu himself, and with the enshrining of Marquis Wu of the Shangguan Dynasty, what a powerful combat power, but he is still obliterated abruptly.

The death of this person is more terrifying than all the noises caused by the previous thirteen kills.

It is hard to imagine that when Shangguan Wudi died, the princes and crown prince Shangguan Xuan died in Fulongling, the entire Shangguan dynasty was unexpectedly without successors, and fell into a precarious situation in an instant.

The mighty Shangguan Dynasty turned into a big fat sheep overnight.

In the restaurant, Lin Huang and Ye Hongxiu were sitting opposite each other, as if nothing had happened, calmly sipping the fine wine in their glasses.

cough cough...

Ye Hongxiu coughed twice, causing Lin Huang to burst into laughter. This naturally charming woman was actually drunk after a glass of wine, her face was flushed, showing a rare girlish look.

Lin Huang was helpless, and then returned to the room with Ye Hongxiu in his arms.

"Xiao Shisan, you can't take advantage of others' danger!"

Ye Hongxiu wrapped his arms around Lin Huang's neck, exhaled like blue, and said with a charming and drunk smile.

Lin Huang's face darkened, he threw Ye Hongxiu on the bed and ran away...

Three days later.

Lin Huang set off to head towards the Nanli Dynasty. With his current state and Lin Cangxue, he might be able to hunt and kill Han Qingtian...

(End of this chapter)

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