
Chapter 320 1 paper battle book shocks the world

Chapter 320 A Letter of War Shocks the World
When Lin Huang rushed to Nanli Dynasty, it was already two days later.

However, Lin Cangxue was not there, and the last place where the Twelve Killers appeared was Beicang City!
Looking at the location of Beicang City, Lin Huang frowned slightly. Beicang City was already approaching the territory of Tianlei Sect, and it could even be said to be the territory of Tianlei Sect.

And it will take five days for him to reach Beicang City.

Holding the map in his hand, Lin Huang's expression was serious, and then he gritted his teeth.

Half a day later, there was news from the Nanli Dynasty, as if it had grown wings, it spread to every corner of the East Spirit Realm, shaking the world.

A letter of war:
The world has heard that Han Qingtian is thunderous from all directions, he is in charge of Dazong, and he is powerful in Dongling. His realm is extraordinary and refined, and he is gradually becoming invincible.

Although I am a junior, I also have the heart to ask for advice.

On July [-]th, the night of the full moon, on Wuya Peak.

Lin Huang, the chief disciple of Piaoxue Palace, is waiting for the master of Tianlei to fight for life and death!
Er can dare to fight!
If you don't dare, I will enter the Tianlei Sect and kill you with a snap of my fingers.


A letter of war caused an uproar in the East Spirit Realm instantly, shocking countless warriors.The streets and alleys, restaurants and teahouses, courts and rivers and lakes are all competing for discussion.

Desolate forest.

That disciple of Piaoxue Palace who beheaded dozens of Marquis Wu and became a demon at a single thought in the Dragon Locking Land actually came back to life.And he actually wanted to challenge Han Qingtian.

That Han Qingtian is the master of a sect.

There are rumors that he is still in the half-step Wuhou realm, and some people say that he has already entered the Wuhou realm.But no one really knows how deep this person is.

But when did a disciple of Piaoxue Palace dare to declare war on the suzerain of Tianlei Sect?
And it's a matter of life and death!
In Piaoxue Palace, Yan Nangui couldn't sit still for an instant, and after cursing Lin Huang, he hurriedly led a group of people towards Wuya Peak.

Ye Hongxiu was also a little stunned, she knew that Lin Huang was looking for Lin Cangxue, why did such news come out in less than three days?Ye Hongxiu frowned slightly, then ran towards Wuya Peak.

In Xuanyuan Mansion, Bai Xiaopang rode a big white cat and rushed out of Xuanyuan Imperial City like a mad dog.

A letter of war has attracted numerous warriors from various forces.

And on the second day after the letter of war was issued, Han Qingtian's reaction was also very straightforward. Han Qingtian bluntly said that even if he surrendered his status, he would kill Lin Huang and become the warrior who was killed by Lin Huang indiscriminately in the land of Suolong To avenge the devil who killed the future of the East Spirit Realm.

For a while, the warriors in the Eastern Spirit Realm couldn't sit still, and rushed to Wuya Peak one after another.

"I really didn't expect that Lin Huang dared to challenge Han Qingtian. It's really hitting a stone with an egg!"

In the East Spirit Realm, someone laughed jokingly.

"Tsk tsk, do you really think that he is in the land of Suolong, wearing a black light, and instantly becoming a demon?"

A warrior sneered, "Without these things to rely on, he is just a puppy in the Tianyuan realm, how can he stand shoulder to shoulder with Han Suzerain!"

"A disciple of the palace gate dared to challenge the master of a sect. This is the first time in the East Spirit Realm in these years!"

Some warriors laughed.

"I'm afraid that Han Qingtian's one move can completely kill Lin Huang, make his soul fly away, and his body turn into dung that nourishes vegetation!"

"How dare you launch a war letter and make everyone in the East Spirit Realm know it? It's too naive! I'm afraid that in the end, the wise man will not be there, and he will end up dead!"

"If this son can stay dormant for a few years, he will become a prince in the future. If he is so impatient now, he is seeking his own death!"


Undoubtedly, no one would believe that Lin Huang, a rising star, could compete with the long-established Han Qingtian for life and death. The so-called war letter just revealed Lin Huang's childishness and ignorance.

And Han Qingtian gained countless prestige when he joined the battle.The latter made it clear that he would not hesitate to surrender his status, but also to kill Lin Huang and eliminate harm for the East Spirit Realm.To avenge the warriors who died in vain in the land of Suolong.

This is a spirit of willingness to sacrifice, and it should be a model for warriors.

And Lin Huang was also a little helpless, he never thought about beheading Han Qingtian in an upright manner.After all, with his current strength, if he confronted him head-on, it might be very difficult to win.

In Lin Huang's plan, he wanted to introduce Han Qingtian into the Qinglong Mountains, and use his strengths to hunt and kill Han Qingtian.

But Lin Cangxue has already appeared in Beicang City!
Lin Huang didn't know whether Lin Cangxue appeared in Beicang City because of Han Qingtian.But he had to kill this possibility and not put Lin Cangxue in danger.

Therefore, Lin Huang declares to the world with a letter of war.

In Beicang City, Lin Cangxue listened to the news of the war letter, her eyebrows were tightly twitched, and her five fingers were clenched and turned blue, as if there was a trace of anger.

She tricked Lin Huang into the Nanli Dynasty and came to Beicang City alone, but she didn't want Lin Huang to be in danger.Killing Han Qingtian must be extremely dangerous.

But he didn't expect Lin Huang to be so decisive, a letter of war was to lead Han Qingtian into Wuya Peak, and let her go to nothing.

Afterwards, Lin Cangxue turned into a Changhong with a helpless face and walked towards Wuya Peak.

In just three days, thousands of warriors gathered outside Wuya Peak.

People from Piaoxue Palace arrived first, followed by people from all major forces, as well as countless martial artists from the rivers and lakes, and the entire Wuya Peak was surrounded by water.

On the fourth day, Tian Leizong and his party arrived at Wuya Peak.

The purple thunder and lightning banner flew over, causing a commotion immediately.The Tianlei Sect has a long reputation in the East Spirit Realm, and few people dare to steal its edge.

But he didn't expect that a disciple of Piaoxue Palace would dare to touch this tiger's butt.

While the purple thunder and lightning banner was flying, everyone could feel the anger of Tianlei Sect, wishing to tear Lin Huang and the people from Piaoxue Palace to pieces.

Presumably, Tianleizong has not shown its fangs for many years, making these people forget its mighty power.

Facing Tianlei Sect's anger, Piaoxue Palace naturally did its part, and few people dared to speak up when Yannan returned to that station.And among the group of disciples behind Piaoxue Palace, the fighting spirit was also high.

These young disciples didn't have as many worries as others. They only felt that the chief disciple, Lin Huang, was so irritating. He even challenged Han Qingtian. Even if he failed, he was still strong!
However, there were countless idlers gathered on Wuya Peak, but Han Qingtian did not show up.

Lin Huang did not appear either.

All I want to do is wait for the arrival of the full moon night.

As time went by, more and more martial artists gathered outside Wuya Peak, surging like a crowd, reaching tens of thousands.

Among them, there are naturally Bai Xiaopang, Lu Han, Gu Nanzheng and others. Jun Qingcheng rushed to Wuya Peak the day after the letter of war was issued.

On the fifth day, Lin Cangxue finally appeared in the camp of Piaoxue Palace.

Finally, the time passed to July [-]th.

Tens of thousands of warriors surrounded Wuya Peak with impenetrable water. They were all looking forward to it, waiting for the night to fall, and also waiting for the two key figures to appear.


The night gradually opened, covering the entire sky.

A round of birth at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty slowly crossed the sky from a corner of the sky, and gradually hung high above the sky.

Gentle breeze.

Only between the eyebrows of the crowd, a figure in white suddenly appeared on Wuya Peak...

(End of this chapter)

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