
Chapter 321 The Battle of the Full Moon Night

Chapter 321 The Battle of the Full Moon Night

Under the long wind and bright moon, the white clothes manifest.

That figure was not big and tall, but it stood upright like a green pine.The snow-white robe flutters like a flag, and the blue silk rustles, moving forward under the bright moon, slowly standing on the top of the mountain, like a long wind and flowing clouds.

"It's Lin Huang!"

At the foot of the mountain, a martial artist shouted, causing a commotion in an instant.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the white-clothed figure on the top of the mountain, their moods were immediately aroused.On the top of the mountain, the young man who is less than 20 years old is the leader of this decisive battle.

He has practiced for only a few years, but he is already the chief disciple of Piaoxue Palace.

In the Great War of Four Schools and Ten Dynasties, one person suppressed and killed the disciples of various forces, which was even worse than that of Lin Cangxue back then.

In the Qinglong Mountains, he was besieged by more than 20 forces, and finally waited until Lin Cangxue went down the mountain to kill all those who were chasing him.

In the land of locking dragons, slaughter the dragon veins with one force.Clothed in black light, he instantly becomes a demon and kills all directions!

This once unknown young man who lived under Lin Cangxue's brilliance seemed to have become the protagonist of the East Spirit Realm overnight, a character who was quickly killed by all forces, and a legend of a new generation.

But today, he actually declared war on Han Qingtian.

Under the mountain peak, everyone looked up, sighed and laughed, hated and pitied.

It is undeniable that Lin Huang is now the well-deserved No.1 of the younger generation.But even so, how can he fight against Han Qingtian, how can he compete against an unfathomable figure?

"I'm afraid this time, it will be Lin Huang's final battle!"

"It's just a puppy, it's too arrogant and ruthless, it will be suppressed and killed sooner or later."

"Han Qingtian made a move. When the moon sets, there is no such person as Lin Huang in the East Spirit Realm."


Many powerful disciples laughed, especially the disciples of Tianlei Sect, who looked at Lin Huang as if they were a dead person, so why would a disciple of Piaoxue Palace dare to challenge their suzerain so presumptuously.

The disciples of Piaoxue Palace clenched their fists. Before Han Qingtian appeared, their palms were already sweating.

Even though such feats as Lin Huang's made them very excited, they were also worried about Lin Huang.I don't want him to die just like that, because once Lin Huang is given a few more years, the Piaoxue Palace will surely usher in glory.

Under the night, Lin Cangxue's five fingers were clenched and turned blue, and she stared blankly at the young man on the top of the mountain.

On the other hand, Jun Qingcheng was dressed in a crimson dress, holding her snowy cheeks in her tender hands, looking at the vigorous young man under the bright moon, with a sweet smile on her brows and eyes.

On the top of the mountain, Lin Huang stood like a spear, closing his eyes and waiting for Han Qingtian to appear.


In the void, there was a sudden sound of wind and thunder.

The tens of thousands of people down the mountain froze, and suddenly turned their heads to look at a place in the void.Under the bright moon in the sky, a figure suddenly appeared coming from the sky.

That figure is not very tall, but it is as deep as the sea, and it looks extremely proud.The purple clothes are floating, the black hair is flying, and the face is stern and majestic, showing the extraordinary momentum of the master of the sect.

I saw that the latter waved his sleeves, the wind and thunder scattered all over his body, he looked a little calm, but even more majestic.

Eight directions thundered Han Qingtian.

The moment the latter appeared, it attracted the attention of countless people, who were excited for that purple-clothed figure.

Walking in the air, the realm of Marquis Wu!
The disciples of Tianlei Sect were extremely excited. Looking at the middle-aged man suspended in the sky and covered with moonlight, he was overjoyed.

"The suzerain really has the realm of Marquis Wu, will he kill Lin Huang with three moves?"

"Three moves? One move is enough!"

"That Lin Huang is really looking for his own death, dare to challenge the suzerain, what can the new generation of legends in the East Spirit Realm do, he wants to become the dead soul under the suzerain's hands!"

On the other hand, the disciples of Piaoxue Palace felt depressed.It turned out that, as the rumors said, Han Qingtian broke through to the realm of Marquis Wu.

On Wuya Peak, Lin Huang had a calm expression on his face, looking up at the middle-aged man in the void, his expression did not change at all.

Back then in Tianlong Mountain, Han Qingtian had appeared, and he had the realm of Marquis Wu at that time.

In the void, Han Qingtian with his hands behind his back, landed on the top of the mountain as deep as an abyss, looking at the opposite Lin Huang, with a calm expression: "You make me look sideways!"

"I remember back then when you were outside the Blood Triangle, you were just an individual Yuan warrior. In just two years, you have reached the half-step Wuhou realm, which is enough to shock the world!"

Han Qingtian smiled calmly, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"It's rare that Sovereign Han still remembers the blood triangle!"

Lin Huang laughed.

"Back then, I should have killed you with one palm!"

Han Qingtian said with a negative hand, but he didn't show much remorse.

"In order to repay the kindness of Sect Master Han for chasing and killing you, I have tried my best to kill your Tianlei Sect members. I hope what I did did not disappoint you." Lin Huang pursed his lips and smiled, speaking very politely.

"Don't make me angry!"

Han Qingtian smiled lightly with his hands behind his back, as if he didn't care about the lives of those people at all, "It's not too late to kill you now! Your body should be very valuable and worthy of my study, no loss!"

"Do you know why I chose Wuya Peak to fight you?"

Lin Huang suddenly changed the subject.

"When Lin Changtian was hunted down by the Eastern Dynasty, he was buried alive here!"

When talking about Lin Changtian, Han Qingtian suddenly felt a little moved.The person he regarded as his old enemy all his life, he never even glanced at him.Even Xuanyuan Tibing, who he once looked down upon, is a myth in the world, unrivaled in the world.

"Han Qingtian, Deputy Envoy of the Blood God Hou!"

Lin Huang pursed his lips and smiled.

Han Qingtian's brows condensed slightly, and then he regained his composure, but there was an obvious murderous look between those brows, "I thought that you were avenging this Marquis for deposing Lin Cangxue's martial soul. I didn't expect that you knew the identity of this Marquis. Presumably you are one of the thirteen kills!"

Lin Huang looked calm, just smiled and said:
"300 years ago, Xuanyuan Changge and Jia Tiansheng, on this peak, killed Qiu Dali, the ancestor of the Blood Spirit Palace!"

"250 years ago, Xuanyuan Wuxiang died. Wubu Dongling of Xuanyuan Mansion once fought a bloody battle here for seventeen days, killing half of the Blood Spirit Hall!"

"In the future, there will be Chen Ruoxu on this peak, who will kill several Wuhous of your Blood Spirit Hall with one-handed attacking skills!"

"Two years ago, Jia Wanjin died in battle on Wuya Peak, killing you in the black robe of the Blood Spirit Hall!"

Under the bright moon in the sky, Lin Huang looked at Han Qingtian calmly, telling the secrets he knew, the demon-suppressing knife on his waist began to hum, and the white robe wrapped Lin Huang, hunting and flying, making the latter seem like A world-shattering long spear, standing between the sky and the earth.

"so what?"

Han Qingtian chuckled, "Today, I will send you down to be buried with them, so that you will be buried in this mountain forever!"

Lin Huang's gaze was magnanimous, and there was a sense of awe-inspiring righteousness in his pitch-black eyes, and his thin lips spat lightly, but his roar was like thunder, resounding for ten miles, full of murderous intent, spread up and down the sky:

"Today, I, Lin Huang, will kill you Han Qingtian on Wuya Peak. I will pay homage to the heroic soul with your blood. I will erect your corpse and kneel on the green mountain!"

(End of this chapter)

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