
Chapter 322 Fighting Han Qingtian

Chapter 322 Fighting Han Qingtian
Bright sky and bright moon, long wind and flowing clouds.

On Wuya Peak, Lin Huang suddenly let out a long howl, his white clothes rustled like a banner, and before the Suppressing Demon Knife was unsheathed, the Ten Miles of Knife Blade was slashing towards Han Qingtian.

The flourish of the sword light immediately illuminated the night sky.

Under the mountain, thousands of people trembled.Looking at the knife that had been prepared for a long time, they all showed disbelief, never thought that Lin Huang could be so tyrannical.

Half step Wuhou!

Yan Nangui's expression froze, and two rays of light shot out from his eyes.Lin Huang has been sleeping for half a year, but he has reached such a state. In time, he will definitely be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

The disciples of Tianlei Sect were also a little shocked.

Once upon a time, Qi Changfeng and others had the name of the Heaven's Chosen in the Eastern Spirit Realm, but they never thought that Lin Huang would get his hands on Marquis Wu when they saw him today.

"No wonder you dare to be so rampant and challenge the suzerain!"

"Even so, so what? The realm of Marquis Wu is a natural moat. Even if Lin Huang has already surpassed his peers, he will still be here today!"

Under the mountain, everyone was shocked, but Shili Daomang had already killed Han Qingtian.

I saw Han Qingtian wearing a purple shirt with big sleeves, and his eyes were majestic.Looking at the sword glow coming from the ten-mile attack, he didn't look at it at all, only when he waved his big sleeve, a long sword pointed to the sky, and when the long cry fell, the sword glow was cut into two.


Between the heaven and the earth, the sword light collapsed, and the sound of rumbling shook the four directions.

Thousands of people under the mountain stared at each other, Fang Jue Wuhou was so powerful, and when he swung his sword with his big sleeve, he completely crushed Lin Huang's long-prepared sword light.

The disciples of Tianlei Sect looked excited, with a look of satisfaction on their faces.

As they said, if you don't enter the realm of Marquis Wu, no matter how talented Lin Huang is, how can he compete against Han Qingtian who is thundering from all directions!
In the sky, after ten miles of sword light, Lin Huang turned into a line of blood, which seemed to split the bright moon into two pieces, killing Han Qingtian with murderous aura.

Han Qingtian frowned, feeling a dangerous aura.

"Is this your killing god's sword cut? It is indeed an earth-level martial art. It really makes me look at it, but it is not qualified to fight against me, Han Qingtian!"

Han Qingtian sneered, his figure could not keep calm, and he turned into a terrifying afterimage between the shouts, and the sword energy in the sky was like a huge stone sharpening a knife, cutting that blood line into several pieces.

Under the sky, suddenly heavy snow covered the sky.

The pitch-black night sky is icy cold, revealing endless sadness, which makes people feel dejected, and their mood fluctuates like tides.

"Snow in the world!"

Someone exclaimed, feeling the biting and dangerous aura contained in the sad snowflakes, and looked horrified.

70 years ago, Yanzang front, Xiao Xiao heavy snow filled the world.Wherever he went, Marquis Wu retreated, and no one in the world could be his enemy.When Yin Yang Valley was born that year, there was a heavy snowfall on the Yanzang Front, and it was unknown how many people's corpses were buried.

Today, heavy snow reappears all over the world.

Xiao Xiao's killing intent in the void seemed to be more terrifying than Yan Zangfeng.It is hard for tens of thousands of warriors to imagine how far Lin Huang has cultivated the palace-suppressing martial arts of Piaoxue Palace.

When everyone looked up, they saw that Han Qingtian hadn't completely cut off the killing god's sword, but was wrapped in heavy snow, and the endless wind and frost were like knives, all of them were crushed towards the latter.

"Chang Tian Sword Qi Jue!"

In the heavy snow, Han Qingtian also had a dignified expression.When the long sword is swung, there are thousands of sword qi cloaked in it, crushing the surrounding heavy snow with a powerful posture.

humming sound.

In the world of Xuepiao, Lin Huang, dressed in white clothes, suddenly appeared in front of Han Qingtian, and with a wave of his hand, he slashed out the ultimate knife hidden in the world of Xuepiao.

"Wuhou Tiangang!"

Han Qingtian's expression froze immediately, and he was surrounded by hundreds of swords, forming a ten-foot-sized sword aura to protect his whole body.


In the void, a loud noise shook the four directions.

Tens of thousands of warriors looked out, only to see that Wuhou Tiangang around Han Qingtian had countless cracks under Lin Huang's knife, and then suddenly exploded.

Lin Huang's saber was not exhausted, and the blade was shining and swept towards Han Qingtian's head.

Han Qingtian's complexion froze rapidly, and he retreated ten inches abruptly, avoiding the extremely dangerous knife.Although his life was not in danger, there was a scarlet and terrifying scar on his chest.

Under Wuya Peak, tens of thousands of warriors all changed their complexions, looking at the scene in the void in disbelief.

Han Qingtian...was injured?

That is the master of Tianlei Sect, a generation of Marquis Han Qingtian.To be injured in Lin Huang's hands, and to be forced into this situation by a half-step Wuhou junior?
The eyes of the disciples of Tianlei Sect were filled with anger and sneer, "Lin Huang really doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, dare to hurt the suzerain, do you really think he has this strength?"

"If the suzerain didn't see him as a younger generation and had spare hands, he would have been killed by thunder!"

The disciples of Tianlei Sect were not angry, but the eyes of everyone in Piaoxue Palace brightened.Bai Xiaopang crossed his two big waists, not to mention how excited he was, "That bastard Han Qingtian, who wants to mess with Boss Lin, is really stupider than Ergou!"

woof woof.

The big white cat on Bai Xiaopang's belly screamed with aggrieved face.

On Wuya Peak, Han Qingtian was a little dazed, but not too angry. His two fingers slid across the wound, and the terrifying wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Xue Piao Ren Ren, it's really not bad!"

Han Qingtian brushed off the blood on his shoulder with a wave of his hand, with a hint of sternness in his calmness, "But today's battle, let's end here! Ben Hou wants you to stab me, you should rest in peace!"

Han Qingtian flicked his long sleeves, and his calm voice came out like thunder:

"Big sleeves embrace the blue sky!"

Before the words fell, the breath in the void suddenly changed.Under the bright moon, Han Qingtian waved his big sleeves, and a mighty cage was formed, covering the void in a radius of ten miles.

On the cage, countless runes shone, permeated with terrifying power of gathering, like a blue sky world, suppressing all the favored sons of heaven in the world.

Being in the cage, Lin Huang's face became serious. He could feel the horror of the cage, and he could split it open with a single slash.

"This is... the blue sky cage!"

At the foot of Wuya Peak, a warrior exclaimed, "Han Qingtian's martial spirit has a big sleeve to embrace the sky. Han Qingtian once used this cage to suppress Marquis Wu with Tianyuan!"

The disciples of Tianlei Sect were extremely excited, looking at the ten-mile-long cage in the void, with terrifying runes shining like a sun, covering up the brilliance of the bright moon.

In the blue sky cage, Lin Huang didn't move.

"This blue sky cage contains a trace of power!"

Jun Qingcheng frowned.

"Back then, your father Lin Changtian was also trapped in it. If Xuanyuan Tibing hadn't appeared, he would have already turned into a ghost in this Marquis' cage. Today, I don't know if you, Lin Huang, have the ability to break this Marquis's cage. The blue sky prison!"

Under the sky, Han Qingtian squinted, his eyes full of confidence.

"Don't dare to compete with my father, but show off your power in front of me. Han Qingtian, you are really impressive!"

In the cage, Lin Huang was not anxious, and said calmly.

"This Marquis said that today's battle ends here!"

Han Qingtian flicked his sleeves and snorted coldly, raised his long sword to point to the sky, and once again a terrifying aura appeared around him, the long sword above his head suddenly shone brightly, with the light of thunder.

"Long sword attracts thunder!"

Under the void, Han Qingtian shouted loudly.Just as the words fell, dark clouds gathered in the sky, and the sound of mighty wind and thunder shook the void, as if a thunderbolt roared.

Under Wuya Peak, everyone was shocked.Looking at the scene in the void, they are all like clay sculptures and wood carvings.

"Han Qingtian is... wanting to attract thunder to kill Lin Huang?"

"He was able to attract thunder from the sky. This is a thunder that even the Wuhou realm dare not easily resist!"

"Lin Huang is in a prison cage in the blue sky, and the thunder is coming, he will definitely die!"



As if in response to everyone's speculation, there was a loud bang between heaven and earth.A terrifying ray of light shone through the night sky immediately, and then a terrifying thunder came with a thunderbolt!

After the first thunderbolt, hundreds of thousands of thunderbolts followed behind, rumbling and crushing a void.

In the blink of an eye, all the thunder and thunder fell towards the blue sky cage.

(End of this chapter)

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