
Chapter 324 Han Qingtian's Left Arm

Chapter 324 Han Qingtian's Left Arm
Under Wuya Peak, no one thought of it.The sudden Ziji Heavenly Thunder made Han Qingtian and Lin Huang into a mess.

In Xuanyuan City, Qin Xuance's face remained unchanged, even somewhat relaxed, constantly controlling the compass in front of him, peeping into the mysteries of the world.


On Wuya Peak, the thunder continued.Even if it is as strong as Han Qingtian, he is covered in blood at this moment, obviously injured.

And Lin Huang in the Qingtian cage was dripping with blood, struggling to resist Ziji Tianlei.The shocking power in the body flows through the whole body, constantly nourishing the body that is on the verge of being broken.

A click.

The Qingtian cage was directly shattered by Ziji Tianlei.

At this moment, Lin Huang in the sea of ​​purple thunder suddenly stood up.Looking at the rolling thunder around him, he suddenly let out a long howl, like the roar of an overlord.

Tens of thousands of people stared, only to see a blood-stained figure in white clothes on the top of Wuya Peak, and his whole body was glowing with golden light.Dragging his body with cracked flesh, he killed Han Qingtian.

Everyone was shocked.

"How could his body be so tyrannical? How dare he carry Ziji Thunder on his body and kill Han Qingtian!"

"Such a battle of burning oil and lighting a lamp, I'm afraid I will be struck to death by lightning soon!"

A warrior sneered.


Seeing Lin Huang charging towards him in the void, Han Qingtian's expression froze, with murderous intent in his eyes.Also carrying Ziji Tianlei, he fought towards Lin Huang.


Between the sky and the earth, another huge purple sky thunder rolled down, splitting the two of them shaking.Afterwards, the two men stabilized their bodies again, charging towards each other like two fierce tigers, vowing to decide life and death with one move!

"Cross Yama!"

"Sword from Longyuan!"

Amidst the torrential thunder, the two growled at the same time, endless sword qi and saber light collided, bursting from the void, and the terrifying air wave actually shook Ziji Tianlei away.

Under the mountain, thousands of people recalled the scene just now, and they couldn't help being a little shocked.

That cross knife light seemed to contain the power of yin and yang, against the moonlight, it seemed to be able to smash the moonlight directly.And when Han Qingtian drew his sword out of its sheath, it looked like a dragon dancing, watching the world with disdain.

Everyone looked at the bursting terrifying air wave, their minds were concentrated, they didn't know whether the two were alive or dead.

cough cough.

The waiting smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and Han Qingtian's figure suddenly appeared in the void.I saw a hideous cross scar on the latter's chest, with blood gurgling.

Han Qingtian's figure was suspended in the void, staggering awkwardly.

"Han Qingtian won!"

In the crowd, someone suddenly shouted, which caused the people of Tianlei Sect to cheer.

"The forest shortage is really terrifying. It's unimaginable that Han Qingtian can be pushed to this point! He is indeed the No.1 of Dongling's younger generation!"

"It's a pity that he is about to fall like this. If he is given a few more years, no one in the East Spirit Realm can fight against him except Xuanyuan Tibing!"

Some warriors sighed and seemed to be very sorry, but their faces were full of sneers.

At Piaoxue Palace, everyone was depressed.

"Is this the end?"

Among the warriors, Ye Hongxiu raised his eyebrows to look at the top of Wuya Peak, his eyebrows were furrowed, but instinctively he didn't believe it.

Jun Qingcheng didn't seem to have worried about Lin Huang at all. The latter's bright eyes were fixed on the young man in purple in the crowd, and he never moved away.

Only when Bai Xiaopang was about to rush up Wuya Peak, Jun Qingcheng said indifferently: "Brother Lin Huang is Qin Xuance's guardian, and Qin Xuance attracted the sky thunder. If the sky thunder is not extinguished, brother Lin Huang will be fine!"

Bai Xiaopang scratched his head and stood there restlessly.

Among the crowd, the young man in purple also turned his head to look at the scene in the sky, his brows were slightly condensed, as if he was thinking about something, and he murmured after a long time:
"Does Qin Changsheng dominate the world?"

Up and down the sky, when countless people see that the overall situation has been decided.Where the smoke and dust cleared, a blood-stained figure in white clothes suddenly appeared...

The latter stood quietly on the top of the mountain. Although it was not as tall as Han Qingtian standing in the air, it was indeed like a straight sky spear, with a wind spirit like jade and a trace of contempt and domineering.

The latter let the Ziji sky thunder roll down, but he was not afraid at all, and his whole body was shining with gold, as if he had passed the most painful period and reached the point of standing behind him.

"Ziji Tianlei is nothing more than that, let me loose!"

Under the sky, Lin Huang waved his hands domineeringly, only waving his sleeves.The Ziji Heavenly Thunder in the sky stopped abruptly and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Han Qingtian! Don't you need to show your left hand?"

On the top of the mountain, Lin Huang's blue silk rustled, calmly staring at Han Qingtian in the void.

And under the mountain peak, everyone stared at the scene in the distance, their eyes widened.They thought that Han Qingtian had won, but they never thought that Lin Huang would appear so calm and calm.

Han Qingtian was in a panic and bleeding.

The forest barren where sky spears stand tall.

The two are under the bright moon, forming a sharp contrast.Countless warriors couldn't help but stare sideways at him. Han Qingtian, the majestic Marquis of a generation, was forced into this situation by Lin Huang.

He hasn't stepped into Marquis Marquis Realm yet.

Could it be that this son really has the might of Tian Yuan to kill Marquis Wu?

The people of Tianlei Sect looked extremely ugly, their faces were covered with frost, and they wished to tear the blood-stained figure in white clothes on Wuya Peak to pieces.

Under the sky, Han Qingtian stared at Lin Huang with a calm expression. After all, a trace of anger welled up in his calm heart, and his deep voice was like a hissing tiger:

"as you wish!"

After the words fell, Han Qingtian let out a long howl.Dressed in purple clothes flying up, attracting storms from all directions, within less than ten breaths, the wounds all over his body were completely healed.

"The sorcery in the Blood Spirit Palace is really extraordinary!"

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows and sneered, the Demon Suppressing Saber in his hand became as cold as ice.

"You can be proud of being able to push Benhou to this point!"

Under the bright moon, Han Qingtian stepped in the void, staring at Lin Huang with a cold expression, like a wolf patrolling its prey, ready to slaughter it!

"It's a pity, you are not in the Wuhou realm after all. Across this natural moat, you can only become a dead soul in the hands of this Marquis!"

Han Qingtian talked and laughed freely, as if he had controlled Lin Huang's life and death.In the blink of an eye, Han Qingtian's left sleeve exploded, exposing the rumored baby's arm.

Klang clang clang!

In just a few breaths, that snow-white and soft baby's arm made a terrifying sound of gold and stone, and gradually turned into a ferocious and savage arm.

The arms are as thick as the thighs of ordinary people, showing a crimson color, as if they were cast from endless blood, and the aura emanating from the arms makes the entire void a little bit colder.

In that arm, the shrill cries of countless crows sounded.

On the top of Wuya Peak, Lin Huang stared at Han Qingtian's left arm, and couldn't help feeling a sudden chill on his back, feeling an extremely dangerous aura completely enveloped him.

It was a long-lost feeling of death.

"Is this your true power?"

Lin Huang took a deep breath, but there was no trace of fear in his eyes, but a seething fighting spirit.Staring at the terrifying arm with pitch-black eyes, Lin Huang retracted the knife into its sheath abnormally, and an astonishing aura of formation danced at his fingertips...

(End of this chapter)

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