
Chapter 325 Undying Han Qingtian

Chapter 325 Undying Han Qingtian

Under Wuya Peak, when Han Qingtian's left arm changed, many warriors changed color.I don't know that the latter's arm is actually hiding such a secret.

But on the top of the mountain, there were hundreds of formation marks flying around the blood-stained body in white clothes.

The formation is like a sword, exuding a palpitating breath.

"Level [-] Array Master!"

Among the warriors, some formation masters said in surprise, all of them showed disbelief.

Murong Fen frowned, with an unstoppable smile on his face.Lin Huang, who had only met a second-level array master for the first time, jumped into the ranks of a fourth-level array master in less than a year.

Under the sky, Lin Huang's gaze was like a torch.While waving his arms, the formation marks all over his body are like leaping elves, and just in the breath, they are connected into formations, turning into a murderous sword formation.

"As expected of the legend of the new generation of the Eastern Spirit Realm!"

In the sky, Han Qingtian looked embarrassed, but remained calm, "However, if you want to use this to fight against this lord, the fourth-level formation is far from enough!"

Han Qingtian's long arms stretched across the sky, like a broken backbone, from which endless blood rushed out, with a murderous aura.

"Is it?"

Lin Huang frowned and chuckled, only when the five fingers were moving, the sword array in his hand was filled with a icy aura, which made the aura of the void freeze.

Then, Lin Huang waved his arm again, and a fourth-level formation appeared under the sky, exuding the aura of blazing fire.

On the top of Wuya Peak, there are two sword formations of ice and fire, each occupying half of the void.The completely different breath reveals an extremely dangerous feeling.

Han Qingtian frowned, his left arm was fisted, and he was immediately vigilant.

"go with!"

Lin Huang spat out his thin lips lightly, and swept the two sword formations towards Han Qingtian. The terrifying aura swept across, causing the air to burst.Half turned into ice, half burning with fire.

Han Qingtian waved his arms and screamed, turned into a stream of light, and slashed towards the formation.


Under the sky, there was a loud noise.

The moment Han Qingtian's left arm fell, the two sword arrays with diametrically opposite auras merged and exploded, causing the void to shake and arouse smoke and dust all over the sky.

Everyone frowned, not knowing what the result would be.But Lin Huang suddenly let out a long howl, the Embroidery God Knife in his left hand was out of its sheath, and the Demon Suppressing Knife in his right hand screamed, like two streamers of light entering the smoke and dust.

The left hand slashes and kills the gods with a single knife, and the right hand leaves the snow floating in the world.In the intertwining of demon-suppressing embroidered gods, the cross Yama was evolved with the two major martial arts, reflecting the bright moon and sinking into the smoke and dust.

Under the mountain peak, a young man in purple had a gleam in his eyes and a cold smile.

Keng Keng Keng.

Among the smoke and dust, the sound of gold and stone came out, but it was audible across the mountain peaks.

Tens of thousands of warriors frowned, not knowing how the battle was going to be in the smoke and dust.It's just that they can vaguely perceive that the two must be fighting together at this moment, constantly fighting.

humming sound.

In the void, a cloud of blood mist suddenly exploded, dispelling the smoke and dust covering the sky, making everyone's eyes unobstructed.But when everyone looked at the sky again, they were dumbfounded, with astonishment on their faces.

In the sky above, Lin Huang was dressed in blood, his whole body was shining with golden light, and his flesh was radiant.A pair of iron fists clanged like an ancient bell, and fell on Han Qingtian with a domineering and powerful posture.

In just a few breaths, Lin Huang punched hundreds of punches in succession.It made Han Qingtian look like a kite with a broken thread, extremely embarrassed and blood poured all over his body.

And his left arm had burst open long before.


The scene in the sky shocked countless people.

The disciples of Tianlei Sect were like clay sculptures and woodcarvings, their eyes were full of disappointment, and they didn't understand why such a result happened.

That little forest thief, obviously not in the realm of Marquis Wu, how could he push Han Qingtian to this stage.

Bai Xiaopang looked overjoyed, his buttocks could be lifted up to the sky.

Yan Nangui and the others also breathed a sigh of relief, only Jun Qingcheng's expression remained unchanged, his star-like eyes were still staring at the purple-clothed youth.

"Han Qingtian, do you still remember the Great Xia Dynasty?"

"Do you still remember the blood triangle!"

"Do you still remember Tianlong Mountain!"

Under the bright sky and bright moon, Lin Huang's fists were like spears, and they fell on Han Qingtian's body like a violent wind and rain, splitting the latter's flesh and blood, crushing the latter's muscles and bones, and breaking the latter's meridians .

At any time, Lin Huang could crush the latter's head with one punch.

"Do you think that you are superior and you are the master of a sect, so you can control the life and death of others at will?"

Lin Huang shouted loudly, his eyes were like lightning, revealing an invincible domineering power.

"Do you really think that you can kill me, Han Qingtian, with a puppy of yours who is not in the realm of Marquis Wu?"

In the void, Han Qingtian vomited blood and laughed, his eyes filled with madness and sarcasm.

Lin Huang's expression changed slightly, and he punched Han Qingtian hard on the head.

A bang.

Where the eyes of all the people were concentrated, Lin Huang's golden fist slammed Han Qingtian's head into pieces, and the latter's body burst apart, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

The people of Tianlei Sect froze immediately, looking at the scene that made them despair in disbelief.

"The suzerain... has actually lost?"

A disciple said tremblingly, with a tear in his voice, he never imagined that Han Qingtian, a generation of Wuhou, was really defeated, defeated by a rising star.

"'s impossible!"

Some disciples shouted loudly that they were unwilling to be reconciled to the young man who was only the same age as himself and others, trampling their suzerain under their feet.

Under Wuya Peak, countless warriors stared at the scene in the sky bewilderedly, their intuition was shocked, and it was difficult to express it for a while.

However, before everyone reacted.In the void, Han Qingtian's burst of blood mist stopped suddenly, suspended in the void, exuding a strange aura.

Lin Huang stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the floating blood mist, he felt an unprecedented danger.Just between waving his hands, countless sword shadows appeared all over Lin Huang's body, pointing directly at the blood mist in the void.

"This is……"

At the foot of the mountain, a warrior said in surprise, deeply feeling Han Qingtian's strangeness.

In just a few breaths, the blood mist suspended in the void moved violently, heading towards one place.

Lin Huang waved his arm, and the sword shadows all over his body flew out, cutting towards the blood mist everywhere in the void.But he suddenly discovered that the sword energy piercing through the blood mist had no effect at all.

The blood mist is like water, reuniting after dispersing.

Lin Huang frowned tightly, and the hundreds of sword shadows around him quickly merged into one, forming a giant sword.

humming sound.

In less than a quarter of an hour, all the blood mist in the void had condensed, forming a huge mass of blood mist.The blood mist surged and gradually manifested into a blood-condensed human figure.

"All swords are united!"

Lin Huang spat out his thin lips, and the giant sword was aimed at the figure, vowing to kill the latter before Han Qingtian returned with blood.

With a bang, I saw Wan Jian return to where it fell, and the blood mist was directly smashed into countless blood...

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows and stared at him, never relaxing in the slightest.I saw that the countless blood that had been chopped into pieces gathered together again in the blink of an eye, gradually revealing Han Qingtian's face:
"Thank you very much, for helping Ben Hou take the last step, making Ben Hou completely a monster!"

Han Qingtian was smiling all over his face, but his voice was full of perverted pleasure and extreme anger, as if a person who had been struggling between good and evil for many years had finally cut off the last ray of light in his heart and turned himself into a demon king in the dark night!

(End of this chapter)

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