
Chapter 326 Avici Hell

Chapter 326 Avici Hell
Under the bright moon in the sky, blood mist surged, completely revealing Han Qingtian's appearance.The latter was clothed in blood all over his body, and his figure was burly and ferocious, with a huge crow's blood wings appearing behind him.

When the blood wings were stirred, thousands of crows flew out, screaming in the void, frightening and ear-piercing.

"Back then, your father Lin Changtian killed me for three thousand miles. He forced me to have no way to go to the sky and nowhere to go to the earth. In the end, I was forced to join the Blood Spirit Palace, so I was able to regenerate my left arm and make a comeback!"

"I didn't expect that you, a little dog, could force Benhou to completely change into this appearance today. You really have a bit of the demeanor of Lin Changtian back then!"

Han Qingtian and Xukong stepped forward with their hands behind their backs, staring at Lin Huang with cold eyes.

"Your Dao heart is not stable, this is just an excuse for you to pursue power and power!"

Lin Huang said flatly, "I thought I was suffering and struggling to survive. In the end, it's nothing more than a narrow-mindedness, which makes me hate the world!"


Han Qingtian grinned, "As early as three years ago, when the Marquis suppressed Lin Cangxue, I understood this problem! Since the Marquis has limited talent, I will kill all those so-called geniuses!"

"Today, it's your turn!"

Han Qingtian laughed loudly, staring at Lin Huang vigorously.With a wave of his hand, thousands of blood crows in the void let out increasingly shrill cries, sealing off the void.

"If you want to kill Lin Changtian's son, you will definitely drive this mighty man crazy!"

Han Qingtian laughed loudly, his eyes were full of arrogance.

"Maybe... you're overthinking it!"

Lin Huang smiled, but his face suddenly became cold, and the demon-suppressing knife in his hand suddenly lay across his chest, making a terrifying roar, as if he wanted to cut off all the injustices in the world.

Han Qingtian smiled lightly, never caring about Lin Huang's gaining momentum, his thin lips uttered with murderous intent:
"Blood sacrifice!"

Before the words were finished, the atmosphere in the void suddenly changed. Countless crows flew in the air, forming a large blood-colored formation from the void, directly plundering Lin Huang's energy and blood in a terrifying manner.

Under the mountain, thousands of people raised their heads in shock.

I saw that under the sky, countless blood scythes of hell rushed out of the bloody formation, beheading the surrounding void without leaving any vitality or breath.

In the turbulent hell blood scythe, Lin Huang's white clothes were stained with blood, standing like a sky spear.

In the big formation, Lin Huang felt the murderous intent coming rapidly around him, and his expression remained unchanged.He just looked up at the crazy Han Qingtian, and suddenly sighed.

Then, Lin Huang held the Suppressing Demon Knife with both hands, and slowly closed his eyes.A tyrannical and invincible murderous aura suddenly permeated from the body...

Only when Lin Huang's words fell, the void suddenly shook.

As far as the eyes of thousands of people could see, a blood-colored field suddenly opened up from Lin Huang's body, stretching for ten miles without end.

On the field, there are buried Tianjiao, dead beauties, Buddha with a broken head... blood flows like a river, and corpses pile up like a mountain, like Abi Hell, even the moonlight is blood red, as if shed tears of blood.

Han Qingtian suddenly changed color, looking at Lin Huang standing in front of him holding a knife, he felt the breath of death.With just a wave of his hand, the Void Blood Scythe became more terrifying and fierce, wanting to completely suppress and kill Lin Huang.

"This is……"

At the foot of the mountain, all the warriors looked at Abi Hell with expressions of shock on their faces.A few miles away, one can still feel the incomparably astonishing murderous intent, as if the god of killing is present in the world, exterminating the ten directions.


Up and down the sky, Lin Huang's long heh suddenly resounded like thunder.

Under the bright moon, Lin Huang held the Demon Suppressing Saber in his hand, and swept across the sky like a shocking rainbow, piercing through the blood moon, crushing the blood scythe surging around him like a sea, and killing thousands of blood in the void. crow.

Only in the blink of an eye, it appeared behind Han Qingtian...

The void is silent at this moment.

The blood moon emitted a strange light, and Abi Hell slowly disappeared.The silhouettes of Lin Huang and Han Qingtian were reflected in the bright moon, looking so energetic.

In the sky, the Suppressing Demon Knife was slowly sheathed!

Lin Huang calmly gathered his sleeved robe, straightened his collar, and walked down Wuya Peak slowly.

Only ten steps after Lin Huang left, Han Qingtian behind him suddenly exploded, and the blood all over his body flew like rain, and he could no longer be reborn with blood sacrifice.It turned into a white bone corpse and fell from the void.

With a loud bang, the corpse fell to the ground and knelt in front of Wuya Peak.

Up and down the sky, tens of thousands of people were shocked, unable to believe what they saw.

"Han Qingtian... was defeated?!"

Under Wuya Peak, tens of thousands of people can't help sighing as they look at the figure of the young man walking calmly.

Once upon a time, that young man was hunted down by various forces and almost died in Tianlong Mountain.In the blink of an eye for half a year, the latter has completely emerged with such means and has become an existence that cannot be ignored.

On the rocky mountain road, Lin Huang's expression was calm, just a little happy.

No matter how powerful Han Qingtian is, how noble his status is, how miserable his background is, and how painful his growth is, in his eyes, he is always an enemy who should not have the slightest pity.

He was very happy to kill Han Qingtian today, that's all!

Just when Lin Huang walked halfway up the mountain, the void suddenly shook, and the long wind and flowing clouds suddenly swept through with terrifying murderous intent.

Lin Huang's complexion suddenly changed, he only felt the terrifying danger covering his whole body, which was several times more terrifying than Han Qingtian's, and it must be the top Wuhou powerhouse who made the move.

When he raised his eyebrows, he saw a huge palm strike from the top of his head, like a dark cloud surrounded by terrifying thunder!

Not only that, from the moment the palm appeared, dozens of terrifying auras suddenly appeared in the void, all of which had the realm of Marquis Wu.They sealed off one side of the void, vowing to kill the forest in an instant.

Kill it completely in the cradle.

Yan Nangui's complexion changed drastically, and he walked towards Shining like a rainbow...

The Supreme Elder of Tianlei Sect intercepted and killed Yan Nangui.

Up and down the sky, tens of thousands of warriors felt the breath of the great change in the void, and they were all a little shocked.However, on the halfway up the mountain, Lin Huang went down the mountain as calmly as before after the initial fear.

In an instant, the giant thunder palm slashed and killed Lin Huang.

There are dozens of Marquis Wu's aura coming hand in hand.

Lin Huang was still calm, as calm as a wind and a cloud.

Just as the countless attacks were attacking Lin Huang, a Wuhou Tiangang suddenly appeared around him, frighteningly blocking all the attacks.

Tens of thousands of people's faces were shocked, who made the move, and with a Wuhou Tiangang, they blocked everyone's means of attacking and killing?
In the dark night sky, snowflakes suddenly fell.

Lin Huang raised his head, and saw a blue-clothed figure appearing under the bright moon, slowly approaching him, and within a few steps, he appeared beside Lin Huang.

"I've seen Senior Brother!"

Lin Huang laughed.

The one-armed middle-aged man nodded, patted Lin Huang on the shoulder, and said flatly, "It's just killing Han Qingtian, making such a big noise, there is no thirteen kills like you!"

Lin Huang stared at Yan Zangfeng in surprise.

Yan Zangfeng turned his head to look at the void, and his eyes swept over the dozens of Marquis Wu who made the move, his voice was calm but revealed an incomparable magnanimity and majesty:
"I'll give you three breaths, and those who don't roll will die!"

(End of this chapter)

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