
Chapter 335 Ye Wuchan

Chapter 335 Ye Wuchan

"No Zen Temple?"

In the study, Lin Huang's face was full of doubts, and he was extremely unfamiliar with the word Wuchan Temple, "What kind of place is that, a Buddhist temple?"

Tibing Xuanyuan raised his eyebrows and smiled, "It's all called Wuchan, what kind of temple is it? Although it is a pure place of Buddhism, it is just that after Ye Wuchan became disheartened, he escaped into Buddhism and sacrificed himself for the rest of his life. Just locked in a cage!"

"What do you mean?"

Lin Huang felt that Xuanyuan Tibing was a little confused when he drank, but he didn't expect that a generation of myths in the world would also have a bad capacity for alcohol.

"There is an old monk in the East Spirit Realm named Ye Wuchan. A temple was built more than 200 years ago, called Wuchan Temple, Ye Wuchan's Wuchan Temple!"

Xuanyuan Tibing continued.

"Has he anything to do with my father?"

Lin Huang asked.

Xuanyuan Tibing shook his head, "It shouldn't have much to do with your father, but Wuchan Temple has something to do with Xuanyuan Mansion!"

Lin Huang bumped into Xuanyuan Tibing's jug, and listened in a trance.

"That old guy Ye Wuchan is the brother of Wuxiang's ancestor, and he was also one of the few generation's talents in the East Spirit Realm more than 200 years ago!"

Xuanyuan Tibing said casually, but Lin Huang listened with gusto.

For the name Ye Wuchan, it was unheard of before, and I didn't expect it to be a figure in Xuanyuan Wuxiang's era.Thinking of Xuanyuan Wuxiang's soul flying away in the Land of Suolong, Lin Huang couldn't help feeling a little sad.

"But this person's personality is extremely arrogant and conceited!"

Tibing Xuanyuan suddenly shook his head, sighed, and said:
"Back then, he and Wuxiang's ancestor fell in love with his great-grandmother at the same time. The two fought because of their great-grandmother..."

Lin Huang choked on another sip of wine, he didn't expect such a clichéd thing to happen to Xuanyuan Wuxiang.

"Shortly afterwards, the great-grandmother married the great-grandmother. Ye Wuchan cut off his righteousness with the great-grandfather for this reason. He swore that he would never enter Xuanyuan City in this life. A monastery without Zen!"

Xuanyuan Tibing smiled, but there was a bit of bitterness on his face, "It's a pity that the ancestor just got married, and Yin Yang Valley was born again, and finally died in Yin Yang Valley!"

Lin Huang looked silent.

The Xuanyuan family has been in decline since Xuanyuan Wuxiang started.A generation of heroes died in battle, opening the prelude to the blood spirit hall's poisoning of the world.The entire family in Xuanyuan Mansion, for this reason, promulgated Dongling, bloodbathed the rivers and lakes, and brought 50 years of peace to the Dongling Realm.

"Later, after my grandmother gave birth to Linzi, she recuperated for less than three days. She was dressed in white and held the flag of the Xuanyuan clan, and went straight into the troubled times of Dongling alone!"

Xuanyuan Tibing hoarsely smiled, with sentimentality on his drunken face, "I have pity on my great-grandmother, she went to the Wuchan Temple three times, and asked Ye Wuchan to come down the mountain, but that old bald donkey avoided seeing her until the great-grandmother finally Killing himself on the Luoyue City Tower!"

In the messy study room, Xuanyuan Tibing's murderous intent surged quietly.

Lin Huang sighed and took a sip of wine. He couldn't comment on the grievances and hatreds of the generation more than 200 years ago, and he was not qualified.

"Ye Wuchan is still alive?"

Lin Huang suddenly asked.

"Maybe it's still there..."

Xuanyuan Tibing smiled disdainfully, "My Xuanyuan Mansion has always turned a blind eye to Wuchan Temple. But if that old bald donkey is still alive, as long as he dares to walk out of Wuchan Temple, I, Xuanyuan Tibing, will wring his arm. head!"

cough cough...

Lin Huang coughed violently twice, and Xuanyuan Tibing really relaxed when he talked about the murder.If Ye Wuchan is still in the world and has lived for more than 200 years, he doesn't know how powerful he should be, but Xuanyuan Tibing will kill as soon as he says it.

Afterwards, Lin Huang became even more puzzled.

If Lin Changtian had nothing to do with Wuchan Temple, why did he make a special trip to Wuchan Temple more than ten years ago before going to Yinyang Valley?

"I still have a doubt?"

Skimming Ye Wuchan's topic, Lin Huang continued to ask drunkenly, "Everyone says that Xuanyuan's soldiers are invincible once they enter Marquis Wu, but is it true?"

In the study, Xuanyuan Tibing suddenly chuckled twice.

Even though Xuanyuan Tibing was faintly drunk at the moment, those tiger eyes were shining brightly, exuding unparalleled domineering, "I, Xuanyuan Tibing, carry a million soldiers, who dares to fight me. In the spirit realm, or in the entire Sky Continent, if we confront each other in the Marquis Wu realm, no one can stop me!"

Lin Huang looked slightly stunned, quickly took a sip of wine, and said in a disappointing way: "The wind is a bit strong!"

"You kid..."

Tibing Xuanyuan lay on the pile of books, kicked Lin Huang twice with his foot, and scolded with a smile: "One day, you will know what I said is true. If you call me uncle, I will tell you to attack Da This technique will make you the second person who is invincible once you enter Marquis Wu!"

At this time, Xuanyuan Tibing still couldn't forget to take advantage of Lin Changtian.

"Not learn!"

Lin Huang spat out two words in a daze, but after he finished speaking, he woke up instantly, his intestines were green with regret.

Xuanyuan Tibing smiled heartily, like an idle middle-aged man, without the slightest air of a myth in the world.

dong dong dong.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside the study, "Mansion Master, in a border city of the Great Zhou Dynasty, 3 people were turned into puppets of the Blood Spirit Palace overnight, and more than 7 people were massacred within three days." !"

Hearing Feng Wanli's voice outside the door, Lin Huang was visibly startled, and couldn't help but gasp.

3 people turned into puppets, and more than 7 people were slaughtered... Has the Blood Spirit Hall really started to welcome the return of the evil king?
Lin Huang turned his head, only to see that Tibing Xuanyuan had already stood up, all the drunkenness in his body disappeared, his silent face was like a carving on the blade of a knife, standing quietly in the study, as mighty as a mountain.

Lin Huang didn't say much, and after bowing deeply, he left the study.

Walking down the Tiance Building, Lin Huang looked at the sky that was gradually darkening, his dark eyes showed determination...

The Blood Spirit Hall is making waves, and the Yin Yang Valley is about to be born.A great catastrophe will be unavoidable.The sky in the Eastern Spirit Realm, I'm afraid it won't be long before it will be as chilling as this dark night.

He has not yet stepped into the Marquis of Wu realm, and he has not yet had the capital to confront the Blood Spirit Hall and the evil king head-on.But he also has his own business, which is not finished yet.

Xie Qinghou exchanged his life for the list of people hidden in the Blood Spirit Hall in the East Spirit Realm. Under the crazy assassination of Thirteen Kills, more than half of the people on the list died.

But still not completely killed.

The bones of the heroic soul are still cold, so the killing will naturally not stop.

That night, Lin Huang and Lin Cangxue left the Xuanyuan Mansion hand in hand, and re-entered the rivers and lakes in the name of the thirteen kills!

"Boss Lin..."

The two had just left Xuanyuan Mansion when Bai Xiaopang's enchanting voice came from behind.

Lin Huang turned his head, and saw Bai Xiaopang riding a big white cat, swaying after him, showing a flattering smile, "This Xuanyuan Mansion is too boring, like a place where birds don't shit, you can't abandon me !"

Lin Huang frowned slightly, but his eyes fell on the girl in red behind.

Jun Qingcheng did not speak, but stared at Lin Huang with a pair of clear eyes, which made Lin Huang feel a little nervous.

"Very dangerous!"

Lin Huang said to Jun Qingcheng that he could take Bai Xiaopang there, but he didn't want Jun Qingcheng to be in danger.And once Jun Qingcheng draws his sword, there is no need for Lin Huang to make a move.

This is... so embarrassing.

"Soon, I will leave the East Spirit Realm!"

Jun Qingcheng said in silence, with expectation and reluctance in his autumn eyes.

Lin Huang frowned slightly, feeling lost in his heart for a moment.

Jun Qingcheng escaped secretly, so naturally he couldn't stay longer.When he was in the Land of Locking Dragons, Jun Qingcheng had said that the family's patrol angels were about to find the East Spirit Realm!

After thinking for a while, Lin Huang raised his foot and kicked Bai Xiaopang off the big white cat, then sat on it with Jun Qingcheng in his arms.

The big white cat roared in a low voice, as if it was a little annoyed, Lin Huang casually threw it a elixir, and then became very docile without spine.

Afterwards, Lin Huang led Lin Cangxue and Jun Qingcheng on the back of the big white cat to leave, leaving Bai Xiaopang yelling at Lin Huang for being ungrateful, but followed behind...

(End of this chapter)

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